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Poll: Who should it be?
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Fire Emblem character suggestions
(09-26-2009, 12:34 AM)Tyvon Wrote: Marth and Roy.

Marth is the original Lord the first of the FE series. He is extremely iconic. In fact he's the most iconic character to that series.
Being the main character of a game automatically puts you in first place of importance.

Basically here's the hierarchy of character importance.

1. Main Character (Mario/ Fox)
2. Right Hand Man (Luigi/ Falco)
3. Villain/ Rival (Bowser/ Wolf)
4. Love Interest (Peach/ Krystal)
5. Supporting character

It becomes difficult when the series has a different cast every time but Supporting Character should be the last of your choice.

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Why does love interest get a spot. Wouldn't it just be another supporting character? Honestly, atleast in terms of Starfox, I think Peppy and Slippy, as supporting characters, would get a spot before her.
Mew2King Wrote:they should make a cereal called jiggly puffs
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(09-26-2009, 08:36 AM)Kirbyfan Wrote: Why does love interest get a spot.

Because it's Hoes before Bros in the world of games.
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(09-26-2009, 08:36 AM)Kirbyfan Wrote: Why does love interest get a spot. Wouldn't it just be another supporting character? Honestly, atleast in terms of Starfox, I think Peppy and Slippy, as supporting characters, would get a spot before her.
No they wouldn't. Peppy is old and retired and Slippy is only useful in a Landmaster. Krystal is actually a legitimate fighter outside of the Arwing.
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Not to mention she has a more important role in the plot compared to Peppy and Slippy. She's an actual motivation, and a plot twist for Command. Peppy and Slippy are just quarky little helpers who actually have little to do with the plot.

Except in Assault where Peppy charges the Great Fox into the shield, or Slippy in Command who has a fiance. But that's about it.

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(09-26-2009, 08:36 AM)Kirbyfan Wrote: Why does love interest get a spot. Wouldn't it just be another supporting character? Honestly, atleast in terms of Starfox, I think Peppy and Slippy, as supporting characters, would get a spot before her.

If there was a chance that Krystal wasn't in, I'd actually feel that Leon would be a better choice than Peppy or Slippy.

Thermic Wrote:sword users could still be unique if done properly. right now most of the sword users are relatively slow in comparison to normal attacks. an extremely fast, dramatic (awesome pause at each slash effect) would still be very different. also, the black knight could make an interesting *tons of buildup, extremely fast actual attack* character. like he takes a while to lift the sword then smashes it down super fast.

That sounds like a good gameplay strategy for Lyn Big Grin
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(09-25-2009, 09:15 AM)Tyvon Wrote: gray fox and raiden both use blazing fast sword styles (and raiden also has a knife on his ankle) and are drastically different from other characters.

My roommate also said that Lyn would likely attack that way (quick strikes and speed-dependent). I guess it'd be like the other speedies, but with extended attack reach.
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yes but most "fast" sword users the attacks are still considerably slower than most characters'. for grey fox or lyn it would be way more interesting if they literally had lightning fast sword strikes that just did very little damage.
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Like's Meta Knight?
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So much for people wanting Sothe. >_>;;
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Guys, I think it's pretty clear that no one on this forum knows about Fire Emblem. Show of hands who've actually played a game in the franchise.

Because 1) We still have Roy for a playable character. 2) We have Black Knight on the list of playable characters. and 3) the only non Tellius Saga character is Lyn, who isn't even the main character from the game she resides in.

Honestly, why are we adding another Fire Emblem character? There hasn't been an actual new game in the franchise since Radiant Dawn (Shadow Dragon was a remake). If there was, we could just add the lord from that.

Especially when we have better characters to add, such as Axe Wielding Psyenergy Adept Issac from Golden Sun, or how about the rebellious marksman Saki from Sin and Punishment? Heck, why is CAPTAIN FALCON the ONLY F-Zero character.

Fire Emblem doesn't deserve 4 characters if there isn't an obvious candidate for the position. If you really want someone new, replace Roy with Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword hero Eliwood. I would've pushed for him earlier, but he's basically a Roy clone. Heck, if you want, have Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector fight as one. Switching like Zelda and Pokemon Trainer. They'd be more deserving than Roy. There was a reason he was cut from Brawl, guys, and Ike wasn't just added to replace him.
Thanked by: Kitsu, Kairos
(09-28-2009, 05:05 PM)Ark Kuvis Wrote: how about the rebellious marksman Saki from Sin and Punishment?
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Ahahaha! You're pleading the same argument I had been using way back. But unfortunately Tonberry is contempt on making every favored franchise have atleast four characters and not others.

However there is hope. I'm going to do everything in my power (meaning constant irritation) to make sure that Tonberry agrees to add more characters with updates after its release.

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I believe that's up to Runouw. Tonberry isn't programming the game

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(09-28-2009, 05:05 PM)Ark Kuvis Wrote: There hasn't been an actual new game in the franchise since Radiant Dawn (Shadow Dragon was a remake).

There was still new characters in Shadow Dragon. What about like, Horace?
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