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Ultimecia's Submissions 2.0
(02-10-2010, 08:23 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: Well, I don't know how to use tile molester (this could save me lots of trouble and time), so I rip old-fashioned way (sprite by sprite using animget)

Anyway, a quickie

FF Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
[Image: FFCCEoTPlayableIcon.png]

This game uses most of the townies portraits from Ring of Fates, and the only new portraits for playable character are the female clavat, female selkie and female yuke (the previous game used a unisex yuke portrait), all the others are only palette swaps. Laaame.
great! :]

(02-10-2010, 04:00 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: Anybody got another ideas/suggestions? :p
Do you mean requests?
If so:
Super Monkey Ball Tip n' Tilt for Mobile
I once tried to rip from it but an Hex Editor is required(Maneko did it) and I don't know how to Hex edit
[Image: scaled.php?server=441&filename=ipposig.png&res=medium]
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Oh, I can't use Hex Editor either, but it's fairly simple. You'll need any hex editor you find (I use Translhextion) and know the PNG header ( 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A . I keep it on a .txt Wink ). Open the editor and find (usually Ctrl+F) for the PNG header. Then just select everything before it and delete. Save it. Open it with your image editor, copy the image and paste it at another image. Close the first image, re-open it on the hex editor, find the next PNG header and delete everything before it again. Repeat and rinse until you're done. Yeah, it IS a pain in the butt, but works. It don't work on GameLoft titles, keep that in mind. If you want, I can give it a try ;p

Two updates and one new sheet

FFCC Ring of Fates
[Image: DSFFCCRoFVillainIcon.png]

Wrong game tag :o I was distracted

FFCC Echoes of Time
[Image: DSFFCCEoTVillagersIcont.png]

More portraits!

New stuff!

FFCC Echoes of Time
[Image: DSFFCCEoTTownNPCsIcon.png]

Look familiar? It should be. Square did a very lazy job on this one.
As for Sherlotta, Larkeicus, Veriaulde and maybe the monster (I can't remember if it had a portrait or not) I'm going to make one single sheet.
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Yeah, I was bored (and avoiding Ax Battler :p)

Final Fantasy X - Fantasy War

[Image: GBCFFXFWWarriorIcon.png]

[Image: GBCFFXFWBlackMageIcon.png][Image: GBCFFXFWHunterIcon.png]

Yeah, I believe the green one is the hunter, not the thief. Just check it out
[Image: Compare.png]

All the playable characters done Wink
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by: TomGuycott
Guess what? TWO updates and one new sheet from Echoes of Time!
I'm trying to rip the mercenaries, but my emulator is acting strange to save regularly. I believe I used too many cheats to mess around XD

[Image: DSFFCCEoTVillagersIcont.png][Image: DSFFCCEoTTownNPCsIcon.png]

[Image: DSFFCCEoTNPCsIcon.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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(02-12-2010, 06:52 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: Oh, I can't use Hex Editor either, but it's fairly simple. You'll need any hex editor you find (I use Translhextion) and know the PNG header ( 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A . I keep it on a .txt Wink ). Open the editor and find (usually Ctrl+F) for the PNG header. Then just select everything before it and delete. Save it. Open it with your image editor, copy the image and paste it at another image. Close the first image, re-open it on the hex editor, find the next PNG header and delete everything before it again. Repeat and rinse until you're done. Yeah, it IS a pain in the butt, but works. It don't work on GameLoft titles, keep that in mind. If you want, I can give it a try ;p
It worked!
I'll now be able to rip more mobile games :]
Thanks for your help
[Image: scaled.php?server=441&filename=ipposig.png&res=medium]
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It's a very boring process but you can get some cool stuff doing so. Also it's not everyone who knows this little trick Wink

A quickie one, from both Ring of Fates and Echoes of Time

[Image: DSFFCCItemsIcon.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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When i grow up i wanna be like Ultimecia haha

I loved the stuff continue with the great job.
If you feel that I offended you, this means two things:

1- My english is a shit, so was a mistake

2- I really want offend you
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I know it's a very slow and boring process (Hey, I warned you when I taught it to you. Tongue) but if I find a faster way I will give you a holler ASAP, Ultimecia.

The more Mobile rippers, the merrier.
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You mean when you shrink, DarkAlone, because I'm a short excuse for a person :p

Yay Maneko XD Specially because the mobile emulators don't helps at all.

Final Fantasy IV DS
[Image: DSFFIVPortraitsIcon.png]

Oh, if you guys want to rip some DS stuff but you're too lazy to start the game again and are wondering "Oh, I wish there was a way to convert my DS save to play with an emulator!" Don't worry! I got the solution for all your problems! Check out this link! Ad-free, problem free, all free!

.... What did I smelled?
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Earlier today I commented with Ton about the lack of backgrounds at the site. Then I got the newest Ace Attorney game and decided to rip the backgrounds of the first case. Only the backgrounds, not the close-up examination stuff. Too much spoilers to be safe, and not really "backgrounds"

[Image: DSATIMilesEdgeworthGameA.png][Image: DSATIMilesEdgeworthGameB.png]
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)
[Image: DSATIMilesEdgeworthEp1BGIcon.png]

Yeah, two game icons because I couldn't decide XP
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Decided to stop running away :p

[Image: GENGoldenAxeAxBattlerIcon.png]

Why he's called Ax Battler and got a sword is a mystery :p Specially because the other two characters got proper names and he don't.
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Oh, don't mind me, just a small something

[Image: DMC4GametSR.png]
Devil May Cry 4 (Computer)
[Image: DMC4HUDIcon.png]

Want to see something cool?
Nero's textures (15MB)
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Your pretty good at rips.
[Image: ra2mvm.png]
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My Pretty Good At This.

You're doing a sweet job. Is Ripping from DMC4 particularly punishing?
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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