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So Mr M joined MFGG
(04-20-2010, 09:58 AM)Epistaxis Wrote: Mr Roo the Unnecessarily Long Screenname

Did you actually read the first paragraph of Nystre's post?
Because I think you should.
Yes. Yes, I did. And while I am in no way the ultimate and perfect human, I usually do not post my serious posts LIEK DIS AND IN SUM ST00PED PLEYC CALED SBUMHAUL (GET IT???+ ITS FUNI CUZ IT HAZ THE VORD BUM XDDDD so fune lulz rite guise???+ :##DDDGG). The funny thing here is that if I just had put the "P.S. Do not take this seriously." I originally intended at the end of my post, nothing would have happened.

While it may indeed sound like I am whiteknighting my dear old MFGG and all of its wonderfully awesome and amazing userbase, I really am not. I actually hate most of the userbase (myself included for various reasons) and nowadays, MFGG is slowly turning worse with all of its drama and stuff. I just can't stop visiting it because it's the only community on the Internet I really care about (and all the bullshit and drama that's going on is kind of funny to watch).

So yeah, feel free to call me a useless shithead, a waste of fine air and all the other assorted insults while downrating me to -200 if you really think I was serious with my post (or maybe not but you know what I mean).

also why did i write a wall of text in response to a wall of text when i said walls of texts about jokes were bad
Thanked by: Iceman404
So what you're saying is that you weren't really mocking this thread, you were mockingly mocking this thread?

Yeah that isn't a backpedal at all

(I'm not mocking you I am mocking the notion of mocking you)
But the joke, was on meeeeeeee~♪
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(04-20-2010, 11:47 AM)Epistaxis Wrote: So what you're saying is that you weren't really mocking this thread, you were mockingly mocking this thread?

Yeah that isn't a backpedal at all

(I'm not mocking you I am mocking the notion of mocking you)
I were mockingly mocking the notion that this thread should be mocked.
Thanked by: Iceman404
Oh, this topic. *goofy sitcom music* *fade out* Big Grin
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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I actually don't give a shit and never did give a shit if longusername was serious in his post as that is a post I wanted to make for a long time

A lot of people here just hate MFGG for the sake of hating MFGG because of PT bias from years ago

A lot of them also hate it because they went there and got banned and were mad about the administration

I actually hate the place reasonably

I have been there man I have crawled across that battlefield you don't know the shit I've seen :namvetgrabbingpills:
[Image: pixelxcore.png]
A member called Mr.W joined as well.
Same ID?
[Image: ra2mvm.png]
Thanked by: Ton
(04-20-2010, 12:59 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: Oh, this topic. *goofy sitcom music* *fade out* Big Grin
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Nystre
(04-20-2010, 02:47 PM)icarly viewer Wrote:
(04-20-2010, 12:59 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: Oh, this topic. *goofy sitcom music* *fade out* Big Grin

thanks for this
[Image: pixelxcore.png]
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hi jake : -)
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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hey roo if i join mfgg can i join your clique
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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What's up Chad
[Image: pixelxcore.png]
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every forum on the internet is retarded. there will never be a good forum. ever.
using the word lulz means you are a bad person (even ironically)
dear sir roo the third of finlandia:

i bet if you

1) stopped using outdated youtube-poopisms
2) posted less on MFGG
3) posted more in spamhaul and
4) shortened your username to just "Roo"

i think you'd be the best new poster of 2010

...i'm just sayin', you'd be kind of a cool dude, study under the master of krew and when you go back to MFGG you are more powerful than king koopa himself in the casual conversation castle, eat the princess and punch the plumber

if you know what i mean
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
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