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if pokemon were real
i would have a female combusken that could understand human language to an extent and could almost mimic it in simple phrases like "i love you" and "im hungry!!" though they would mostly be barely recognizable squaks.
me and my combusken would be childhood best friends, i met her when toying around in the fields next to my house which i would access by crawling under the sewer bridge under the highway and we built a tire swing and hung out and ate lunchables together and ive had her ever since (she was a torchic when i first met her !!!) cumbsuken is a bit of a tom boy!!

i would have a houndour named maggie that my brother caught for his girlfriend for valentines day but they broke up and my brother kept maggie as a family pet and she eventually became mine. maggie is playful and loves to paw and jump at your torso and will lick you hands almost constantly given the chance. the only tricks she knows are to sit and lay down but she is still a puppy so its ok. i would not use maggie in battle shes just a house pet!!

me and my neighbor who is best friends wiht me and combusken would sit outside in her backyard and murkrows would gather on the telephone wire that strtched over her tire swing and we woul dget scared. one day cumbusken and i and my neighbor and her clefable chased off all the murkrow becuase it was a dreary day and they were scaring us and i ended up catching a boy one which would eventually evolve into a honchkrow and we used him to become friends with the murkrows and now they sit outside my window at night after i watch scary movies and protect me

my crawdaunt is my main battler next to combusken. he is really kind and likes to visit his home and build forts out of sticks and leaves in the creek in my backyard and we sometimes hang out in there to escape the girls (my combusken, lopunny, wigglytuff, and azumarill) the other guys that hang out with us are honchkrow, treecko and primeape. i caught crawdaunt as a corphish in the creeks leading to the lake at the local state park Watkins mill near the bike trail

i got my primeape in a trqade wiht my brother for an ekans i got cause he liked snake pokemon but i was scared of them and he didnt like his mankey very much. sometimes mankey and i would paint our faces blue and red and green and orange and yellow and run around the neighbor hood and scare my brothers friends and sometimes my girl pokemon. mankey evolved into primeape during a pokemon tournament my school held instead of having a dance and primeape usualy walks to class with me and combusken while the other pokemon are sleeping and primeape likes to battle a lot

i found my treecko on the tree in the front yard that my mom planted when i was born and my brother wanted to take it but my parents let me have it because it was on my tree. treecko and primeape and honchkrow and crawdaunt and i always build forts and play war with the other kids and their pokemon in the neighbor hood and we win a lot and treecko usually comes into the forest with crawdaunt and i because he is good at getting bushes and thorns and stuff out of the way and he usually knows where the spinarak are hiding cause crawdaunt and i are kind of scared of spinarak. treecko is one of the dudes and he hangs out and plays video games with me and my friends after school sometimes

i got lopunny as an easter present form my neighbor the year before you moved away but she was a buneary then. it was one of her pokemon that we hung out with. lopunny likes to cook a lot and usually fixes meals when we are out camping on the grills at the campsite and we all sit at the picknic tables to eat and she is really really good at making breakfast stuff and she cooks for me before i go to school every morning so my mom doesnt have to wake up earlier than usual. she is the mom figure to me and all of my pokemon and usually gets mad at us when we are beign mischevious but she lieks to hang out with combusken and wigglytuff and azumarill when we are having our boy time. she wears a pink bow in her hair

i found wigglytuff and azumarill when they were just babies (igglybuff and azuril) in the run down cabin in the woods behind my house during a storm. me and combusken had to carry them back home because they were crying and hurt. they consider eahc other sisters and usually dont battle unless it is a double battle and they are with each other.

my last pokemon is a salamence. she is my guardian pokemon and protects me when we are out on our adventures. i almost dont remembe rhow i got her and sometimes i think she just appeared one day. i think my dad got her when she was a shelgon and trained her to protect me so they wouldnt have to worry so much about me when i am on my pokemon journey. salamence is usually quite but she is real gentle and usually stays out of the pokeball when we are in dangerous areas and when its raining me and treecko and combusken and primape will sleep on her and under her wing. when we are at a campsite she doesnt liek to socialize and usually just stands guard but she really cares about me

my six main pokemon for battle (even though i carry all of them with me except maggie on my journey) are
-sky uppercut
-blaze kick
-double kick
-low kick
-fire spin
-karate chop
-seismic toss
-close combat
-vacuum wave
-energy ball
-seed bomb
-leech seed
-sludge bomb
-night slash
-dragon claw
-draco meteor
-fire blast
-aqua tail
-magic coat
-jump kick
-dizzy punch
-healing wish

this topic is for you and the pokemon you actually have irl and what you guys do every day : -)
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mine is zangoose we are best friends for life and then theres best friend #2 aka blaziken and sometimes blaziken and combusken woul dhave lil fights over whos the strongest ^____^
Thanked by: water dog
me and my zangoose would go to panda express every fucking day
Thanked by: Maxpphire, Ton
id have arceus bcuz he is god and me an god r best friends !!!
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(04-20-2010, 11:33 PM)Roborunt Wrote: id have arceus bcuz he is god and me an god r best friends !!!

no you wouldnt please dont ruin this topic
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
(04-20-2010, 11:33 PM)Roborunt Wrote: id have arceus bcuz he is god and me an god r best friends !!!
this is a serious topic, please behave as such
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oh i would also have a nidoking and i would teach them all to be hard workers (like me)
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tyvon and i are adventuring partners like ash and brock we go every where together and zangoose is his signature pokemon like combusken is mine and our pokemon always like to show off during gym battles to see who can beat them the coolest ways except salamence because she is too serious
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I would want a feraligatr, but I don't no if it could survive in my climate. Also how would I feed that thing?
Wait- ice and fire aren't very effective, that means it could live mostly anywere.
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i would wear ace trainer threads irl every day
Thanked by: Adam
(04-20-2010, 11:38 PM)Zac Wrote: I would want a feraligatr, but I don't no if it could survive in my climate. Also how would I feed that thing?
Wait- ice and fire aren't very effective, that means it could live mostly anywere.

yeah man besides, feraligatr could live like up in cold climates because of its tough hide and it would prb live naturally in the south and in africa : -0
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I would actually want a Snorunt but it never snows here so realistically I'd be stuck with a seviper or something.

Not that there's anything wrong with seviper
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[11:48:03 PM] chad logston: my combusken knows blaze kick becuas eblaziken taught it her her through months of training because her species is not meant to naturally know it
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Thanked by: Alpha Six
I'll be a pokemon breeder giving out free eggs to all the new pokemon trainers so they can have their own starter pokemon as well as know all of my pokemon deeply and well and keep them happy, even though I will have over 500 pokemon to do that with, I'll fucking manage.

and if people want more then just a starter egg then they better pay up.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
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i would have a dozen haunters and gastlys and creep people the fuck out
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Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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