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(06-25-2010, 07:31 PM)Rökkan Wrote: also there's something, my mom doesn't know how to argue and doesn't realize that my dad is much better at that and at being more reasonable, so when she doesn't convince me and my brother at doing something and our father does, she thinks that it's because we don't respect her :I

still, I don't have much to complain, I was raised pretty well by them

That's my parents right there

also my mom still doesn't allow me to date despite me being almost 18, and she got incredibly frustrated when she was arguing with me and my bro about it yesterday. I just think it's really funny that she still thinks she can control that part of my life
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Quote:I caught my dad fapping once, it really was awkward as fuck
me too
although it was more
me waking up and hearing him masturbating
and trying to go back to sleep
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my mom is the queen

my dad is a general
[Image: zzha.gif][Image: Sloth.jpg]
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if my dad found out i was dating an irl boy hed kill me
[Image: tumblr_lbmz8gVkvC1qcyzauo1_500.gif]
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[Image: detg1h.png]
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my dads generally is ok with homos
he just really really really really really doesn't want me to be one
though i'm not one i tend to dress in bright colors and style my hair when i feel like it
and to him thats not manly
and he complains and rages about it a lot
a lot
a lot
a lot
a lot
hes a cool guy though

edit: oh and he thinks i listen to devil music
[Image: 1267492263072.jpg]
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(06-26-2010, 10:34 AM)Gnostic WetFart Wrote:
Quote:I caught my dad fapping once, it really was awkward as fuck
me too
although it was more
me waking up and hearing him masturbating
and trying to go back to sleep
[Image: 129157546344291213.gif]
[Image: x1aIZ2e.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]

Thanked by: Alpha Six, PrettyNier, slut
actually, my parents ywll at me for not eating in general

i'm definitely not anorexic or anything, but apparently if i don't eat when i'm not hungry the world will end
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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*gets first girlfriend to house when parents are away*
*starts mating dance on parents bed*
*mom opens the room's door and watches the whole scene and just goes away*
*laught like shit together 10- years later about the incident*
Thanked by: PrettyNier
(06-27-2010, 05:10 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: *gets first girlfriend to house when parents are away*
*starts mating dance on parents bed*
*mom opens the room's door and watches the whole scene and just goes away*
*laught like shit together 10- years later about the incident*
she was probably just recording it so she could fap to it later
[Image: daftpunk.png]
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[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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[Image: tumblr_lbmz8gVkvC1qcyzauo1_500.gif]
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