08-18-2010, 07:30 PM
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his name is spelled l-u-c-a-r-i-o and he's a muscle type
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B]
08-18-2010, 07:40 PM
![]() Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B], Marth
08-18-2010, 07:42 PM
Dark Golduck is a cool Pokemon because he's a water and dark type. He's the best swimmer of all Pokemon. Whenever he swims very fast, the gem on its head glows. He's so fast at swimming, he can swim faster than the Olympics.
Thanked by: Kairos, Chris2Balls [:B]
08-18-2010, 07:50 PM
08-18-2010, 07:57 PM
08-18-2010, 08:01 PM
Quote: I love Empoleon. Empoleon is a water type. He is strong. I like him so much, I named my first Webkin Empoleon. His attacks are watergun, pecking, bubblebeam, and I don't really remember the rest of them. But he is really strong. Pilup evolves into Prinply, and Prinply evolves into Empoleon.My Prinply knows pecking. Thanked by: Maxpphire
08-18-2010, 08:05 PM
Shroomish is a Pokemon. Shroomish looks like a spotted mushroom. Shroomish is a grass type. A grass type Pokemon lives in the forest or hides behind bushes in the grass. Shroomish weighs 9.9 pounds. Shroomish is 14 feet tall. Shroomish is cool.
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B],
08-18-2010, 08:07 PM
This is all about Mew Two and Mew One . Mew One and Mew Two both have three fingers. They also both look a little bit like cats. Mew One and Mew Two are a little nice to each other. Mew Two can make storms. Mew One is small. Mew Two is big. Mew One can fly. Mew Two can't fly. Mew One lives in the forest. Mew Two lives in a castle. Mew One can't control other Pokemon. Mew Two can control other Pokemon. Mew Two can control them because he is evil, and he knows how to control them. Mew Two and Mew One are similar and different in many ways.
Thanked by: Maxpphire, Chris2Balls [:B],
08-18-2010, 08:43 PM
Totodile is super strong. Jaws chomp down hard on his enemies. He's a water type. He's quite cute but he's really strong. Totodiles' bite takes away ten even though its shining fang takes five away also. Even he has fifty energy. His weakness is electric.
08-18-2010, 08:49 PM
I can't tell whether or not this is adorable or if these children are going to grow up to be low-lived Pokemon-loving adults without jobs.
08-18-2010, 08:50 PM
This is about the Swellow. The Swellow is a flying and normal type Pokemon. He can have flying and normal attacks. I like the Swellow.
Well this description is just Swellow.
08-19-2010, 12:33 AM
Playing Pokemon is easy. First, you get Pokemon cards. Then you place a card on the floor. Then you say it's an attack. Then when you are wiped out of Pokemon cards, the person who has the most cards left wins. That is how you play the Pokemon card game.
that's not how I played it.... Thanked by: Sonikku
08-19-2010, 12:50 AM
Lucario is a great Pokemon because he is one of the most powerful. He looks like a wolf. He's a muscle type and has really red eyes. The number of hit points he has is 90. Lucario does 80 damage on my card when he fights. He evolves from Riolu. His name is spelled L-u-c-a-r-i-o. He's the second evolution. His retreat cost is an explosion type. His weakness is an eyeball type. He is not Legendary but a Diamond and a Pearl. Lucario is in the training card game. Lucario is the perfect Pokemon.
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08-19-2010, 12:51 AM
This was litterally all they ahd for PikachuL
Picachu is cool because once upon a time Picachu met some other Pokemons at a tree. Pokemon met them and made friends with them. Now they are best friends.
Walrein is a water Pokemon. It has 150 hit points (hp). It is level 51. It can do 40 damage. Water Pokemon are almost undefeatable. Well, it is also ice. To make Walrein, you've got to evolve Spheal into Sealeo. The you have to evolve Sealeo into Walrein. You've got to learn math to add Pokemon hit points, damage, and level. Walrein has fangs and can freeze Pokemon (like Emporeon). Walrein is a fully evolved Pokemon. It cannot evolve again. Learning about Walrein is fun. But let me tell you something: If Pokemon were real, you could die because they could kill you. (But not really).
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