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Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project
And here's Manectric

[Image: 310v.gif] [Image: 310b.gif]
[Image: 310s.gif] [Image: 310sb.gif]
[Image: 310sheet.png]
Thanked by: Misdreavous525
Okay guys I hope my Lapras and Azurill spirtes are up to par, if not I'll go back to recoloring Cry

[Image: Azurillanimated.gif] [Image: Azurillanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyAzurillanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyAzurillanimatedback.gif]

[Image: Laprasanimated-1.gif] [Image: Laprasanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyLaprasanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyLaprasanimatedback.gif]

Okay there we are
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
Thanked by: Jefelin
Well and here is Linoone, (Now the sprites will check to see if you still have errors or if on the contrary are correct)
[Image: linoone.gif][Image: linooneback.gif]
[Image: linoonesheet.png]

Misdreavus are wonderfully cool, congratulations Smile , I see that you served him I sent you, good because you only missing sheets

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(12-15-2010, 03:58 PM)Jefelin Wrote: Well and here is Linoone, (Now the sprites will check to see if you still have errors or if on the contrary are correct)
[Image: linoone.gif][Image: linooneback.gif]
[Image: linoonesheet.png]

Misdreavus are wonderfully cool, congratulations Smile , I see that you served him I sent you, good because you only missing sheets

Did you already fix my other sprites? Otherwise I can redo them.
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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(12-15-2010, 04:09 PM)Misdreavous525 Wrote:
(12-15-2010, 03:58 PM)Jefelin Wrote: Well and here is Linoone, (Now the sprites will check to see if you still have errors or if on the contrary are correct)
[Image: linoone.gif][Image: linooneback.gif]
[Image: linoonesheet.png]

Misdreavus are wonderfully cool, congratulations Smile , I see that you served him I sent you, good because you only missing sheets

Did you already fix my other sprites? Otherwise I can redo them.

No, I only fixed those who had no errors in the pixels, look these are the ones you should re-rip:
Pigeot back
Ekans back
Wailmer back
Thanked by: Jasmine Rain
And here's Masquerain's sheet and the shiny:

[Image: 284sf.gif] [Image: 284sb.gif]
[Image: 284sheet.png]
Thanked by: Jasmine Rain, Jefelin
here is quilfish and slowking
[Image: 199y.gif]
[Image: 199a.gif]
[Image: slowkingsheet.png]
[Image: quil.gif]
[Image: dueil.gif]
[Image: quilfishsheet.png]

Thanked by: Jasmine Rain, Jefelin
[Image: poochyena.png][Image: mightyena.png][Image: surskit.png][Image: zigzagoon.png][Image: electrike.png][Image: manectric.png][Image: linoone.png][Image: masquerain.png][Image: slowking.png][Image: qwilfishc.png]
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
Thanked by: Jefelin
(12-15-2010, 04:14 PM)Jefelin Wrote:
(12-15-2010, 04:09 PM)Misdreavous525 Wrote:
(12-15-2010, 03:58 PM)Jefelin Wrote: Well and here is Linoone, (Now the sprites will check to see if you still have errors or if on the contrary are correct)
[Image: linoone.gif][Image: linooneback.gif]
[Image: linoonesheet.png]

Misdreavus are wonderfully cool, congratulations Smile , I see that you served him I sent you, good because you only missing sheets

Did you already fix my other sprites? Otherwise I can redo them.

No, I only fixed those who had no errors in the pixels, look these are the ones you should re-rip:
Pigeot back
Ekans back
Wailmer back

kk Will do Jefelin

Ekans back:
[Image: thumbnmail.png]

[Image: thumbnmail.png] [Image: thumbnmail.png]

[Image: thumbnmail.png] [Image: thumbnmail.png]

[Image: thumbnmail.png] [Image: thumbnmail.png]

[Image: thumbnmail.png] [Image: thumbnmail.png]

Wailmer back:
[Image: thumbnmail.png]

The Pidgeot outline, still keeps deleting the outline, so I don't know what to do.

Kk here are the pokemon I'm working. I'm gonna do sheets and then post sprites and sheets 2gether.
So the pokemon I've ripped are: Raichu (m+f), Sandshrew, Nidoran (m+f), Nidorina, Nidorino, Zubat, Gloom (m+f), Vileplume (m+f), Primeape, Meowth, Machamp, Bellsprout, Marowak, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Chansey, Tangela, Seaking, Mr. Mime, Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Ditto, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Dragonite, Elekid, Magby, Sableye, Carvanha, Numel(m+f), Camerupt(m+f), Spoink, Grumpig, Cacnea and Cacturne(m+f). I know it's a lot, but I won't rip anymore till I psot the sprites and the sprite sheets.
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
Thanked by: Jefelin
Well guys here is Wurmple
[Image: wurmple.gif][Image: wurmpleback.gif]
[Image: wurmplesheet.png]

Ok, all are correct, thank you so much Misdreavus Smile
Ok I'll do the back of Pidgeot, maybe the sprite is so, there I am going to investigate.
Wow, how many rips, I hope you do well, because otherwise Cry
Anyway, luck and courage, I know that from now on you will do great, and with your help we can finish this project soon it's time Wink
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(12-16-2010, 11:18 AM)Jefelin Wrote: Well guys here is Wurmple
[Image: wurmple.gif][Image: wurmpleback.gif]
[Image: wurmplesheet.png]

Ok, all are correct, thank you so much Misdreavus Smile
Wow, how many rips, I hope you do well, because otherwise Cry
Anyway, luck and courage, I know that from now on you will do great, and with your help we can finish this project soon it's time Wink

Hey Jefelin, do you know why my rips aren't showing up?
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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I do not know, sometimes happens, but can also be confused if you've not think so, anyway to click on the link you can see so do not worry, I will optimize them and put them in the pack Wink
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(12-16-2010, 11:33 AM)Jefelin Wrote: I do not know, sometimes happens, but can also be confused if you've not think so, anyway to click on the link you can see so do not worry, I will optimize them and put them in the pack Wink

kk, thanx
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
Thanked by:
[Image: silcoon.gif][Image: silcoonback.gif]
[Image: silcoonsheet.png]

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Here's Barboach

[Image: 339.gif] [Image: 339b.gif]
[Image: 339s.gif] [Image: 339sb.gif]
[Image: 339sheet.png]

@ Nesd:

[Image: 258s.gif] [Image: 259s.gif]

Both have still blue pixels can you fix them?
Thanked by: Jefelin

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