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WHAT IF POKEMEN WERE REAL!!!!!! Grown-up Edition
i dont think we would use pokemon in general labour unless it was the business owners pokemin and it was just helping him out

or, for example, isntea dof a tropius hanging around a smoothie shop, they would just order tropius fruits from a pokemon ranch

i really doubt though that machamps would be amking buildings etc unless the workers brought their own personal pokemon to help at work
i dont see every pokemon as having a practical use in society, but this is basically what the original pokemon unity was supposed ot be

the 8 unions and the union leaders used their pokemon to help around in the workplace i.e. crobat would help deliver orders/messages to workers in the caves when theya re minign becuase it has sonar and can track down workers efficiently, and there would be an electivire that power the machines every once in a while to give them some juice
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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Asians would have Growlith and Meowth for lunch.
Growlith would be awesome, like tie its feet up, cut off its tail and toss it onto wood to make the fire. Then put a bigass pan right on top. Cook that fucker up easy.

Eat Meowth and argue who gets the coin (like the wishbone).

[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
Thanked by: Sengir
Don't forget Miltank burgers and Combusken wings.
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Cut off a Miltank's legs, then put it into a pokeball and bring it to the PokeCenter.

World Hunger = Solved
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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I don't know if you'd want to eat Pokemon

I mean

They have some crazy powers and shit - how would you hunt them?
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It all depends if Pokemon have always been a part of life or if they just came around now.

I'm sure mankind would either kill them all or use them as weapons if they existed in our modern times.
If they have always been since the dawn of man, I'm sure we'd still be in the dark ages or worse.

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C'mere Growlithe, who's my good Growlithe? You are! Yesh, you are!
*tie up feet*

Maybe only the low level Pokemon could be caught.

Additionally, some Pokemon could be used as "hunters". Haunter and Drowzee and other Pokemon with sleep abilities will make great Hunters. Pokeballs are the perfect cages.
In fact, Pokeball technology will probably replace modern housing facilities.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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I would just torrent a Porygon instead of getting it at the Game Corner.
Ghost Pokemon would be absolutely terrifying

Imagine how many missing children would go missing because they got carried away by a Drifloon, or went into the woods at night and were licked by a Haunter, or threw a toy out that came to life as a Banette and got revenge.....
(01-15-2011, 11:47 PM)Wes Wrote: I would just torrent a Porygon instead of getting it at the Game Corner.

I never thought about this, but if Porygon are completely made of data, couldn't you go in and change certain things about them if you had the programming know-how?

Apple would release shiny white versions they'd dub iPorys, Nintendo would have the Poriigon that could act as a Wii remote attachment, and Disney would create special edition Porygons that were black with glowing white elements to coincide with the release of Tron Legacy. In other words, PoryTrons.
We'd all be screwed from hunger.
I mean, its not like you can kill pokemon for food, they just faint with minor scratches. Not to meantion they have the ability to reason unlike animals while we'd only have poke'balls to protect ourselves.
A.K.A., we'd be done for.
~~LOVE~~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
[Image: mousey.gif]
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(01-16-2011, 01:27 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: We'd all be screwed from hunger.
I mean, its not like you can kill pokemon for food, they just faint with minor scratches. Not to meantion they have the ability to reason unlike animals while we'd only have poke'balls to protect ourselves.
A.K.A., we'd be done for.

there were still animals in pokemon right?

I swore ash had a dog in the beginning?
Thanked by: Maxpphire
(01-16-2011, 01:27 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: We'd all be screwed from hunger.
I mean, its not like you can kill pokemon for food, they just faint with minor scratches. Not to meantion they have the ability to reason unlike animals while we'd only have poke'balls to protect ourselves.
A.K.A., we'd be done for.

Pokemon can be killed (Marowak in generation 1, Farfetch'd are almost extinct because they taste so good), just not during battles for some reason. I think the problem with killing Pokemon would not be the difficulty so much as the ethics of killing and consuming something of near human intelligence...

hopefully the pokemon world has meat trees.
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It's weird because we won't even need PokeDex to identify a Pokemon.
We just listen to the sound it makes.

"Hey, this one's an Arfbark!"
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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Well it shouldn't be any harder to identify pokemon than it is real life animals.

About the Pokemon as food thing, I recall Professor Oak saying something first season of the anime about having Ash's Krabby and Gary's Krabby for dinner jokingly. It seemed to at least imply that they might eat certain Pokemon.
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