First off: don't worry. 8-bit Game Project is still going (in fact, it'll be updated soon - I have a few sheets finished already and in WIP mode).
With the release of Eclessia, there are now 3 DS Castlevania titles. Unlike Kate's and my 8bit project: this one is open to the public.
This project is for people to rip from all thee games completely. This includes backgrounds as well. I've already gotten the first two started (Dawn and Portrait).
Raccoon Sam C, Barubary, and I have worked to crack the palette thread within the first two games and, since Eclessia happens to follow the same routines, it won't be long before Eclessia's thread is blown wide open as well. (So until then, we'll have to rely on taking colors from the actual emulator).
I'll be posting up the link to the palette archives for both Dawn and Portrait shortly so that others can join in ripping these games.
The tiles can be left as is found in the data files. There's no need to assemble unless for an example. This is because this is mainly for those who would make fan games. If we left the sprites whole, then it'd put a strain on their programming system to incorporate complex collision detection parameters.
If anyone DOES want to assemble any tiles previously ripped, feel free to, but only if the tiles sheet is up as well.
HOW TOrip from these games:
Naturally- you'll needrom images of these three games. since that is going to get us in trouble if we post links, you're best left to scour the interwebs on your lonesome for them or note someone via instant messenger. Optionally - you'll need the latest version of no$gba the only near perfect ds emulator in existence (thus far). We can use this if it is hard for us to determine what colors to use. Especially for miscellaneous objects found throughout the game. DS Lazy and/or Tahaxan to dump the .dat files found throughout the roms. And GGD and/or Tile Molester.
GGD will be used to view sprites that are below 256 color images and is more practical that way. Tile Molester should mostly be left to 256 color sprites and backgrounds as GGD has difficulty reading those.
Now, to rip DS Vania titles via GG
1) Unpack your rom of choice and open GGD. Open a .dat file.
2) Hit 'B' then press the right arrow key until the picture becomes clear.
3) Drag and drop a .cvpal file into your GGD tool's palette window.
4) IF the palette ou've dragged and dropped into the open palette window is correct.
THEN Success! PrintScreen and load it up onto a paint program in .png format and show it off.
Keep dragging and dropping palettes into the palette window. Something good should show up sooner or later.
The link to all the .cvpal files for both Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin is here:
The link to an english translated version of GGD (via Dazz) is here:
It also has a handy tutorial on how to use the tool.
Borrowing a qeue from Dr. Schnaps:
= Not done.
= Being worked on.
= Completed.
= Completed AND assembled.
Remember: request, work on it, show it off.
So a check list:
NOTICE I'm currently updating the list to a new format. This change will be gradual so don't be surprised if the list looks odd for a while as there's a lot of ground to cover. NOTICE
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
No$GBA Palette Address: 0xF8798
Table Key:
Progress :: Subject :: Where Found :: What's Needed :: DS .dat File Location :: :: Contributor
-Playable Characters-
:: Soma Cruz :: Hero :: - :: f_soma :: Paddy
:: Julius Belmont :: Hero :: - :: f_djuli & f_juli :: Paddy
:: Yoko Belnades :: Hero :: - :: f_dyoko & f_yoko :: Paddy
:: Alucard :: Hero :: - :: t_aru & t_daru :: Paddy
:: Celia Fortner :: Intro, Wizardy Lab, Clock Tower, The Abyss :: Assembly :: f_seri & f_niku :: SmithyGCN
:: Hammer :: Lost Village :: Assembly :: f_dhammer_00 :: SmithyGCN
:: Mina Hakuba :: Intro, Garden of Madness :: - :: f_dmina :: Paddy
:: Genya Arikado :: Intro, Demon Guest House, Tower of Execution, The Abyss :: - :: f_darikado :: Paddy
:Cool: :: Balore :: Wizardry Lab :: - :: f_baro_ :: SmithyGCN
:: Flying Armor :: Lost Village :: Assembly :: f_fly :: SmithyGCN
:: Dario Bossi :: Wizardry Lab, Silenced Ruin, Garden of Madness, The Pinnacle :: Assembly :: f_dari & f_ddari :: SmithyGCN
:: Dimitrii Blinov :: Wizardry Lab, Dark Chapel, The Abyss :: Assembly :: f_ddomi & f_domi :: SmithyGCN
:: Puppet Master :: Demon Guest House :: - :: f_puppet :: SmithyGCN
:: Malphas :: Dark Chapel :: Rip and Assembly :: f_karaot :: open
:: Menace :: The Abyss :: Rip :: f_last :: open
:: Rahab :: Subterranean Hell :: - :: f_lahab :: SmithyGCN
:: Paranoia :: Demon guest House :: - :: f_mirror :: Deathbringer & SmithyGCN
:: Evil Soma :: The Abyss :: - :: f_urasom :: SmithyGCN
:: Soma's Final Form :: The Abyss :: - :: f_urasox :: SmithyGCN
:: Abaddon :: The Abyss :: Assembly :: f_abad :: SmithyGCN
:: Aguni :: The Pinnacle :: Assembly (near impossible until further notice) :: f_aguni :: SmithyGCN
:: Death :: Mines of Judgment :: Assembly :: f_sini :: SmithyGCN
:: Zephyr :: Clock Tower :: Assembly :: f_edward :: SmithyGCN
:: Bat Company :: Silenced Ruins :: - :: f_fake :: King Metroid
:: Gergoth :: Tower of Execution :: - :: f_fafnir
-Enemies- (most are ripped by Paddy, but most still need assembly):
:: Alastor :: The Pinnacle :: - :: f_alast :: Deathbringer
:: Amalaric Sniper :: Dark Chapel :: Assembly :: t_amala :: SmithyGCN
:: Alura Une :: ??? :: Rip and Assembly :: t_arlau :: open
(below is what's left to update to the new formatting)
Arcdemon :: SmithyGCN
Axe Armor and Great Axe Armor :: SMithyGCN
Bomber Armor :: SmithyGCN
Catoblepas and Gorgon :: SmithyGCN
Ghost Dancers :: SmithyGCN
Dead Mate :: SmithyGCN
Disc Armor :: SmithyGCN
Killer Clown :: SmithyGCN
Mothman :: SmithyGCN
Needle :: SmithyGCN
Procel :: SmithyGCN
Frozen Shade :: SmithyGCN
Homunculus :: SmithyGCN
Mud Demon :: SmithyGCN
Quetzlcoatl :: SmithyGCN
Wak Wak Tree :: SmithyGCN
White Dragon :: SmithyGCN
Skeleton Farmer :: SmithyGCN
Ghost :: SmithyGCN
Golem :: SmithyGCN
Tombstone :: SmithyGCN
Persephone :: SmithyGCN
Une & Corpseweed :: SmithyGCN
Zombie & Ghoul :: SmithyGCN
Bone Ark :: SmithyGCN
Final Guard :: SmithyGCN
Gaibon :: SmithyGCN
Guillotiner :: SmithyGCN
Bat :: King Metroid
Great Armor :: King Metroid
Iron Golem :: King Metroid
Mimic :: King Metroid
Ouija Table :: King Metroid
Larva :: King Metroid
Skeleton & Yorick :: Paddy
Peeping Eye & Bugbear :: Paddy
Skull Archer :: Paddy
Warg:: Paddy
Spin Devil :: Paddy
Armor Knight :: Paddy
Student Witch :: Paddy
Slaughterer :: Paddy
Slime & Tanjelly :: Paddy
Skeleton Ape :: Paddy
Manticore & Mushussu :: Paddy
Mollusca & Giant Slug :: SmithyGCN
Rycuda :: Paddy
Mandragora :: Paddy
The Creature :: SmithyGCN
Yeti :: Paddy
Flying Humanoid :: SmithyGCN
Mini Devil :: Paddy
Treant :: Paddy
Valkyrie & Erinys :: Paddy
Killer Doll :: Paddy
Waiter Skeleton :: Paddy
Witch :: Paddy
Buer :: Paddy
Lilith & Succubus :: Paddy
Skelerang :: Paddy
Flea Man & Ripper :: Deathbringer
Devil :: Paddy
Draghignazzo, Barbariccia, and Malacoda :: Paddy
Hell Boar :: Paddy
Bone Pillar :: Paddy
Imp :: Paddy
Harpy :: Paddy
Cave Troll :: King Metroid
Heart Eater
Fish Head
Medusa Head :: Deathbringer
Killer Fish :: Gemini
Dead Pirate :: Paddy & SmithyGCN (joint effort)
Decarabia :: Ridureyu
Dead Crusader :: Paddy
Dead Warrior
Black Panther
Werewolf :: Paddy
Flame Demon :: SmithyGCN
Slogra :: Paddy
Stolas :: SmithyGCN
(This part of the list is subject to change as we find more miscellaneous objects in the rom)
Area Titles :: SmithyGCN
Evil Seal :: SmithyGCN
Soul Barriers :: SmithyGCN
Soul Set A :: SmithyGCN
Character Portraits :: SmithyGCN
Chronomage Pillar & Cannon :: SmithyGCN
Game Over Screen :: SmithyGCN
Haunted Portrait :: SmithyGCN
Soul Set B :: SmithyGCN
HUD :: King Metroid
Weapon Icons :: King Metroid
The Lost Village :: Geckosan
Unlike Dawn of Sorrow, the palette files are far more disorganized and chaotic in Portrait of Ruin, so palettes are harder to find.
This is just a forewarning.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin-
Playable Characters:
Jonathon Morris
Charlotte Aulin
Richter Belmont :: King Metroid
Maria Renard
Loretta :: SmithyGCN
Stella :: SmithyGCN
Old Axe Armor
Vincent Dorin :: SmithyGCN
Wind :: SmithyGCN
Behemth :: SmithyGCN
Dullahan :: SmithyGCN
Keremet :: SmithyGCN
Death :: SmithyGCN
The Creature
Mummy Man
Brauner :: SmithyGCN
Abaddon :: SmithyGCN
Aguni :: SmithyGCN
Balore :: SmithyGCN
Gergoth :: SmithyGCN
Zephyr :: SmithyGCN
Fake Trevor :: Deathbringer
Fake Grant
Fake Sypha :: Deathbringer
Count Dracula :: SmithyGCN
True Dracula
(Don't worry about the Doppelganger - it uses the same sprites as the playable characters)
Death Mask :: SmithyGCN
Demon Head :: SmithyGCN
Glasya Labolas :: SmithyGCN
Vapula :: SmithyGCN
Great Armor :: King Metroid
Ghost :: King Metroid
Cave Troll :: King Metroid
Zombie & Wight
Bat :: King Metroid
Spin Devil :: Paddy
Skeleton & Yorick :: Paddy
Axe Armor
Student Witch :: Paddy
Mini Devil
Mud Man
Medusa Head :: Deathbringer
Une & Corpseweed :: SmithyGCN
Skull Archer :: Paddy
Peeping Eye (texture)
Skull Bartender
Frozen Shade :: SmithyGCN
Invisible Man
Mimic :: King Metroid
Spittle Bone
Blood Skeleton :: Gemini
Armor Knight :: Paddy
Bone Pillar
Flea Man :: Deathbringer
Catoblepas and Gorgon :: SmithyGCN
Dragon Zombie
Killer Clown :: SmithyGCN
Hanged Bones
Flying Skull
Sand Worm
White Dragon :: SmithyGCN
Great Ghost
Ruler Sword :: Gemini
Skull Bartender :: Deathbringer
Heavy Armor :: Deathbringer
Nyx :: Maxim
Miscellaneous Objects:
Platforms :: SmithyGCN
Save Statue :: SmithyGCN
Warp Stone :: SmithyGCN
Area Titles :: SmithyGCN
Face Portraits :: SmithyGCN
Wait Cube Statue :: King Metroid
Buried Chamber Misc. :: SmithyGCN
Entrance Misc. :: SmithyGCN
Gallery :: SmithyGCN
Game Over Screens :: SmithyGCN
Prologue Screens :: SmithyGCN
Title Screen :: SmithyGCN
Items :: SmithyGCN
Charlotte's Magic :: SmithyGCN
Charlotte's Weapons :: SmithyGCN
Studio Portrait :: SmithyGCN
Master's Keep
Throne Room
City of Haze
Sandy Grave
Nation of Fools
13th Street
Dark Academy
Forest of Doom
Burnt Paradise
Nest of Evil
Forgotten City
Ending Scene
Castlevania: Order of Eclessia
Playable Characters:
Shanoa :: SmithyGCN
Villagers :: SmithyGCN
Giant Skeleton
Arthroverta :: Ridureyu
Maneater :: Ridureyu
Goliath :: SmithyGCN
Albus :: SmithyGCN
Wall Man :: Ridureyu
Blackmore :: SmithyGCN
Eligor :: SmithyGCN
Death :: SmithyGCN
Count Dracula :: SmithyGCN
Jiang Shi :: SmithyGCN
Zombie and Ghoul :: SmithyGCN
Ghost :: SmithyGCN
Skeleton & Yorick :: Paddy
Bone Scimitar
Sea Stinger :: Gemini
Axe Knight
Merman & ... Merman (two types)
Skull Archer :: Paddy
Armor Knight aka Spear Guard :: Paddy
Invisible Man
Gelso :: Ridureyu
Dark Octopus :: Gemini
Killer Fish
The Creature :: SmithyGCN
Black Crow :: Deathbringer
Skull Spider :: Ridureyu
Sea Demon :: Ridureyu
Winged Guard & Flying Skeleton :: Deathbringer
Nightmare :: Ridureyu
Rock Knight
Fire Demon
Specter :: SmithyGCN
Grave Digger :: Ridureyu
Werebat :: Gemini
Black Fomor :: Deathbringer
Bone Pillar :: Deathbringer
Skeleton Frisky :: Deathbringer
Skeleton Hero :: Deathbringer
Dullahan :: Deathbringer
Skeleton Rex :: Ridureyu
St. Elmo :: Ridureyu
Lorelai :: Ridureyu
Edimmu :: Ridureyu
Decarabia :: Ridureyu
Evil Force :: Deathbringer
White Dragon :: Deathbringer
Une & Corpseweed :: SmithyGCN
Cave Troll :: King Metroid
Bat :: King Metroid
Skeleton Beast
Ectoplasm :: Deathbringer
Automaton ZX26
Miss Murder :: Ridureyu
Curse Diva
Lizardman & Lizardman Blade :: SmithyGCN
Owl :: Deathbringer
Altair :: Gemini
Thunder Demon
Arachne :: SmithyGCN
Balloon Pod :: Deathbringer
Mimic :: Gemini
Flea Man :: Deathbringer
Stone Rose :: Deathbringer
Lady Cat & Black Panther :: Gemini
Yeti :: Paddy
Armored Beast
Jersey Devil :: Ridureyu
NOT Chosen Une :: Gemini
Owl Knight :: Gemini
White Fomor :: Deathbringer
Mad Butcher :: Gemini
Mad Snatcher :: Gemini
Nominon & Polkir :: SmithyGCN
Necromancer :: SmithyGCN
Peeping Eye & Bugbear :: SmithyGCN
Blood Skeleton :: Gemini
Draculina :: SmithyGCN
Nova Skeleton :: Gemini
Blade Master
Ghurka Master
Double Hammer & Hammer Shaker
Red Smasher
Imp :: Deathbringer
Automaton ZX27
Spectral Sword :: Gemini
Medusa Head & Gorgon Head :: Deathbringer
Great Knight :: Gemini
King Skeleton :: Gemini
Final Knight :: Gemini
Lilith :: Gemini
Demon Lord
Weapon Master
Barrel & Door :: SmithyGCN
Treasure Chests :: SmithyGCN
Glyphs :: SmithyGCN
Blue Glyph Powers
Red Glyph Powers :: SmithyGCN
Ecclesia Ingame Map :: SmithyGCN
Mini Map :: SmithyGCN
Monastary Ingame Map :: SmithyGCN
Ruvas Forest Ingame Map
Kalidus Channel Ingame Map
Somnus Reef Ingame Map
Minera Prison Island Ingame Map
Lighthouse Ingame Map
Tymeo Mountains Ingame Map
Misty Forest Road Ingame Map
Skeleton Cave Ingame Map
Giant's Dwelling Ingame Map
Wygol Village Ingame Map
Oblivion Ridge Ingame Map
Agila Swamp Ingame map
Mystery Manor Ingame Map
Dracula's Castle Ingame Map :: SmithyGCN
Training Hall Ingame Map
Large Cavern Ingame Map
Training Hall: Spinning Platforms
Pillar of Fire
Overworld Map & Icons :: SmithyGCN
Save Point Statue :: SmithyGCN
Heart Generator
Dominus Statue + Scene :: SmithyGCN & Ridureyu (collaborative effort)
Labyrinth: Pushable Stone Block
Mechanical Tower: Clock
Mechanical Tower: Gear
Glyph Statue :: SmithyGCN
Cerberus Statue :: Ridureyu
Destructible Objects
Cerberus Door
Character Portraits :: Barubary
Items :: SmithyGCN
Area Title Headers :: SmithyGCN
Cats :: for Shiraku
Stained-Glass Opening :: SmithyGCN
Steel Traps :: SmithyGCN
Iron Maiden :: Ridureyu
Ruvas Forest
Kalidus Channel
Somnus Reef
Minera Prison Island
Tymeo Mountains
Misty Forest Road
Skeleton Cave
Giant's Dwelling
Wygol Village :: Geckosama
Wygol Village -Inside- :: SmithyGCN
Oblivion Ridge
Agila Swamp
Mystery Manor
Library - Bloody Tomes -
Castle Entrance - Nightmare Gate -
Forsaken Cloister - Gazing Toward Heaven -
Underground Labyrinth - Flirting with Shadows -
Training Hall
Large Cavern
Barracks - Distant Memory -
Mechanical Tower - Styx Passage -
Arms Depot - Cry in the Night -
Final Approach - Dust to Dust -
Boss Rush Mode :: SmithyGCN
Dracula's Castle - Entrance Tileset 01 :: SmithyGCN
Area Connection Room :: SmithyGCN
All of Ecclesia's lists are under construction.
This list is being constructed upon. Please wait as I try to fix things due to the post a thread function is slower than molasses running uphill.
Unlike Dawn and Portrait, you don't use GGD for this title as it doesn't use the same palette variables as the palettes can only be retrieved from the save states.
Get this Tile Molester file and replace the old one in the program's main folder:
This will enable you to read the save states directly.
Next, you will need to strip your rom bare. This means going to the end of the file in a Hex Editor and deleting ALL of the FF variables you see at the end (may take a while as there are quite a few).
Save it.
Download THIS file to the same folder as your No$Gba emulator.
This file decompresses the save state files (.SNA) so they can be read by Tile Molester for palettes. This DOES however add on about 3 megs to the files so be careful.
Play the game until you reach the subject of what you want to rip and save a state.
Next, load up Tile Molester and Tahaxan. Load the rom itself into tile molester. Choose 4bpp linear, reverse order and 2D mode in your view options. Hit Navigate => Go and a window will pop up asking for an offset. Go to Tahaxan and select the .dat file of the sprites you want to rip and check the left hand side of Tahaxan to check the offset number of that file (it's in a box window showing the file's statistics). Input the offset into Tile Molester and it'll take you to the beginning of that specific collection of sprites.
Go to palettes and import a file. The file being the save state you made. Voila. You can now cycle through all of the available palettes currently loaded in the room you saved your state in.
If you want to rip a sprite - first RESERVE it (up to 5 at a time), then RIP it, and then SHOW it off.
NEW NOTICE: Also, I'd like to point out that those people who have ripped sheets, while perfectly capable of putting these sheets on their own site as they should, should also submit sheets they ripped for this project in the submission forums as that this is for in the first place. This is so that most of these sheets don't go to waste.
With the release of Eclessia, there are now 3 DS Castlevania titles. Unlike Kate's and my 8bit project: this one is open to the public.
This project is for people to rip from all thee games completely. This includes backgrounds as well. I've already gotten the first two started (Dawn and Portrait).
Raccoon Sam C, Barubary, and I have worked to crack the palette thread within the first two games and, since Eclessia happens to follow the same routines, it won't be long before Eclessia's thread is blown wide open as well. (So until then, we'll have to rely on taking colors from the actual emulator).
I'll be posting up the link to the palette archives for both Dawn and Portrait shortly so that others can join in ripping these games.
The tiles can be left as is found in the data files. There's no need to assemble unless for an example. This is because this is mainly for those who would make fan games. If we left the sprites whole, then it'd put a strain on their programming system to incorporate complex collision detection parameters.
If anyone DOES want to assemble any tiles previously ripped, feel free to, but only if the tiles sheet is up as well.
HOW TOrip from these games:
Naturally- you'll needrom images of these three games. since that is going to get us in trouble if we post links, you're best left to scour the interwebs on your lonesome for them or note someone via instant messenger. Optionally - you'll need the latest version of no$gba the only near perfect ds emulator in existence (thus far). We can use this if it is hard for us to determine what colors to use. Especially for miscellaneous objects found throughout the game. DS Lazy and/or Tahaxan to dump the .dat files found throughout the roms. And GGD and/or Tile Molester.
GGD will be used to view sprites that are below 256 color images and is more practical that way. Tile Molester should mostly be left to 256 color sprites and backgrounds as GGD has difficulty reading those.
Now, to rip DS Vania titles via GG

1) Unpack your rom of choice and open GGD. Open a .dat file.
2) Hit 'B' then press the right arrow key until the picture becomes clear.
3) Drag and drop a .cvpal file into your GGD tool's palette window.
4) IF the palette ou've dragged and dropped into the open palette window is correct.
THEN Success! PrintScreen and load it up onto a paint program in .png format and show it off.
Keep dragging and dropping palettes into the palette window. Something good should show up sooner or later.
The link to all the .cvpal files for both Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin is here:
The link to an english translated version of GGD (via Dazz) is here:
It also has a handy tutorial on how to use the tool.
Borrowing a qeue from Dr. Schnaps:

Remember: request, work on it, show it off.
So a check list:
NOTICE I'm currently updating the list to a new format. This change will be gradual so don't be surprised if the list looks odd for a while as there's a lot of ground to cover. NOTICE
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
No$GBA Palette Address: 0xF8798
Table Key:
Progress :: Subject :: Where Found :: What's Needed :: DS .dat File Location :: :: Contributor
-Playable Characters-


:Cool: :: Balore :: Wizardry Lab :: - :: f_baro_ :: SmithyGCN

-Enemies- (most are ripped by Paddy, but most still need assembly):

(below is what's left to update to the new formatting)

(This part of the list is subject to change as we find more miscellaneous objects in the rom)


Unlike Dawn of Sorrow, the palette files are far more disorganized and chaotic in Portrait of Ruin, so palettes are harder to find.
This is just a forewarning.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin-
Playable Characters:



(Don't worry about the Doppelganger - it uses the same sprites as the playable characters)

Miscellaneous Objects:


Castlevania: Order of Eclessia
Playable Characters:






All of Ecclesia's lists are under construction.
This list is being constructed upon. Please wait as I try to fix things due to the post a thread function is slower than molasses running uphill.

Unlike Dawn and Portrait, you don't use GGD for this title as it doesn't use the same palette variables as the palettes can only be retrieved from the save states.
Get this Tile Molester file and replace the old one in the program's main folder:
This will enable you to read the save states directly.
Next, you will need to strip your rom bare. This means going to the end of the file in a Hex Editor and deleting ALL of the FF variables you see at the end (may take a while as there are quite a few).
Save it.
Download THIS file to the same folder as your No$Gba emulator.
This file decompresses the save state files (.SNA) so they can be read by Tile Molester for palettes. This DOES however add on about 3 megs to the files so be careful.
Play the game until you reach the subject of what you want to rip and save a state.
Next, load up Tile Molester and Tahaxan. Load the rom itself into tile molester. Choose 4bpp linear, reverse order and 2D mode in your view options. Hit Navigate => Go and a window will pop up asking for an offset. Go to Tahaxan and select the .dat file of the sprites you want to rip and check the left hand side of Tahaxan to check the offset number of that file (it's in a box window showing the file's statistics). Input the offset into Tile Molester and it'll take you to the beginning of that specific collection of sprites.
Go to palettes and import a file. The file being the save state you made. Voila. You can now cycle through all of the available palettes currently loaded in the room you saved your state in.
If you want to rip a sprite - first RESERVE it (up to 5 at a time), then RIP it, and then SHOW it off.
NEW NOTICE: Also, I'd like to point out that those people who have ripped sheets, while perfectly capable of putting these sheets on their own site as they should, should also submit sheets they ripped for this project in the submission forums as that this is for in the first place. This is so that most of these sheets don't go to waste.