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(06-05-2012, 10:55 AM)Davy Jones Wrote: Maybe it's a colour mesh and therefore not viewable? Unfortunately, I'm still pretty inept at this stuff; I don't even know what that means.  I don't really know how to use my various 3D modeling programs for much beyond rendering and converting.
However, when I converted the model into an .x file and opened in in PMDeditor, the thin triangle was the only thing at the end of Zell's wrists. If there's another shape on there, it didn't convert into the .x file.
If it is there, any idea how I'd go about making it visible? I have Blender, Metasequoia and 3DSMax, though I can use the latter even less than the former two.
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It was really weird. Yesterday was a terrible day from minute one. (I woke up and checked that my video had finished uploading to YouTube only to find they had muted the sound on it!  ) By five o'clock-ish, I was in a right horrible mood, screaming at the cats and knocking over the recycling pile then kicking it instead of picking it up again...for me, the extremes of temper. I didn't know what else to do, and I didn't want to clean my mess up, so I decided to play the final battle of FFVIII and find out what my two mystery models were, and if Ultimecia's other forms had different names. And the battle that was so hard that it made me cry in frustration the first time I played it...somehow made me feel better. I have no idea what happened, but I was actually enjoying it, and stuck around for the whole battle instead of turning it off when I learned what I needed to. And then I felt so pumped that I finished preparing the entire next batch of models! Like I said, weird.  And I just felt like sharing for no particular reason.
Okay, so the new batch of models proves that I was wrong last time when I said I was uploading the last of the standard enemies, 'cause it turns out there were still two more left. (But these two really are the last; no one but party members in the final batch. Yes, final! The next batch will complete the full ripping of FFVIII battle models! Yay! Now if only I could get my hands on NON-battle models...)
Then we have the last of the bosses, including the final boss herself!
But we're starting out with Catoblepas, 'cause I'm doing things in alphabetical order.  Of course, Catoblepas is just a skin change for a Behemoth, but...there's a lot of skin change monsters/bosses in Ultimecia's Castle, as you'll see below. (There's still two more of 'em in this batch...)
Next, the Red Giant. (How's that for a creative name?)
And now we have Tiamat, the primordial ocean from whom all life sprang, cut down in her prime by her mutinous descendent Marduk--oh, wait, wrong Tiamat.  Yeah, so Final Fantasy's Tiamat is a wind-based evil one respects myths anymore...
And now we finally move on to the final battle! But before we get to the real participants, we have what I have tentatively dubbed "Final Battle Misc." which I don't know if you want to put it under bosses or add an "Other" category. It consists of the two mystery models I posted about earlier. The lightning-bolt looking one is called Helix, and Ultimecia summons it in her second form as an assist. (Over and over and over again...) Its primary purpose seems to be to destroy any GFs you might try to summon. So it's a very annoying thing, but anyway, there it is. The other I've called "defeated essence" because it seems to be the model used to represent the defeated Griever and the defeated Ultimecia as Ultimecia junctions herself to Griever in order to create her creepy second form. (Not as creepy as her third form, but...anyway...) So, I don't know if anyone actually wants those models, but here they are for the sake of completion!
And now Griever, who Ultimecia describes as the strongest GF...and who shares the same name as Squall's ring, and looks like the lion-thing on his gunblade and necklace. (So, did the ring and necklace come in a special edition version of his gunblade? Is he secretly a weapons otaku? That would be hilarious. Although the idea that he named the face on his ring is also pretty funny...)
And finally, Sorceress Ultimecia herself! In all three of her forms, none of which had alternate names. However, I couldn't decide how to handle the preview, because her incredibly creepy third form has this enormous cape-thing that's actually a large part of the battle ground, so I wasn't sure if I should try to show that or not. So I did two versions, one showing the enormity of her third form, and one giving a closer view of the part that's actually interesting.
And now we're finally moving on to the party members! Yay!
We'll be starting with the player character, Squall Leonhart. (Not because he's the player character, but because he's alphabetically before Zell.)
And here are his gunblades, in a separate download, as suggested:
Though as you can see from the preview, although he has a lot of different upgrades available for his gunblade, there are more textures than there are weapon shapes.
Anyway, moving on, we have the energetic Zell Dincht! (If you're wondering, I'm sticking with the order they were in within the game files, and that's why Zell is next, instead of the next party member you receive, or whoever. Actually, if I wasn't following the file order, I'd have started with Laguna!)
I've included a readme file about the lack of hands.
And here we have Zell's weapons, though they are unfortunately textures only.  (Naturally, the readme is in there, as well.)
And that's that! Just one more batch of characters, and then I'll be done! One less thing hanging over my head as a project I haven't finished yet! Yay! And then I can start ripping the portraits from Chrono Cross!....and get another project hanging over my head...oh well....
Awesome! I love this and can't wait for your next project!
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Here it is, the final batch of Final Fantasy VIII models! Every combat model is now ripped and posted! Yay!
Oh, but one thing that becomes painfully obvious in this final batch is that some textures have transparency where they shouldn’t. It’s a particular black, I’m thinking, that’s just been mistaken in the alpha or something. It should be easily enough fixed in Photoshop or GIMP or whatever, but I thought it was best to let others fix it for themselves rather than for me to attempt it. I included a readme about the problem with the ones most strongly affected.
This batch consists entirely of party members, though some of them only short-term. So we’ll start with the short-term dream team, who are being stuck in the NPC category. (Or was it being called Other rather than NPC?)
The Man with the Machine Gun himself, Laguna Loire, former Galbadian soldier, future Esthar President and all-around dreamboat, here is the father that Squall hasn’t yet met:
As you can see, the Galbadian military uniform is one of the ones that really suffers from the transparency issue.
And of course we have Laguna’s friends and followers, starting with Kiros Seagill:
As with Zell, Kiros’s hands are part of his weapon, so he doesn’t have any.  I added that to the readme. Of course, in Kiros’s case it’s worse, since his weapon isn’t just gloves, but blades held closely in his hands, and of course he only has the one set of weapons so why not just put them there in the first place! ARGH! Ahem. Please excuse that little outburst.
And then we have Ward Zabac:
And now for the remainder of the party and their weapons.
We may as well go in roughly game order rather than alphabetical this time, ‘cause I feel like it. So we’ll start with Instructor Quistis Trepe:
And her whips, of course. And I’m never sure when a name ending in “s” should have an “’s” and when it should just have an “’” so I did the icon both ways. Unlike with most of the other weapons, the whips are available in .dae and .smd format as well as .obj, because the whips actually have bones and movement.
Then we have the adorable Selphie Tilmitt, who has a texture problem on her main model, unfortunately. Basically, it seems to be a UV map issue, but I don’t know why it rips broken when it doesn’t appear that way in the game. The problem is that her underwear—instead of being where it should be, out of sight—goes all the way down to the bottom of the interior of her skirt in the back, so you get a panty shot at almost all times. It’s disgusting and annoying, but should be fairly easily fixed. However, I didn’t want to try fixing it myself, since I wouldn’t do a very good job, and I’m sure there must be about a dozen different ways to fix it, and everyone will prefer their own solution, right? Anyway, it only affects Selphie’s main outfit, not her student uniform.
And Selphie’s nunchaku, like Quistis’s whips, are available in .dae and .smd as well as .obj.
So if we’re following game order, then the next party member will be Rinoa Heartilly.
I have no idea what Rinoa’s weapon-type is properly called, so I just called it “Rinoa’s Weapons” and I hope that’s not a problem.
And finally our last contestant—I mean, party member—Irvine Kinneas. Irvine is the only party member we never see in any other clothes. That’s actually kind of weird, don’t you think? (Well, unless you count the flashbacks to when they were all about five or six years old, anyway. But since they all have that (other than Rinoa) it still makes Irvine the odd man out.)
And Irvine’s guns:
Yay! All done! And in my week of Internet unavailability, I not only got this stuff finished up, I also started on my Chrono Cross project, so I’m off to the other submissions boards to put up the sprite and texture rips I’ve gotten ready!  (Now if only I could rip all those awesome models, too…)
Wonderful! I think the correct form is "Quistis's Weapons." Can't wait for some Chrono Cross.
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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06-29-2012, 01:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-29-2012, 01:15 AM by valforwing.)
rinoa's weapons are called blaster edges
any luck ripping angelo?
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(06-29-2012, 01:14 AM)valforwing Wrote: rinoa's weapons are called blaster edges
any luck ripping angelo?
Really? Blaster edges? Weird...and yet I guess I get it, too. However, I don't think that would conveniently fit on the icon, so if it's all the same to everyone else, I think I'd rather just leave it as "weapons".
And no, I can't rip Angelo, unfortunately. I've ripped everything I can now. I only have a certain number of files, and the GFs and other battle effects aren't in them. (Although some of their textures are, but there's not much point to just their textures...)
If anyone ever comes up with a good way to decompress all the files out of the ISO, then I'd be happy to see what other types of FFVIII files Noesis can read, but for the moment, this is all I'm capable of.
Damn. Well I hope they become available to rip later. Great work!
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Since Zell's hands just have textures, would you mind just including them with his main model submission? I don't want to have a "model" entry that contains nothing but textures.
I'm really impressed by all of your rips!
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06-30-2012, 09:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-01-2012, 05:45 PM by SierraLatkje.)
(06-29-2012, 11:56 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: Damn. Well I hope they become available to rip later. Great work!
Yeah, I hope so, too. The rest of the GFs and the non-combat cast would be really great to have! Noesis *can* read a number of other types of FFVIII files, so it's just a matter of someone figuring out a good way of getting the files out of the ISO. I think. I don't really understand a lot of the more technical stuff...
(06-29-2012, 06:34 PM)Peardian Wrote: Since Zell's hands just have textures, would you mind just including them with his main model submission? I don't want to have a "model" entry that contains nothing but textures.
No problem. Here's the new version:
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Took me a while, but they're all uploaded now. You did a fantastic job ripping all of these. Every party member, enemy, and boss fully rigged? That's surely worth something. I look forward to seeing what else you rip!
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I was looking though and I hope you don't mind me asking, but was the Ragnarok unrippable?
Apparently all of non-battle and many in-battle characters are not rippable right now.
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Posts: 5
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Joined: Jul 2012
sorry, I must have missed that. carry on the good work and sorry for trombe'in
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(07-20-2012, 10:03 PM)Peardian Wrote: Took me a while, but they're all uploaded now. You did a fantastic job ripping all of these. Every party member, enemy, and boss fully rigged? That's surely worth something. I look forward to seeing what else you rip! 
Sorry to be a bother, but can you take Kiros and Zell back down again? There's been an update to Noesis (yay!) and now I can rip their weapons, so I'd like to replace the weaponless versions with weaponed versions. (Though it may be a while before I can submit the new version, because I'm a bit busy this week. However, the ripping itself is done, so hopefully I can get them up by this weekend. Still, I wanted to put this request up as soon as possible, just on general principles. (I only checked the update status on Noesis yesterday, ya see...))