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It was until it was edited after a second inspection. Thanks!
[Image: x1aIZ2e.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]

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Oh! Are we doing entrance animations? Or at least warm up ones? I have a few Ideas Big Grin
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
I guess anything goes once you have all the basic animations done and since there's no finished game engine (so no definitive boundaries).
I'm no authority in this thread but go ahead and make your ideas, I'd be pleased to see them. Smile
[Image: x1aIZ2e.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]

Entrances wouldn't be hard at all for me to do.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
Yo dudes, it's funny that I was told I can be the game's Glass Joe, because I was thinking about making a character based around slimes (VIDEO GAME WEAKLINGS YEAH!) So then I threw around some ideas, and now I'm a telekinetic slime, so here is my three sprites (cuz, y'know, I'd rather not make just one at a time to get crits on.)

[Image: bnewtontheslimeTFR.png]

Also, tell me if you can recognize the middle grey thing as a randomly shaped piece of metal, without me telling you that.

Go crazy with crits, I'm not that ignorant douchebag who can't take criticism as anything more than an insult who was here three years ago.
Thanked by: Garamonde
I like how your limbs turn into fruit.

2 things though.
When shading a slime character, since it is round and all, the light kinda folds around to the other side so the darker shade won't necessarily touch the outline.
Metal looks better when you have more contrast in your shades. In this case white would be a good addition and the dark color you're using for the aa could instead be used as a shade.

Since I'm not the best at explaining with words because I'm still a beginner spriter and all, here is an example of what I mean:
[Image: 6P2v0.png]
The character is also very static. The design of it doesn't really fit the bouncy, energetic style TFR has going. It doesn't seem to make too much sense either; there doesn't seem to be much significance for everything. They look a little too random.

The idea of a slime character is promising, because we don't really have one yet (unless I'm a major derp and am forgetting someone :U), but the slime aspect of your character isn't necessary, considering what you have going on.
I would suggest keeping the slime idea, but try to develop a more uniform design (if that makes any sense).

EDIT: I skipped the part where you mentioned the telekinetic part the first time I read your post. Again, it's an interesting concept, but I feel more should be accentuated on the slime part.
I'm having trouble explaining my thoughts, but I think what I'm trying to say is that the character seems a little out of place. Most characters here are bigger, simpler shapes (Gors' and mine is the salt shaker/bullet shape, Robo9 is basic squares and thin limbs, Virt and Meta are a simplified human, etc.) Right now the character seems a little too small and compact, when we are looking or very clean, readable sprites, i guess? Sorry if I'm not making much sense Ouch!
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
Sorry Baegel, but, making the slime part bigger, more signifigant, wantevs, does not work, it was actually the first thing I tried. I should tell you that the slime guy I had the first couple of times I tried to start spriting him, looked like he should have bones, bones that were broken. A lot. I also have a feeling the static thing is only because its not animated yet.

Don't worry Baegel, the slime will have his own purpose amongst the objects he levitates around him. Wonder why he takes so much space in the strawberry and IS the ice cube? I'll tell you, he's actually compressing his own body with telekinesis.

That edit by Ploaj was beautiful, by the way (even if it was slightly out of style...)

So, here's my latest rendition of my sprites that I need to animate.
[Image: bnewtontheslimeTFR-1.png]

Seriously, have any reccomendations as to what I could use to animate this thing? After all, Google/Bing don't tell me the BEST program(s) out there to use, only a list of them, so I can't really trust it too much.

Anyhow, I hope you can figure out why he has gold floating by his sides, after all, what does the airship near the end of One Piece use it for? Whoops, I said too much! *Hides.*
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lazy and unshaded edit, but you can try this as a silhouette
[Image: VPlQR.png]
basically, instead of everything horizontal, you could pose things in a way that a normal person would pose while keeping the idea of a floaty object thing, making animating it easier since it has a more humanoid shape which can be referenced

or im missing the point entirely
(07-08-2012, 09:47 PM)alexmach1 Wrote: or im missing the point entirely

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[Image: uffRZ.png]
There's plenty you could do with the slime being the central part.
Even if you don't feel like the slime is the main part of the design, these designs are more uniform. Right now, yours is an unexplained mash up of shapes and forms.

Additionally, how do plan to attack? let alone jump? The design you have now doesn't make for actions like jumping and ducking, which are pretty crucial to the moveset.

Also, hold off on the actual sprite for now. the continuous addition of sprites, when they still need to be fixed, gets us nowhere. It's just giving you more work.
How about being an assist for now? Settle on a basic action and make sure it works. Fun Fact: I was actually going to be an assist, but I decided to expand it once I'd further developed the moveset, design, abilities, etc.

EDIT: Alex tried to help you. Your post served no purpose. why is he missing the point? What makes you think you aren't?
You said you would listen to C+C, but you're shooting it down with no reason provided why.
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
Look, people, can you please understand that you're missing the point by trying to redesign my character?

If you really feel the slime character design needs work, I'll change it, but you're trying to FORCE the slime to be humanoid to some extent.

I don't mean to seem like a jerk, but does my character really need to BE human, just to be easier to sprite? No! If I can make the poses work for the moves, that'll make me a better spriter for it, or at least show I have a good idea of what I'm doing.
Jump? Just shove a little drag on the side objects, add a special effect to make it seem like the slime suddenly put forth a bit of telekinetic energy to force the objects around him to blast up into the air.

Attack? Seriously? Don't you kids have any imagination these days? Spin crystals around, club with gold, channel energy through gold to release a lightning bolt.

Rant done, now...

Oh god...

You made me do it.
You made me go ahead on an angry tirade.

Bleh, return of the know-it-all douchebag, thanks a lot Baegal. That aside, you now have your reason why I'm not taking your criticism on the character itself.

But, again, I will change it if you insist I must, I'm just not going to change him to be yet another regular human being, so the use of telekinesis would be useless at that point.
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So, Baegal and alexmatch1 take out their time to try to help you, heck, even design things for you (you character isn't very interesting, sorry), and you act like a total douche to them, really? Now you pin your nervous breakdown as Baegal's fault?

Look, you don't have to accept a redesing just because someone did it for you, but geez, these are legit C+C that you are failing to acknowledge. Your character is boring and pretty much not in style with the rest of the roster, it will conflict and look bland, like Baegal and alexmatch1 have said/shown. Also

(07-08-2012, 07:07 PM)bnewton Wrote: Go crazy with crits, I'm not that ignorant douchebag who can't take criticism as anything more than an insult who was here three years ago.
They were trying to help you man. They're just trying to tell you that your current design doesn't make much sense and it needs to be worked on a little. Nobody's forcing you to be a human or anything.

EDIT: Ninjasukki'd.
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
I still don't understand what you're getting at. None of these designs look remotely close to a human. If arms and legs are the only things that define humanoid, then I think you are missing the point.
The current design you have now is impractical. The character needs some sort of structure so it isn't a cluster of forms floating around. I'm not saying you personally can't create a moveset for the current design, I'm saying that it wouldn't really work for this fighting game. If the character can levitate, why would he need to jump? (that's really the only reason I tried to add legs, to give it some grounding. I know the third design I made floats; TBH I didn't really think that one out. I wanted to show you how you could use the metal and jewels to better centralize the slime and make the character feel more "connected")
Ducking would also be somewhat difficult.
You can make the character telekinetic, but now it just currently seems "broken" The pieces almost seem like they have too much wiggle room, which could make for either a broken range, or a character who would feel out of place because his moveset is restricted to balance the game out.

Again, I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you are blowing things out of proportion. Take a deep breath, and read over the posts multiple times. Are you sure you are absorbing everything the user is saying? Are you sure you're understanding correctly? Don't take this as me belittling you; I sometimes confuse myself with what people are saying (I for some reason thought MJ was agreeing with Meta about my kick 1 being fine, when she was agreeing that it packed a little too much power for a regular kick).
All I'm saying is that getting angry at someone's advice is pointless. Either try to calmly explain why you don't agree with it, or ask questions. TSR's trying to be a more presentable, professional site (we got rid of Spamhaul, more mods, trying to lighten up). Present yourself as a, for lack of a better word, presentable user.
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]

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