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Werewolf - A New Hope: Game Thread - GAME OVER - INNOCENTS WIN!
Well, I said I'd end the day early if the activity took a significant boost. In my book, that'll do.

Voting Locked


Voting (Majority 6):

redblueyellow - 6
Sol - 1

The crowd filed into the hall. They all sensed that the end of this ordeal was coming ever nearer. Only half of the members were left, and, though a good deal of garbage posters had been banned, many more innocents had been, too.
There was much discussion as the remaining members waited for the beam of light to appear, and when Hoeloe stepped forward, someone else spoke up, before he could ask. It was Gold.
"I just want to say one thing," he said, addressing the hall. "We all know that there was a vigilante out there last night, who banned one of the Sprite Thieves. I have no reason not to tell you that I am the vigilante. I went with my gut feeling, and it turned out to be right. I'm going to do it again, and I think it's redblueyellow!"
There was a shocked silence for a moment, followed by a murmur of agreement.
"Well, I think it's Sol," said redblueyellow, defensively.
"So," said Hoeloe. "What do you all think?"
There was a chorus of approval for the execution of redblueyellow.
"Very well," he said.
Hoeloe swung his hammer, and the burst of white light engulfed the condemned. Once again, Hoeloe could feel his power humming through the hammer, and he smiled.

redblueyellow was executed and banned. He was a Troll, an evil member who could troll other members and ban them

After the meeting, Vipershark was sitting alone in his room, pondering. He was fairly safe. He'd voted for redblueyellow's execution. No-one woulld suspect him. He absently posted a new thread on the forum entitled:


and then turned to retire for the night. Upon doing so, his eyes spontaneously combusted.

[Image: 7bhKY.png]


Vipershark screamed and fled from the room, as the fire burned his flesh. He didn't make it outside before he was a pile of ash.

Vipershark was shown a recolour, and was banned. He was a Troll, an evil member who could troll other members and ban them

A dark shape watched the members leave the meeting. His target was one of them, and he was waiting for him to be alone. He sat on the rooftops and waited. His prize split off from the group and walked down an alleyway. Alone. He ran after him and jumped down behind him. With a smile on his face, he began the procedure. He felt the familiar sensation, like a rush of air, into his hands that meant it would all be over soon. There was a thud, and the sensation stopped. He looked at his hands, puzzled, and tried again. Thud. His target saw him trying this horrific deed, and ran.
Then the figure's hands moved, without his control. They swung around and back into the main street. There was another thud, and the rush of air continued, but something was wrong, this wasn't his target. This was someone else! He couldn't aim it, or control it. He had no choice but to drain the life from this unknown person. Whoever it was stumbled into the alley, and collapsed onto the floor, screaming soundlessly. The dark figure took one look at her face before the process was over, and she exploded into dust. Kat.

Above, watching the scene, another figure in a dark cape and stetson turned, and left.

Kat had her sprite stolen by accident, and was banned. She was the Honourary Troll, a member who had been converted to the Troll team some days in, with the same powers. Originally, she was the Lurker, a good member who could follow members and see who they targeted during the night


Night 4 summary:

- redblueyellow was executed
- Vipershark was banned
- Kat was banned
- Trolls were all eliminated

Dawn of the fifth day
8 players remain
Thanked by: Zadaben, redblueyellow
So I think I might have a touch of the paranoia as I panicked last night as well. Tongue I sent this to Keiang last night:
Gold Wrote:I don't know what to think of it yet as the execution hasn't happened yet. I was talking to rby earlier. I'm waiting for him to be executed before I post this on the forum but in case I'm killed tonight, before I get a chance to post it, I figured you were probably the best person to leave this with. Interpret it how you will and do with it as you see fit. (I encourage you to poste/quote this entire message if I die though Tongue)

Quote:Redblueyellow says:
I will neither confirm nor deny that I am a baddie, as you will find out tomorrow. Wink
Quote:Redblueyellow says:
I was looking into the remaining roles, and all that are left is one recolorer, one sprite thief, a lurker, a repbro, thanker, hue shifter, and whoever can block trolls. I was thinking that Kat and Shiyadazbuzu (however you spell it Tongue) were possibly Lurker and Repbro, since they are more of investigative roles.
Quote:Redblueyellow says:
it was nice talking to you Gold. Smile keep an eye out for Sol and Britt for baddie characters. just a bit of a hunch Big Grin

What I found most odd about this: I'm not sure if I'm missing something but I don't recall a list of roles being posted.
My other thoughts involve the fact that he seemed to be picking out those who were good alignments in his investigations.
And if he himself is a baddie: does that mean sol and britt are part of the third group or is it complete misinformation altogether?

I guess it all weighs on the outcome of his alignment.
Now also relevant:
Quote:Gold says:
To be honest I'm more intrigued by Vipersharks simple vote only posts...
Redblueyellow says:
I was looking at last game's outcome, and he did the same thing last game Tongue I'm not totally sure about it

So He was a troll, he was right about Kat, and he half tried to defend Vipershark (which is more than he did for himself I might add)
So what do we think of his list of potential baddies? Misinformation or the third team?
[Image: ioncesawyouholleringint.jpg]
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(09-08-2012, 12:03 PM)Gold Wrote:
Quote:Redblueyellow says:
I was looking into the remaining roles, and all that are left is one recolorer, one sprite thief, a lurker, a repbro, thanker, hue shifter, and whoever can block trolls.

I was the guy who could block troll attacks. I don't think my powers ever actually came into effect, I was just kind of throwing it out the first couple days, and by the time I actually defended someone I had a read on (Gold), the Trolls were dead.

Actually, that's pretty ironic, considering the role is called "Goldminer." But yeah, I'm just a normal member now that they're apparently dead.

Considering that the Trolls could convert good members, I think those are probably the third team. In the mafia games I've seen, there's the mafia/werewolves, the townies, and the cultists, and only the cultists could convert people.

Anyway, I'm going to go update my last analysis, and then post the other 12. See you dudes in a bit.
Thanked by: Gold
May I point out that voting will not end at the normal time tonight, but tomorrow night, since the day only started a few hours ago. Also, when this game is over, I'll release the rolesheets and activity log from each day.
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(09-08-2012, 02:51 AM)Keiang Wrote:

Totally an accident and mislead by TorchManiac (and Zadaben only addressing that to defend himself). It was the only lead we had! Otherwise we wouldn't reach majority, like it happened on the second night, and we all saw how useful never reaching majority in the other game ever was (it wasn't).

Me overapologizing was mostly because I went with a weak lead and got a really useful good member killed ): Then after Gold's post, it was easier to trust his gut feeling than mine, heh.
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(09-08-2012, 02:51 AM)Keiang Wrote: > Post 5: Pulls back just under the wire. He figured Zaba was a member, one way or another. He doesn't really explain why he has these doubts though. It might be assumed it's due to McHeadburger's post, but that's questionable.
> Post 7: Sound logic, but possibly a scum attempt to drive attention towards Gold. There's a weird mention of a seer being left, even though the two member one's we're aware of are dead. Either he forgot, and didn't actually read over the topic like he said he did before he posted, or he's forgotten.

5: I was talking to OldMcHeadburger and had just read the thread, seeing Zabadaben's post about Phantom K, and was annoyed because I thought he had been in contact with a Seer and was about to die, setting things back. McHeadburger said something like "In contact with a Seer? It's the second day, he IS a Seer." So I unvoted him at the last second without rereading the thread, but majority was on him regardless.

7: At that point we had seen that Trolls had an associated Seer, and going by the last game's roles, I figured there was still one Seer role left that hadn't been killed.
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Alright, seems legit enough. I was finishing up the analysis, but I've been having a brain wave so I think I'm going to work with that first.

Either the recolorers or the thieves have a seer, and Britt wanted to vote Kat immediately after she got converted to a Troll.
Vote Britt
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I've been finding you suspicious since the begining...and I sure hope we're not going into a trap.

Vote: Britt
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Here we go~All aboard the britt-train
Vote: Britt
Also lol @'goldminer'
[Image: ioncesawyouholleringint.jpg]
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Odd, I figured you guy would have gone after Sol, seeing as he obviously has more experience within the game then most of us. I honestly didn't see him making it even this far. I know there isn't anything I can do to change your minds at this point, but the fact that I picked Kat seriously had nothing to do with her being a troll or not.
Honestly, I didn't even make the connection until you mentioned it.

Just remember who you're getting your information from. I figure this is RedBlueYellow trying to take out some innocents after his death, by pitting us against each other, and misinforming us. But hell, the chances of you believing me are slim anyways.
Thanked by: Phantom Killah, Sol
(09-08-2012, 10:05 PM)Britt Wrote: Just remember who you're getting your information from. I figure this is RedBlueYellow trying to take out some innocents after his death, by pitting us against each other, and misinforming us. But hell, the chances of you believing me are slim anyways.

Potentially. If you do end up flipping innocent, I'm going after Sol.
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
That wouldn't be logical, though, unless you're a Baddie. (I'm not calling you out, I'm just saying.)

Given I'm innocent, that would mean RBY would have misinformed you, putting Sol in the same position I am in.

When I said I thought you guys would go after Sol, I meant that given both Sol and I were bad, I would think you would go for him first on the stakes that he is more versed in the game.
Meaning he would make a more logical decision in his kill pick, hurting you more.

I suppose what I'm trying to get you guys to understand, is that its possible that RBY is trying to use Sol and I as pawns to distract is from his last living partner, who I believe could possibly be Shiyadezubuzu or maybe Robo9 going by my previous theory that the people who aren't posting are doing so to keep from drawing attention to themselves.

I believe he just gave to random names knowing that no matter who they are, it would be to less people be them innocents are the other last remaining bad team member, bringing victory to his team.
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(09-08-2012, 11:00 PM)Britt Wrote: That wouldn't be logical, though, unless you're a Baddie. (I'm not calling you out, I'm just saying.)

Given I'm innocent, that would mean RBY would have misinformed you, putting Sol in the same position I am in.

When I said I thought you guys would go after Sol, I meant that given both Sol and I were bad, I would think you would go for him first on the stakes that he is more versed in the game.
Meaning he would make a more logical decision in his kill pick, hurting you more.

I suppose what I'm trying to get you guys to understand, is that its possible that RBY is trying to use Sol and I as pawns to distract is from his last living partner, who I believe could possibly be Shiyadezubuzu or maybe Robo9 going by my previous theory that the people who aren't posting are doing so to keep from drawing attention to themselves.

I believe he just gave to random names knowing that no matter who they are, it would be to less people be them innocents are the other last remaining bad team member, bringing victory to his team.

That being illogical relies on me relying solely on RBY's comment.

I was originally planning to go after Sol due to my own suspicions, but I think I have a more solid case against you. Most of Sol's suspicious behavior mostly revolves around the fact that I can't get a good read on him, and he's experienced. He did jump on the Zaba bandwagon though, before suddenly backing out once the bandwagon had formed. That's the biggest item against him.

However, his actions have a somewhat rational excuse.

Picking someone random to try and kill, especially that late in the game, and on the extremely flimsy reason of "inactivity", seems decidedly scummy. The reason I assume it's one or the other is due to a pm I got from Mutsukki. He was doubtful of Sol's guilt, but was suspicious of you. If you aren't a scum, Sol and Mutsukki seem that much more suspicious.
Thanked by: Gold
(09-08-2012, 11:00 PM)Britt Wrote: its possible that RBY is trying to use Sol and I as pawns to distract is from his last living partner
There is no last living partner - the trolls are all dead. (Though to be fair for all he knew there would be two living partners Tongue)
[Image: ioncesawyouholleringint.jpg]
Thanked by: redblueyellow
(09-08-2012, 11:53 PM)Gold Wrote: (Though to be fair for all he knew there would be two living partners Tongue)

My point exactly.
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