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My heart yearns that it's a Pokemon Wii U announcement of some sort

but I'm gonna try not to get too excited.
So at the moment I'll just say it's a new Pokemon Card collection or something else lame.

to those who like the card games I'm sorry I love you
[Image: 9fryz.gif] [Image: QUmE6.gif]
[Image: XwNYE.gif]
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Click the link below to view the New Super Mario Kart Project! [Seizure Warning]

Thanked by: puggsoy
Imagine if they brought R/B/Y to the 3DS virtuL console with online trading/battling.
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Thanked by: Sengir, puggsoy, Mutsukki, Shade
(01-05-2013, 02:24 PM)Mr. Popo Wrote: I love how everyone is implying that this isn't going to be an RSE remake at all.

Which is pretty obvious at this point if were to stick to the main momentum of pokemon remakes and shit.

The remakes only exist to give us access to the Pokemon we originally no longer had access to.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Garamonde, Tellis, Mutsukki, Gaia
(01-06-2013, 12:13 PM)Woppet* Wrote: Imagine if they brought R/B/Y to the 3DS virtuL console with online trading/battling.
Oh god no, that would be atrocious. Gen I sucked for competitive battling, can we all just realize this?

Psychic types were OP as shit due to it being immune to Ghost instead of weak to it (and even if they were, the only Ghost types were Poison type as well, leaving them totally weak to Psychic types), Dragon types had no STAB moves (the only Dragon attack move was Dragon Rage which ALWAYS did 40 HP) (they were only weak to Ice moves because of this as well), Wrap caused the target to be unable to act at all during the duration of the attack (not to mention if the first hit was a critical, every single hit would do critical damage), Special Attack and Special Defense were under the single Special stat which is what caused Chansey to be a complete powerhouse and any Pokemon with a high Special stat was decisively more powerful. Not to mention, the Physical/Special move split introduced in Gen IV introduced a huge amount of depth into the meta and made tons of Pokemon actually viable, so it'd be silly to ever go back on that for any reason other than pure nostalgia. Everyone would have the same 9 or 10 Pokemon because that's all you need to win, it wouldn't be fun at all.

Not to mention having a limited inventory sucked balls for a game with so many items, there were glitches everywhere, there was a cap to the money you could earn before the Elite Four due to the inability to rebattle any trainers and after Gen V, I never want to go back to a world where TMs can only be used once. Gen II released? Maybe. At least that one's actually playable by today's standards. But what would be the point when there's HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Anyway, I don't have any good guesses as to what this could be. RSE remake would be interesting, though the timing would be weird with the 3DS being out for so long now. Pokemon Snap would be amazing but I'm not getting my hopes up. Could be the announcement for the new movie, or the new movie short, that will serve as the promo for the next generation a la every other Pokemon movie between generation games. Just gotta wait and see, I guess. I think with Pokemon's track record on these things, any speculation would be incredibly silly.
Thanked by: Baegal, Mutsukki
I meant with FR/LG mechanics.

...Well I didn't really mean that, but I do now.
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Thanked by: water dog
(01-06-2013, 06:58 PM)Kat Wrote:
(01-05-2013, 02:24 PM)Mr. Popo Wrote: I love how everyone is implying that this isn't going to be an RSE remake at all.

Which is pretty obvious at this point if were to stick to the main momentum of pokemon remakes and shit.

The remakes only exist to give us access to the Pokemon we originally no longer had access to.

Yeah, now that if you had two DSes, it would've been possible to grab both Diamond AND Pearl along with HGSS, which would easily complete it's pokedex that way (and Gen III, since Gen VI introduced the GODLY import feature).
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10 minutes left. I'm pumped.

Immanent disappointment.
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