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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
Tiki is definitely a regular Trophy. As far as I saw I didn't see her as an assist, but there's so much I might have missed even after my fourth run through the direct looking for stuff.
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Oh, I heard someone say she was an assist. Now I'm disappointed
[Image: sig.gif]
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Okay my thoughts on the content of the direct in order that they were brought up in the video:

- I'm apprehensive about the fact that the 3DS version is coming out significantly sooner than the Wii U version. I feel we're going to end up in a situation where people who are planning to only buy one or the other are going to end up choosing the 3DS version simply because they don't want to wait six more months (especially since roster spoilers will be floating around everywhere). And then there are people who are going to buy the first version and feel satiated enough to put off buying the Wii U version for a long while. Both these things are going to hurt the sales of the Wii U version, which let's face it, Nintendo desperately needs at this point. I don't think this was a good decision on their part. If they aren't going to release them simultaneously, they should at least not be further than a month apart.

- I wasn't aware that the 3DS was capable of running at 60 FPS. That's pretty cool I guess, although not of particular interest to me. Certainly shows what the hardware can do though.

- The Wii U version still has a shitload of tracks for each stage. Excellent. No indication of if CDs will need to be collected this time around though.

- The stages segment didn't really introduce anything new, aside from Balloon Fight and revealing that there will be past stages. Not very happy that the Kirby past stage shown is the Halberd when he's had much better ones to choose from ...

- Also I can't help but notice that Skyloft and Palutena's Temple are a bit too similar to each other. I didn't even notice when the video transitioned from one to the other. This is not a good sign if they're trying to make stages that each have their own personality.

- Bosses appearing in mid-match is certainly interesting, we'll have to see how they actually work out; hopefully they aren't TOO much of a distraction.

- Ridley is confirmed as a boss stage element. Sorry guys, looks like he's not gonna be a fighter. I'm sure plenty of people will still try to logic ways for him to still be a plausible fighter though.

- There appears to be a change to DK's spin move that can be seen around 8:17. Maybe it acts differently on the ground? Or is that just another move of his.

- For Fun vs For Glory is a brilliant decision, although I'm sure we will see our fair share of people bitching about it. I know I'm probably in the minority in a community like this, but I absolutely DESPISE Final Destination for reasons I'm not going to start going into detail about here. I've never been able to enjoy online random-play because that is the only stage people ever choose. I am so happy to have a mode that explicitly excludes that stage. The only downside is that stages are chosen at complete random now, but I can deal with it.

- I love the idea of repurposing the Super Mario "Fire Bar" as a weapon. Although my most favorite new weapon is probably the Bombchu.

- "Assist Trophies have returned to help the player out. These figure into All Star mode, so I'd like to put in as many as possible." What? What does this mean? What is All Star mode like this time!? You can't say something like that and not expound on it at all!! SAKURAAAAAAII!!!

- Most of the assist trophies seem to be repeats from Brawl or ones we've already seen revealed on the site ... wait, why is Skull Kid turning the world upside down? How is that a feature related to him? It's not like he was responsible for that mechanic in the Stone Temple.

- Midna appears to just grapple anyone within her reach and fling them.

- I'm unsure as to what Ashley's effect actually does. It's probably just a poison cloud, but I'm hoping it works something like Luigi's old Final Smash. Probably not, but it'd be a cool way to still keep it in the game in some form.

- Dark Samus is an assist and not a playable character. THANK GOD. Dark Samus is so lame, seriously guys.

- Isabelle looks adorable when she's disappointed at the end there.

- I am not fond of the idea of Master Balls indicating which pokeballs contain the most powerful pokemon. Pokeballs are exciting because they are a complete gamble; you could get something truly awesome and game-changing, or you can get something lame like a goldeen that thinks it's a magikarp. Making it clear which pokeballs contain the best pokemon I feel devalues the normal pokeballs, since they will now have a limited range of usefulness. I guess I wouldn't mind it so much if master balls only indicated a higher chance of getting something good and not a guarantee. If that were the case they could even include a variety of other types of pokeballs as well.

- You know, you're supposed to be able to pick up Electrode in Melee and Brawl as well, but I've never been able to actually do it. Is there a catch?

- Gogoat looks like it works similarly to an idea I've had for a long time for a Wheelie Bike assist trophie (or item, whatever).

- Palkia ... does the same thing as Skull Kid. Is that really necessary? Leave it with Palkia and give Skull Kid something more unique to his character, like, I dunno, DROPPING THE FRIGGIN MOON INTO THE STAGE.


- Characters that used to change form mid-match no longer change. I'm okay with this for Samus, as having ZSamus as a separate character is not much different than having both Mario and Dr. Mario as unique fighters. Though I admit I'm a tad disappointed that if they were going to include a second Samus in the roster they didn't take the opportunity to use Fusion Samus. I'm probably the only one that actually would have wanted that, though. (Here's hoping alternate costumes still have a possibility of being a thing).

- The new Zero Suit Samus design is friggin' sweet. She looks way buffer and more like the hardcore gal you'd expect to find piloting a friggin' spacemech to slaughter hundreds of aliens. (And less like, y'know, a Barbie who looks like a stiff wind could blow her over).

- I'm even okay with her jetboots for the most part ... my only issue is ... why did they have to give them such Bayonetta-esque high heels? Isn't the point of ZSamus that she's supposed to be able to fit inside her mech suit with this outfit on? Because there's no way those flippin' heals fit inside the foot of her suit. (And let's face it, she's not exactly the type of girl to wear heels. She'd definitely be into much more battle-practical footwear).

- While I'm okay with other transformations getting nixed, I wish they would have left Zelda/Shiek alone. It's so much more integral characteristic for her. This is pretty much just a personal preference, but it just doesn't feel right. On the plus side I guess this means more people will have to actually play a bit of Zelda in order to 100% the game; since 98% of all players just immediately switch to Shiek. Zelda is a very underappreciated fighter.

- Sakurai says here that they "added" a hammer technique to Kirby, so it's not particularly clear if it's actually part of his side-special or a new move altogether. If I had to guess I'd say that the normal Hammer technique has been upgraded to work like it always has if you perform the attack quickly, but has the option to charge up if you hold the button down. Just a guess mind you, but it seems the most logical.

- Kirby's new Final Smash is pretty much exactly what I was expecting it to be. I wonder if there will be any randomness to the sword he uses.

- King Dedede's waddle dees are gone completely ... replaced with the sole use of gordos. Wuh- wuh- what!? But ... King Dedede and waddle dees go together like peanut butter and jelly! Ketchup and hot dogs! Spaghetti and sauce! Some other two food things that are inseparable! How can they take them away just to leave him with an enemy that is barely related to his character at all ...

- Unless ...

- Okay, maybe I'm getting my hopes up here, but do you think maybe this is opening up the possibility of Bandana Dee getting into the game? I mean, as much as I want him (seeing as he was the most awesome character to play as in Return to Dream Land) up until this point I had considered him to have an absolute zero chance of actually getting on the Smash roster. But I seriously can't think of any reason to take Waddle Dees from Dedede unless it was for the purpose of reducing confusion ... so maybe he actually has a chance?

- Lucario's Mega Evolution is revealed to be a thing, but Sakurai fails to tell us exactly how it is acquired. Is it his Final Smash? I'm assuming so, but he neglects to say anything about it.

- Most of the stuff about Olimar is just technical stuff, but what's important to note here is that, as you might have already guessed from ZSamus, that tether recoveries have been removed altogether. In fact, Olimar's recovery advantage is actually reversed from the previous game, as he actually will have more successful recoveries with LESS pikmin with him rather than more.

- Gliding is cut from Pit. Will this be true for Meta Knight and Charizard as well? I'm guessing so.

- He no longer has a recovery that gives him free flight either. It's just a "zoom through the air" attack like Fox's recovery ... but looks like it gets some really good distance.

- Yoshi blah blah blah ...

- Luma apparently just wanders around on his own when he's separated from Rosalina. I assumed he would mirror Rosa's movements, but this might actually be better.

- Little Mac doesn't really show us anything new ... aside from a costume reveal. I'm pretty indifferent to it personally, but I'm sure people will be excited about it.

- The Villager's Final Smash couldn't be better if you tried.

- I'm kind of disappointed that the Wii Fit Trainer has a Samus-esque projectile attack. It's a pretty big departure from how I thought she'd play up until this point.

- Custom moves are pretty awesome conceptually but I wonder how much use I'm going to get out of it personally. Seems like a lot of potential maintenance that I tend to stray away from. I hope at least you are capable of saving a ton of sets for each character, because if I do end up really getting into this, I'm probably not going to be happy having to settle for only two or three saved sets per character.

- SMASH RUN!! Oh man I recognized this as an homage to Kirby Air Ride immediately. I looooooove KAR City Trial, so I am super excited for this. I'm kind of vexed that it's only available in the 3DS version, but I imagine that is so they can avoid having to do a split-screen scenario in the Wii U version (although honestly would that really be so bad?). I really want to know what the exclusives for the Wii U will be like, but apparently they aren't revealing that yet. Dammit.

- Charizard is back and on his own, which is cool in some regards, although this means the game won't have a human trainer appearing anywhere in it, which is kind of a small disappointment but one I think we can all get over. I am going to miss Squirtle, as I thought he was the most fun of the trio to play but- HOLYMOTHERFUGGISTHATGRENINJA

- Okay, I know I'm a huge advocate for Mewtwo making a return over anyone from the new generations but ... holy shitake I did not even fathom Greninja as a possibility. I know that considering how short of a time the latest game has been out I really shouldn't be making claims like this but ... I am thoroughly convinced that Greninja is the best starter final evolution by far (at the very least, aesthetically. I'm not much of a hardcore player to really compare stats).

Plus when you think about it, starter pokemon are probably the most deserving of all to be included in the roster. While this might not necessarily be true for the more hardcore players, the majority of players of the Pokemon games are likely going to keep their starter in their team at all times. Your starter is the one pokemon that is always with you, through the good and the bad, all the way to the very end. And by the proxy of it always being present, it could be argued that they are one of the game's primary protagonists, aside from the player character themself.

That said, what better starters are better choices than Charizard and Greninja? They represent both the first and most recent pokemon games, and each one is the most likely to hold their own in Smash out of their game's starters. It's as logical as it is awesome.

Oh, and Greninja just looks totally badass and like he's going to be a complete blast to play.

That said, while I really strongly wanted Mewtwo, I think if losing him is the price we have to pay for gaining Greninja, I am perfectly okay with that (a comment that I'm sure will gain me some unpopularity).

They better keep Jigglypuff though. He's a friggin' institution.
Thanked by: Baegal
(04-10-2014, 01:12 AM)Drshnaps Wrote: - King Dedede's waddle dees are gone completely ... replaced with the sole use of gordos. Wuh- wuh- what!? But ... King Dedede and waddle dees go together like peanut butter and jelly! Ketchup and hot dogs! Spaghetti and sauce! Some other two food things that are inseparable! How can they take them away just to leave him with an enemy that is barely related to his character at all ...

- Unless ...

- Okay, maybe I'm getting my hopes up here, but do you think maybe this is opening up the possibility of Bandana Dee getting into the game? I mean, as much as I want him (seeing as he was the most awesome character to play as in Return to Dream Land) up until this point I had considered him to have an absolute zero chance of actually getting on the Smash roster. But I seriously can't think of any reason to take Waddle Dees from Dedede unless it was for the purpose of reducing confusion ... so maybe he actually has a chance?

I'm pretty sure that's like me getting my hopes up about Ridley and trying to find meaning when there is none, HOWEVER I did also make that connection. What I forgot to mention in my post was that I noticed how Waddle Dee absence from his moveset and Isaac and Tingle's absence from the Assist Trophy roll call kind of make teasing implications at possible playable features. This is, however, entirely baseless speculation.

I'd play any one of those characters though.
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i'm not done with ridley just yet, i just won't talk about it anymore.

while i don't believe in bullshit like '' but other m ridley is a clone, and super metroid ridley would be playable!'' ridley is ridley, either he is a clone or the orginal in game.

i still believe - in fact this tease convinces me even more that he will be playable. he probably will be the last thing they're going to show at E3 before people can try out the game.

anyway, you know what really got me siked this direct? that new kirby move.

to me, kirby seems to be a lot more interesting again, and that's good because you all know how much i love kirby, i only never liked to play as him again after the first smash. but now things seem different, i'm going to try him on again. his finishing moves look promising and that hammer flip looks - if well timed - like it's going to fuck up your mom
[Image: kw3k.png]

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Looking at the list of items as posted by some sites, it's huge! Probably at least twice the size of Brawl's item list.
People noticed the Bandai Namco items (S-Flag and some creature from Galaga), so there is Bandai Namco content in the game.
But the item I'm most excited about is the Super Leaf. Raccoon forms for everyone! What happens when you mix that with a Bunny Hood... and Sonic?
Also, the variety of explosions is just insane.
[Image: QUmE6.gif]
My Game Maker games (Dropbox download links):

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I like a lot of these new items but I kinda wish they were more spread out series-wise. Most of them are from Mario, Zelda, and Kid Icarus.

There hasn't been any new items for Metroid, Donkey Kong, Wario, Yoshi, and others.

Hm. What new items would I have for those series?

Barrel Cannon: They return from Melee! This time you can throw them and they stick in the air to be used a couple of times.
Coconut Gun: Yes from DK64. This can shoot up to three powerful coconuts. The weapon is so strong that lighter characters will be blown backwards when using it. Only heavy guys like DK can handle it.

Gravity Suit: Replaces the Metal Box (Mario's got enough items) characters glow purple and have the properties they did when they were metal.
Plasma Beam: Fires a long green beam that passes through enemies and obstacles.

Huffin' Puffin': These little guys can be thrown like a Mr. Saturn. However, they circle around back like a boomerang. (Unfortunately Mario's boomerang is already an item)
Fuzzy: Throw one of these guys at your foes and they'll get dizzy. All their controls will get wonky for a short time.

Jet Pot: From Wario Land, wear this on your head to jet charge straight forward doing damage.

Thanked by: SchAlternate
Greninja looks ridiculously fun to play as. He was my top pick for new Pokemon to be playable, but I didn't know what his popularity level was like over in Japan, or even here, really. I just really loved him.

It's interesting that Sheik and ZSS are their own characters now, I wouldn't have predicted that, but I do think it makes a lot of sense. When I played as Sheik, I wouldn't play as Zelda.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
Thanked by: Gwen
As much as all these cool changes makes me want to get the newest Smash Bros. game more than ever (especially with the inclusion of Greninja), there is one detail about it that disappoints me a lot.

It isn't the fact that Ridley won't be playable, nor the fact that you can no longer change into Sheik from Zelda, but rather it is the fact that a Goldeen is still insisting on doing the work of a Magikarp.
(02-27-2014, 07:31 PM)Gors Wrote: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR SUCKY ART. I think this needs to go noticed to everyone, because sucking is not failing. Sucking is part of the fun of learning and if you don't suck, then you won't own at pixelart

it's ok to suck, sucking is not bad, just try and aim to always do your best!
Thanked by: Kriven
ffs, that is one of the most pointless things ever to be disappointed in. I'm not trying to be a complete ass here, but I mean come on really?
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Goldeen's awkward flopping is pretty much as iconic as Magikarp, just not in the games. It's iconic in the Anime, which was riding high when the original Smash came out, so I'm pretty sure they've just rolled with it.

Besides, if they DO include Magikarp, I would want him to be hittable, and when hit he evolves into a badass, angry Gyarados.
Thanked by: E-Man
(04-10-2014, 08:38 AM)TomGuycott Wrote: Besides, if they DO include Magikarp, I would want him to be hittable, and when hit he evolves into a badass, angry Gyarados.

They've already got the Cuccos. I would say to differentiate Magikarp from the cuccos, make it so he gets smacked around like sandbag. Once he's been KO'd off the screen, he'll return to the battle as a Gyarados.

[Image: 357n7r6_zps67bc167e.gif]
Thanked by: E-Man
I'd agree with you, except for the fact that Magikarps don't summon a flurry of magikarps when you hit one. The only similarity between the concepts is hitting them activates it, there's SO many items that react with consequences to getting hit.
Thanked by: E-Man
Have there been any DK assists shown?

I'm pretty ok with what's happening roster-wise. I would have much preferred Mewtwo, but...

So that gives us 5 Mario/Zelda (counting Ganondorf)/Pokemon (counting Jigglypuff) reps. Is that all we'll see? Will Sakurai surprise us with a sixth for each? We haven't seen Bowser Jr in anything yet (or Paper Mario), Tingle wasn't showcased in the assist trophies (nor was Ghirahim or however you spell it), and Mewtwo was supposedly being considered. Is there hope?
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Even if Ghirahim has no chance, I always have hope for that tongue.
[Image: zigBIya.gif]
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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