09-14-2014, 04:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2023, 08:24 AM by Random Talking Bush.)
As some of you might've seen already, I've got the know-how to get the models from any of the 3DS / Switch Pokémon games with their original bone structures and rigging. I'll be using this topic as a hub for any Pokémon model requests for me to rip and upload, and only up to 3 requests per person at a time -- once I get those done, you're welcome to ask for some more. Just keep in mind I'll be working on these during my spare time, so don't expect 'em right away (way too outdated, ignore this).
What you'll need:
Models (UPDATED! 12/20/23)
Ohana3DS Rebirth
Ohana3DS Rebirth Hacky Workaround (by waielal, loads broken files)
Let's Go + Sword/Shield + Legends: Arceus + Scarlet/Violet:
RTB's GFBMDL / TRMDL Model MAXScript (UPDATED! 10/27/22)
SomeKitten and ChicoEevee's Blender Script
Nintendo Switch - BNTX, BFRES and BFFNT to DDS (UPDATED! 09/19/22)
New Pokémon Snap:
NUSRCMDLB Model MaxScript (NEW! 05/26/21)
NUTEXB-to-DDS Texture QuickBMS Script (NEW! 05/26/21)
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl:
Currently uploaded:
Pokémon X / Y
Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon Sun / Moon
Pokémon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon
Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! / Eevee!
Pokémon Sword / Shield
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl
Pokémon Scarlet / Violet
701 - Furfrou
702 - Phantump
703 - Trevenant
704 - Litleo
705 - Pyroar
706 - Scatterbug
707 - Spewpa
708 - Vivillon
709 - Skrelp
710 - Dragalge
711 - Bunnelby
712 - Diggersby
713 - Flabébé
714 - Floette
715 - Florges
716 - Noibat
717 - Fennekin
718 - Braixen
719 - Delphox
720 - Chespin
721 - Quilladin
722 - Chesnaught
723 - Froakie
724 - Frogadier
725 - Greninja
726 - Inkay
727 - Malamar
728 - Skiddo
729 - Gogoat
730 - Pangoro
731 - Helioptile
732 - Heliolisk
733 - Espurr
734 - Meowstic
735 - Pumpkaboo
736 - Gourgeist
737 - Tyrunt
738 - Tyrantrum
739 - Amaura
740 - Aurorus
741 - Dedenne
742 - Swirlix
743 - Slurpuff
744 - Honedge
745 - Doublade
746 - Aegislash
747 - Binacle
748 - Barbaracle
749 - Bergmite
750 - [UNUSED]
751 - Avalugg
752 - Pancham
753 - Fletchling
754 - Fletchinder
755 - Talonflame
756 - Clauncher
757 - Clawitzer
758 - Spritzee
759 - Aromatisse
760 - Klefki
761 - Hawlucha
762 - Noivern
763 - Goomy
764 - Sliggoo
765 - Goodra
766 - Carbink
767 - Sylveon
768 - Xerneas
769 - Yveltal
770 - Zygarde
771 - [UNUSED]
772 - Diancie
773 - Volcanion
774 - Hoopa
"_51" / "_52" - Mega Form 801 - Mareanie
802 - Toxapex
803 - Morelull
804 - Shiinotic
805 - Salandit
806 - Salazzle
807 - Pikipek
808 - Trumbeak
809 - Toucannon
810 - Oranguru
811 - Komala
812 - Bounsweet
813 - Steenee
814 - Tsareena
815 - Passimian
816 - Jangmo-o
817 - Hakamo-o
818 - Kommo-o
819 - Mimikyu
820 - Wishiwashi
821 - Pyukumuku
822 - Sandygast
823 - Palossand
824 - Minior
825 - Oricorio
826 - Yungoos
827 - Gumshoos
828 - Rockruff
829 - Lycanroc
830 - Tapu Koko
831 - Tapu Lele
832 - Tapu Bulu
833 - Tapu Fini
834 - Cutiefly
835 - Ribombee
836 - Grubbin
837 - Charjabug
838 - Vikavolt
839 - Mudbray
840 - Mudsdale
841 - Rowlet
842 - Dartrix
843 - Decidueye
844 - Litten
845 - Torracat
846 - Incineroar
847 - Popplio
848 - Brionne
849 - Primarina
850 - Dewpider
851 - Araquanid
852 - Stufful
853 - Bewear
854 - Turtonator
855 - Bruxish
856 - Drampa
857 - Dhelmise
858 - Togedemaru
859 - Crabrawler
860 - Crabominable
861 - Type: Null
862 - Silvally
863 - Comfey
864 - [UNUSED]
865 - Necrozma
866 - Wimpod
867 - Golisopod
868 - Fomantis
869 - Lurantis
870 - [UNUSED]
871 - Cosmog
872 - Cosmoem
873 - Solgaleo
874 - Lunala
875 - Nihilego
876 - Guzzlord
877 - Buzzwole
878 - Xurkitree
879 - Pheromosa
880 - Kartana
881 - Celesteela
882 - Magearna
883 - Marshadow
884 - Stakataka
885 - Blacephalon
886 - Poipole
887 - Nagandel
888 - Zeraora
889 - [UNUSED]
890 - [UNUSED]
891 - Meltan
892 - Melmetal
"_61" - Alolan Form
901 - Nicket
902 - Thievul
903 - Chewtie
904 - Drednaw
905 - Gossifleur
906 - Eldegoss
907 - Yamper
908 - Boltund
909 - Skwovet
910 - Greedent
911 - Wooloo
912 - Dubwool
913 - Arrokuda
914 - Barraskewda
915 - Sizzlipede
916 - Centiskorch
917 - Cramorant
918 - Rookidee
919 - Corvisquire
920 - Corviknight
921 - Toxel
922 - Toxitricity
923 - Falinks
924 - Milcery
925 - Alcremie
926 - Cufant
927 - Copperajah
928 - Obstagoon
929 - Duraludon
930 - Blipbug
931 - Dottler
932 - Orbeetle
933 - Rolycoly
934 - Carkoal
935 - Coalossal
936 - Silicobra
937 - Sandaconda
938 - Zacian
939 - Zamazenta
940 - Eternatus
941 - Morpeko
942 - Indeedee
943 - Perrserker
944 - Pincurchin
945 - Snom
946 - Frosmoth
947 - Cursola
948 - Grookey
949 - Thwackey
950 - Rillaboom
951 - Sobble
952 - Drizzile
953 - Inteleon
954 - Scorbunny
955 - Raboot
956 - Cinderace
957 - Impidimp
958 - Morgrem
959 - Grimmsnarl
960 - Dracozolt
961 - Arctozolt
962 - Dracovish
963 - Arctovish
964 - Clobbopus
965 - Grapploct
966 - Applin
967 - Flapple
968 - Appletun
969 - Hattena
970 - Hattrem
971 - Hatterene
972 - Sinistea
973 - Polteageist
974 - Stonjourner
975 - Eiscue
976 - Dreepy
977 - Drakloak
978 - Dragapult
979 - Runerigus
980 - Mr. Rime
981 - Sirfetch'd
982 - Kubfu
983 - Urshifu
984 - Glastrier
985 - Spectrier
986 - Calyrex
987 - [UNUSED]
988 - Zarude
989 - Regieleki
990 - Regidrago
"_##_31" - Galarian Form
"_81_00" - Gigantamax Form
1001 - Wyrdeer
1002 - Kleavor
1003 - Sneasler
1004 - Enamorus
1005 - Overqwil
1006 - Basculegion
1007 - Ursaluna
1008 - [UNUSED]
1009 - [UNUSED]
1010 - Sprigatito
1011 - Floragato
1012 - Meowscarada
1013 - Fuecoco
1014 - Crocalor
1015 - Skeledirge
1016 - Quaxly
1017 - Quaxwell
1018 - Quaquaval
1019 - Lechonk
1020 - Oinkologne
1021 - Dudunsparce
1022 - Tarountula
1023 - Spidops
1024 - Nymble
1025 - Lokix
1026 - Rellor
1027 - Rabsca
1028 - Greavard
1029 - Houndstone
1030 - Flittle
1031 - Espathra
1032 - Firagarif
1033 - Wiglett
1034 - Wugtrio
1035 - Dondozo
1036 - Veluza
1037 - Finizen
1038 - Palafin
1039 - Smoliv
1040 - Dolliv
1041 - Arboliva
1042 - Capsakid
1043 - Scovillain
1044 - Tadbulb
1045 - Bellibolt
1046 - Varoom
1047 - Revavroom
1048 - Orthworm
1049 - Tandemaus
1050 - Maushold
1051 - Cetoddle
1052 - Cetitan
1053 - Frigibax
1054 - Arctibax
1055 - Baxcalibur
1056 - Tatsugiri
1057 - Cyclizar
1058 - Pawmi
1059 - Pawmo
1060 - Pawmot
1061 - Wattrel
1062 - Kilowattrel
1063 - Bombirdier
1064 - Squawkabilly
1065 - Flamigo
1066 - Klawf
1067 - Nacl
1068 - Naclstack
1069 - Garganacl
1070 - Glimmet
1071 - Glimmora
1072 - Shroodle
1073 - Grafaiai
1074 - Fidough
1075 - Dachsbun
1076 - Maschiff
1077 - Mabosstiff
1078 - Bramblin
1079 - Brambleghast
1080 - Gimmighoul
1081 - Gholdengo
1082 - Great Tusk
1083 - Brute Bonnet
1084 - Walking Wake
1085 - Sandy Shocks
1086 - Scream Tail
1087 - Flutter Mane
1088 - Slither Wing
1089 - Roaring Moon
1090 - Iron Treads
1091 - Iron Leaves
1092 - Iron Moth
1093 - Iron Hands
1094 - Iron Jugulis
1095 - Iron Thorns
1096 - Iron Bundle
1097 - Iron Valiant
1098 - Ting-Lu
1099 - Chien-Pao
1100 - Wo-Chien
1101 - Chi-Yu
1102 - Koraidon
1103 - Miraidon
1104 - Tinkatink
1105 - Tinkatuff
1106 - Tinkaton
1107 - Charcadet
1108 - Armarouge
1109 - Ceruledge
1110 - Toedscool
1111 - Toedscruel
1112 - Kingambit
1113 - Clodsire
1114 - Annihilape
1115 - [UNUSED]
1116 - [UNUSED]
1117 - [UNUSED]
1118 - [UNUSED]
1119 - [UNUSED]
1120 - Ogerpon
1121 - Dipplin
1122 - Hydrapple
1123 - Okidogi
1124 - Munkidori
1125 - Fezandipiti
1126 - Gouging Fire
1127 - Raging Bolt
1128 - Iron Crown
1129 - Iron Boulder
1130 - Terapagos
1131 - Pecharunt
1132 - Archaludon
1133 - Poltchageist
1134 - Sinistcha
"_##_41" - Hisuian Form
"_##_51" - Paldean Form
"_71_##" - Noble
Thanked by: Garamonde, Mystie, GuestyGuest90012, eureka, recme, Kurabupengin, redblueyellow, MaxiGamer™, PKMN Trainer Rai, Goronic, Turbo Thunderbolt, Ascyndaeon, Tiberious, KurainoOni, senjen, Shade, PurplePixel, BillyBob11432, SylveonHime, Darthatron, Shiftite, Lilothestitch, TGE, o0DemonBoy0o, Kapi, Lesserfruit, Yunpol, Apache Thunder, Demonslayerx8, TheAmazingSnivy, rafex, Farlavor, juhis, Smoko Frodo, DJTHED, MimiNeko, Citipati, rick737, kira2093, YukiKitsune, kutaras, MandL27, AoM, Chirz, AllenSword, Ribbon-Kitten, F0x, Struggleton!, Ton, Theben, xiriox, Alek172, Haleclipse, thanhhieu_02, Aceslasher, Legendaryrpg, Austichar, DatHax, Pangri, O_o, Guy, MattBurb81, Serena, oem, Pokémon MMO 3D, greninjagreg, crueldude100, Chaze, naynaybuggins, Brewsterkoopa, Baitot, JohnTravolski, Ecelon, Greg_Fakelastname, BluJaye, RedBear, charizardkids, Carpaccio, JerseyXS97, Lordniti2, MerúM, HyuponiaCress, skewtr, JoyMazing, diwanglongshenglong, TheCriticalKidd, CaramelPuffpuff, ninetalescommander, Trigger Edge, Gabu, TheawesomeN, ambros489, Enderfacio, FabDelb, Ziella, Verivik, JosephcatZ, BellBlitzKing, Eagle, sectoid, TheFip, willwam22, The Prawn, DogToon64, JetTheFox96, octolingone, Lo0bo0, Knowdice, Haybale, pompom454, FormerUser36, DalPals, BlanketSushi, Nyan, BlastoiseTheVGRipper, Pero, peterer, RobertFlint, Darkkfire, Dexter, sarahmom10, joejoemars1, DragonTheFolf, arctic dino, DJFox11, RHD-45, TAIKAIDEN, Mizuki, YourTK, Redbird, Fury72888hshu, Pixel5, Gamelegends3663
First and foremost mate, Great job on the other 2 uploaded models. Could I request Blastoise, and Mew please.
Keep up the great work, and can't wait to see more of your X / Y models released!
I'd like to put in a request for Greninja, Xearneas, and Celebi.
Posts: 154
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Joined: Oct 2010
Mind if I request Gogoat, Clauncher, and Litleo? I can't wait to see how this project is gonna come along!
Two more done, will work on some more later today.
Posts: 50
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Joined: Mar 2011
09-14-2014, 05:19 PM
hi i'll take an order of regular Blaziken, Machamp and Riolu to go, thanks.
Posts: 2,414
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Joined: Sep 2008
This looks killer, RTB. I wish I could help in some sort of way
But when it comes to requests, can I request Barbaracle, Weepinbell, and Hawlucha?
09-14-2014, 06:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-14-2014, 06:38 PM by DecaTilde.)
For now, I'd like to request Machop and Machoke.
The future of things to come...
3DS FC - 1349-9258-6921
Switch FC - SW-6321-5752-9422
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Er...Hoopa, if he's even there, uhm...Alakazam, and Mega-Alakazam?
Posts: 2
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Joined: Sep 2014
Hiya there! I didn't think anyone would be able to rip models this fast, it looks pretty awesome thus far! Good job!
That said, since nobody requested them yet, Chespin, Fennekin.... and why not Goomy?
Posts: 223
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Joined: Jun 2009
Groudon, and trainer models
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Nice dude, it's super awesome that you've figured out a way to get the models. Hopefully your script will be ready for the public soon, it would be super awesome to do a massive ripping project for all of the games models. Anyways, if i can request some models, i'd have to say Charizard, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Charizard Y.
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Joined: Sep 2014
Meloetta (Aria Form at least)! =P
Posts: 372
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Joined: Apr 2009
I actually have no suggestion at the moment, as I'm sure more Pokémon-savvy folks will cover that, instead I'm more interested in one thing in particular if you have any insight regarding the following:
Based on some gameplay I've seen, it appears as though the shading on some of the Pokémon changes dynamically while they're moving in battle, I'm curious if there is any data in the textures or materials that is cause for this, or if it's the result of the shader. I'm also interested to know if you know of how the outline is achieved (maybe it's included in the game or 3ds' engine) Ultimately, I'm interested in "reverse-engineering" the render style for parody purposes, so any knowledge regarding the shader and other settings would be a huge help.
Thanks! Keep up the awesome work!
Salvador Dali Wrote: Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you.
(09-15-2014, 03:43 AM)Sketchasaurus Wrote: I actually have no suggestion at the moment, as I'm sure more Pokémon-savvy folks will cover that, instead I'm more interested in one thing in particular if you have any insight regarding the following:
Based on some gameplay I've seen, it appears as though the shading on some of the Pokémon changes dynamically while they're moving in battle, I'm curious if there is any data in the textures or materials that is cause for this, or if it's the result of the shader. I'm also interested to know if you know of how the outline is achieved (maybe it's included in the game or 3ds' engine) Ultimately, I'm interested in "reverse-engineering" the render style for parody purposes, so any knowledge regarding the shader and other settings would be a huge help.
Thanks! Keep up the awesome work! I'm pretty sure it's all shader-based, because as far as I can tell from the files the textures alone don't give 'em that effect. And I haven't the slightest idea how to reverse-engineer that kinda appearance, sorry.
Anyway, last bunch from me for the day... night... whatever. One of which being one that a friend of mine on Steam asked from me.