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12-13-2014, 01:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2014, 01:26 AM by Tcll.)
Short Description:
Universal Model Converter (UMC) is a simple tool for allowing noobs and hackers alike to write SMALL scripts for importing and exporting 3D model formats.
It's designed to help port models between programs while being much easier to write scripts for.
more info here
^the OP is oudated
3.0a is the current version I'm working on which has been deemed as scrap.
(this version supports models, images, and compression)
^animation is not entirely possible in this build, though the interface-format CAN roughly support it.
3.0 is the future intended version which claims it's scripts are so easy to build, you need at least 73% less code than a Blender26 script.
anyways, not trying to advertize or anything, this is just a side development thread for anyone here who's interested in my project.
(no hastle or stress from having to post over at SB or my forum)
the documentation for building scripts for UMC can be found here: (it's still very much unfinished and only lists the functions supplied by the interface)
make sure JS is enabled, everything visual is done via forum-plugins
regarding trackers and blocked web content, all I have is harmless tracking and advertising done by google and PB (my forum's host)
(I'm not one to do malicious acts or provide malicious content)
what can UMC do currently?
here's a few images showing off a few things for the next update to 3.0a
my favorite star from Kirby Air-Ride:
![[Image: Screenshot%2520from%25202014-11-06%25202...253A54.png]](
my favorite fighter from SSBM:
![[Image: Screenshot%2520from%25202014-11-23%25201...253A52.png]](
^ignore the lines, those will be removed on the release
here's a better image: (older)
![[Image: Screenshot%2520from%25202014-11-03%25201...253A55.png]](
^not sure what's causing the texture problem, though it will be found
SSBM Bump maps: (WIP)
![[Image: Screenshot%2520from%25202014-11-07%25201...253A19.png]](
^NOTE: SSBB does not have this
I've described the HAL-DAT format pretty well here:
my best fighter from Brawl:
![[Image: Screenshot%2520from%25202014-11-23%25201...253A18.png]](
^again, ignore the lines
PNG images: (and ~50 other formats)
the displayed import buttons and scrollbars currently do nothing.
(the GUI is a piece of trash in this build, partly because of SDL)
the top panel is the only thing with working widgets.
Ctrl+I to import and Ctrl+E to export
I'm sorry this update doesn't do more.
the viewer can't be easily made to support animation w/o a major update to the internal format. (I was a noob when I wrote it)
3.0 aims to fix alot of the stuff that plain can't be done w/o alot of hastle in 3.0a
but 3.0 won't be out for quite a while as I'm learning new tricks every day.
so 3.0a is just to give everyone a solid interface to work with until 3.0's release
I hope UMC will really make a place here as it's designed for both noobs and pros for 3D hacking/programming.
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12-13-2014, 11:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2014, 11:55 PM by Tcll.)
just wanted to note, if you have any questions, feel free to ask 
and also keep in mind, your ideas matter and will always have an effect towards UMC's development
if you have any feedback what so ever, even if you think it sounds dumb, feel free to post
this is a side development thread, so anything goes here.
also wanted to note I have a skype group discussion, if you'd like to join in for anything on:
- helping out with UMC (any aspect of it, not just scripting)
- learning a good portion of how to program in python, and roughly OpenGL (my knowledge here is very choppy and based on old interfaces)
- any other discussions (such as advanced technology) that randomly go on in the chat (it's not a boring limited chat)
all you have to do to join is add me to your skype contacts, and notify me that:
- you're not a bot
- you'd like to join the UMC Group Discussion
my skype is rather obvious 
Tcll5850 (DarkPikachu)
again though, let me know you're not a bot or you may get spammed to the point of crashing your skype client... heh 
(I've had at least 8 bots try to contact me)
This is coming along quite nicely. Very good
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12-14-2014, 12:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2014, 12:32 AM by Tcll.)
also wanted to note, when I said to "ignore the lines", here's why
![[Image: Screenshot%2520-%252012142014%2520-%2520...2520AM.png]](
^it displays the bone parent/child relations in negative color (I figured out how to do it easily)
code from the bone display-list function:
__GL.glLineStipple(1, 0xF0F0) # [1]
#invert color here:
those lines were the bone-tails, which were meant to display bone rotation and scale.
while 3.0a now currently has bone head/tail settings, displaying that data is still not well known.
(3.0a's interface is scrap for just that reason, the data handled must be in world relation for everything)
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12-15-2014, 09:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2014, 11:00 AM by Tcll.)
hey nub, I'm redesigning UMC's module interface to support the new header functions.
I need a Tkinter popup dialog with selection buttons for shared filetypes, kinda like something I had before:
think you could do better than me and actually make something that works?? 
(have the buttons return a feedback and close the dialog)
I can't do crap with Tkinter... heh
in the mean-time I'll just do a console selection... heh
hey nub, forget my request!
I'mma reverse-engineer askopenfilename and asksaveasfilename and make my own classes by revising the current src
askopenfilename will be changed to Open() and will return the filter name along with the file(s)
so much for that... T3T
command = "tk_getOpenFile"
s =, *w._options(self.options))
tracing that back, 'tk' is part of a root module _Tkinter, which is imported in >3<
meaning what I need access to is compiled into the interpreter's backend >3<
so I can't make Tkinter's file dialog return the filter... ugh
I'll see if I can find an alternate tomorrow...
(something small that can do what askopenfilename can do AND return the filter)
this sucks and blows >3<
for anyone who's interested, I've posted my revers-engineered code here:
it should work just a tad better than the original functions as you're not forwarding through 3rd-party interfaces, and have a little more control.
you know what... WTF am I doing...
I've been wanting to make UMC's import button work for so long now,
and having to redo the way scripts are handled give me the perfect opportunity to do so.
so UMC's UI will handle opening and saving files.
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12-17-2014, 03:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 05:26 PM by Tcll.)
fixed up a little issue with the GUI:
![[Image: Screenshot%2520-%252012172014%2520-%2520...2520PM.png]](
nothing looks different right?
think again...
earlier with UMC's Layering update to the GUI, I'd previousely ran into an issue with the font:
![[Image: Screenshot%25202014-02-26%252013.24.40.jpg]](
(textured quads as display lists seems to be a standard for OpenGL font display)
this issue was previousely fixed by using a quad on the active stack-layer as the BG for that font:
![[Image: Screenshot%25202014-02-26%252018.41.55.jpg]](
but that in itself was the problem I've fixed now, so I don't need that extra quad
the issue was the priority, or the stack-overlay-layer the font was drawn on,
which should've been the base priority and instead was the widget priority,
which Z-clipped the panel quad causing a transparent-BG appearence of the text.
though I must mention, this fix is almost irrelevent as I'm redoing the GUI so I can have a little more ease towards building it...
right now, every small little action the GUI does has to be manually scripted as the interface is controlled with functions.
what I'm doing to update the GUI is turning the widgets into classes and automating things a bit better, which should also cut down on the amount of scripting needed for
EDIT2: this issue is not related to this forum
also, I want to note a bit of a display issue with the forum that's getting rather annoying: (and it's just this site that does it)
![[Image: display_issues.png]](
it's as if there's rectangles drawn over random areas of the forum, including the text itself.
Post that forum error in the Errors thread, along with your OS and browser.
12-17-2014, 09:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-17-2014, 09:55 PM by Struggleton!.)
(12-15-2014, 09:56 PM)Tcll Wrote: hey nub, I'm redesigning UMC's module interface to support the new header functions.
I need a Tkinter popup dialog with selection buttons for shared filetypes, kinda like something I had before:
![[Image: CMBW.jpg]](
think you could do better than me and actually make something that works?? 
(have the buttons return a feedback and close the dialog)
I can't do crap with Tkinter... heh
in the mean-time I'll just do a console selection... heh
hey nub, forget my request!
I'mma reverse-engineer askopenfilename and asksaveasfilename and make my own classes by revising the current src
askopenfilename will be changed to Open() and will return the filter name along with the file(s)
so much for that... T3T
command = "tk_getOpenFile"
s =, *w._options(self.options))
tracing that back, 'tk' is part of a root module _Tkinter, which is imported in >3<
meaning what I need access to is compiled into the interpreter's backend >3<
so I can't make Tkinter's file dialog return the filter... ugh
I'll see if I can find an alternate tomorrow...
(something small that can do what askopenfilename can do AND return the filter)
this sucks and blows >3<
for anyone who's interested, I've posted my revers-engineered code here:
it should work just a tad better than the original functions as you're not forwarding through 3rd-party interfaces, and have a little more control. 
you know what... WTF am I doing...
I've been wanting to make UMC's import button work for so long now,
and having to redo the way scripts are handled give me the perfect opportunity to do so.
so UMC's UI will handle opening and saving files. 
I can surely try to create something. Do you want me to do it in PyQt? or Tkinter?
btw he refers to me as BrawlNub on the chat
edit: saw edit5
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12-17-2014, 11:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-17-2014, 11:50 PM by Tcll.)
thanks, and while I could kinda get a PyQt gui going, I asked for Tk 
but even still, screw that ;P
I'm going full-out with OpenGL, I just need a little help porting the widgets to classes so I'll have less work to do. 
(all I need to know is the hierarchy for building a proper GUI and I'll be set)
but as for right now, here's the code for my simplest widget: (the Toggle-Button)
Code: def __RemoveTButton(Na,priority=0):
global Widgets,layer
Widgets[Na].hitdef.enabled=False #disable the hitdef (save the state)
p2 = priority+2
if layer[0].stack[p2].HasPrimitive(tbna):
except: pass
def __TButton(X,Y,Na,St=False,Text='',fontcolor=(0,0,0,220),priority=0):
global Widgets,layer, AllowHitUpdates
#minor pre-calculations
#verify the widget exists
try: W=Widgets[Na]
except KeyError:
W=Widgets[Na] #toggle state
W.hitdef.x=X; W.hitdef.y=Y; W.hitdef.X=X2; W.hitdef.Y=Y2
#update the HitDef if changed by an outside function
if AllowHitUpdates!=W.hitdef.enabled: W.hitdef.enabled=AllowHitUpdates
#drawing data:
p2 = priority+2
if not layer[0].stack[p2].HasPrimitive(tbna): #don't draw if we already have
fxtbfw = fx+layer[0].stack[priority].strings[tbfna].w
fytbfh = fy+layer[0].stack[priority].strings[tbfna].h
TB = layer[0].stack[p2].primitives[tbna]
TBF = layer[0].stack[priority].strings[tbfna]
#TBFBG = layer[0].stack[p2].primitives[tbfbgna]
#Positioning Verification
if TB.Position([X,Y],[X2,Y],[X2,Y2],[X,Y2]):
fxtbfw,fytbfh = fx+TBF.w,fy+TBF.h
if W.hitdef.x!=X: W.hitdef.x=X; W.hitdef.X=X2
if W.hitdef.y!=Y: W.hitdef.y=Y; W.hitdef.Y=Y2
#Widget logic
if W.event.hasFocus: #change the color if the mouse is over the selection box
if W.event.clickL or W.event.holdL: #change the color if the selection box is clicked or held
else: TB.Color(95,95,95,180)
else: TB.Color(79,79,79,180)
if W.event.hasFocus:
if W.event.clickL or W.event.holdL:
else: TB.Color(111,111,111,180)
else: TB.Color(95,95,95,180)
if W.event.releaseL: if else True)
yea, everything's just functions, except for the main layer and widget classes.
the original design of the GUI (as those 2 classes are modifications) consisted of nothing but functions as I didn't know how to work classes, or even decorators back then.
decorators are easy 
they're just special wrapper functions:
def wrapper(f,v): f(*v) # I think this is right?? >.>
def func(v): pass
is the same thing as:
def wrapper(f,*v): f(*v) # I think this is right?? >.>
def func(v): pass
also, some useful info for functions
>>> def f(a,b,c): print a,b,c
>>> d={'a':0,'c':1,'b':2}
>>> d
{'a': 0, 'c': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> f(**d)
0 2 1
I don't always syntax highlight, but I often try to.
that syntax style can be found in IDLE, Python's native IDE
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12-18-2014, 01:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-18-2014, 07:15 PM by Tcll.)
good news, my awesome brain came up with something
Code: class _SelectBox(_Widget):
def __init__(this, X,Y,W,Na,Items,Def=0,Text='',priority=0):
this.widgets[Na] = this
# names
# priorities
this.p2 = priority+2
this.p3 = priority+3
# minor pre-calculations
this.X,this.Y,this.X2,this.Y2 = X,Y,X+W,Y+20. = this.Y2-this.Y*.5
this.hsx2 = ((this.X2+15.)-this.X2)*.5[Def,Items[Def],False] # [selectionID, selectionItem, isOpen]
this.hitdef.x=this.X; this.hitdef.y=this.Y
this.hitdef.X=this.X2+15.; this.hitdef.Y=this.Y2
def add(this):
this.layer[0].stack[this.p3].AddTri(this.sbbdna,[this.X2+5.,(this.Y+this.hsy)-2.],[(this.X2+15.)-5.,(this.Y+this.hsy)-2.],[this.X2+this.hsx2,(this.Y+this.hsy)+2.], (63,63,63,180))
def update(this):
if not this.layer[0].stack[this.p2].HasPrimitive(this.sbna): this.add() #TODO: get rid of this
SB = this.layer[0].stack[this.p2].primitives[this.sbna]
SBF = this.layer[0].stack[this.p2].strings[this.sbfna]
SBB = this.layer[0].stack[this.p2].primitives[this.sbbna]
SBBD = this.layer[0].stack[this.p3].primitives[this.sbbdna]
#Positioning Verification
if SB.Position([this.X,this.Y],[this.X2,this.Y],[this.X2,this.Y2],[this.X,this.Y2]):
if this.hitdef.x!=this.X: this.hitdef.x=this.X; this.hitdef.X=this.X2+15.
if this.hitdef.y!=this.Y: this.hitdef.y=this.Y; this.hitdef.Y=this.Y2
def remove(this):
#TODO: event functions
it's far from finished, but should work better than before
I'mma see if I can cut down on the CPU usage a bit more 
the draw-code is gonna be the hardest part here.
you see the parts with this.layer[0].stack[this.p2]
take a guess at what parses that.
the reason that's gonna be hard is because I'm already removing what's not drawn...
so the best I could possibly do is optimize.
one big area that needs alot of work is the update code, as that's about half the current CPU usage... heh
why CPU and not GPU if GPU is so much faster?
because I was a noob when I built the interface and followed tuts on GLUT and SDL...
so the interface currently CAN'T run on the GPU any more than it already is...
wait for 3.0 where I'll have shaders to hopefully pass the whole draw-code to the GPU
btw, SDL sucks.
it clears the GL context on a video resize event, forcing you to have to rebuild it.
it also gimps your mouse usage, but luckily I've worked around that.
what's better?
take a look into GLFW 
it's SDL+freeglut (no limitations)
I can't promise I'll have GLFW support on the next release of 3.0a, but I'll try for it.
EDIT: btw, if anyone wants to watch me code the new GUI, it's actively sync'd from my compy here:
^ every Ctrl+S I make goes there, so you get the src fresh from my compy
for the old GUI (which still works), you can find that here:
good luck trying to understand it though
in UMC3.0 this will be a plugin, meaning it can be removed, and UMC will still run w/o it. won't work w/o though which provides the widgets for UMC-scripts.
basically, that's what the CMD var in the import/export functions will be used for
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12-27-2014, 02:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2014, 12:43 PM by Tcll.)
first test of the GUI remake:
(I ported it so that now it uses classes instead of in-line functions)
^ makes event handling a crap-load easier and takes quite a load off the CPU
yea... there's alot to be fixed...
first thing you'll notice is that hit-defs don't resize properly...
next you'll notice the buttons have no BGs
something you won't notice by image is the gainFocus() event (hover your cursor over a widget) breaks the UI
this is all being worked on and will be fixed (and then some) by the release
![[Image: new_GUI_update.png]](
everything works so far except fonts.
what you're seeing in yellow is an active hitdef
finally got the fonts working
I'm a freakin retard... heh
SDL sucks because it clears the GL context on video resize, which was causing each font character to have a list ID of 0L.
what was I doing?
I had the font creation code in the GUI-init code which was being deleted by the initial window creation.
so I moved the code to the GUI-resize code.
if SDL worked properly, I could keep the font creation in the GUI-init code
this is why GLFW is better (for being as limitless as SDL in not hijacking your run-loop)
12-29-2014, 12:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2014, 12:38 AM by Struggleton!.)
As of now, we're working on a way to allow users to get updates in a nice way
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12-29-2014, 12:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2014, 01:57 AM by Tcll.)
no this isn't the updates system you're seeing in my screenshot... that's a different interface for UMC-scripts and such
what we're talking about is just the UMC run-time interface and data/ modules...
I don't think it's possible to make this update to version 3.0 though, but beyond that we'll be as free as needed
just posting some GUI progress before I call it a night
everything works properly so far except:
- bottom and top panels don't yet resize when side panels are closed
- panels are not yet hidden when options/updates are open
oh and an old issue that's been for quite a while... heh
- VIEWER controls are active while options/updates are open
but a video resize event resizes the panels properly
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01-01-2015, 01:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2015, 12:51 AM by Tcll.)
finally working on the import dialog I'd planned since dev4
![[Image: import_dialog.png]](
though I won't say the layout will be the same as planned...
tbh, I never really had a solid plan for the layout, so for now I'm just gonna do something very basic and keep it quite similar to Tkinter.
though the scrolled dialog for selecting your files will just be made of buttons.
it's kinda sad to realize just how pointless this update is though when everything will be ported to shaders in 3.0
(that should say something about just how simple my GUI really is)
would be nice if display lists weren't deprecated already... 
but using them very inefficient on your MBd as is... heh
lol every time I break this thing, I keep making it better XD
my code for my UI class is getting to be a bit bulky and hard to edit, so I've decided to split up the panels...
in doing so, I broke the very framework that handles the GUI-layering...
the problem was I had to define each layer and stack before I could use it, otherwize the interface would throw a KeyError exception.
so what I've done now was automated that part and removed the limitation of a fixed order.
meaning you can do this:
layer(1).stack(0).AddQuad( ... ) # this draws last
layer(1).stack(5).AddQuad( ... ) # this draws next
layer(0).overlay(2).AddQuad( ... ) # this draws first
normally this would throw a major key-error and cause the interface to cough, even when recompiling the UI display list.
but now everything is automated and you no longer need stacks 1 through 4 or overlays 0 and 1.
all the stack does is determine the position on the current layer and draws from top to bottom. (5 to 0)
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this is starting to look more like a legit file dialog now
and oops, I messed up with the text and used the widget names... lol
that's a simple fix
soon enough this thing will be functional, and I can start working on the rest of the UI