I see pillowshading, gradient shading and banding there... avoid them, and use a definite lightsource when shading.
Gradient shading is when you simply make bands of color, from light to dark, without not considering the actual volume of the object (the house's roof)
Banding is when you stick to the outline regardless of its volume (chimney)
Pillowshading is when the object is bright in the middle and dark around it, making it look like a button; avoid it (the house wall)
The basis of shading is giving it volume, not making it 'more elaborate'. If you shade just for the sake of it and not representing volume, then you don't know how to shade.
People around here will be able to give more elaborate pointers than me, so I hope you'll get even more help from them!
Eu vejo pillowshading, sombreamento em gradiente e banding aí... evite-os, e use uma fonte de luz definida quando sombrear.
Sombreamento em gradiente é quando você simplesmente faz 'camadas' de cor, de escuro a claro, sem levar em conta o volume do objeto (o teto da casa)
Banding é quando você põe a cor escura seguindo o contorno, desprezando o volume (a chaminé)
Pillowshading é quando o objeto está mais claro no meio e escuro em volta, e também não transmite volume (a parede da casa)
O básico de sombrear é dar volume, e não "deixar mais elaborado". Se você sombreia só para adicionar cores e não representar volume, então não faz sentido sombrear.
Pillowshading é um erro comum de spriters iniciantes. É um costume errado de pintar mais escuro nas bordas e mais claro no meio. A luz sempre vem de um lado (geralmente de cima, como o sol), e assim a sombra se acumula no lado oposto. Obviamente, se você sombrear todo o lado, menos o meio, vai parecer que a luz está dentro do objeto, e isto não é o caso num objeto opaco como a casa.
Pegue um papel em branco, e amasse-o numa bola. Depois, desamasse. Você sabe que este papel desamassado foi amassado antes, por causa dos relevos formados pelos amassos - esses relevos aparecem graças às sombras! São elas que dão a sensação de profundidade.
Sempre sombreie pensando no jogo de luz e sombra.
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I love how that door looks, but it seems like the frame is covering part of the roof.
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Na verdade, @Gors, o sombreamento do telhado é baseado nas imagens do cogumelo normal (tanto que se você ver o primeiro post notará que o telhado é simplesmente uma cópia da parte de cima do cogumelo), o shading da parte de cima da parede é a sombra que o telhado faz, também baseado nas imagens do cogumelo, e a chaminé saiu assim meio estranha porque a imagem melhor que vi da casinha toad não dava para saber se a chaminé era redonda ou quadrada.
Really, @Gors, the roof shading is based on the normal mushroom images (both that if you see the first post will notice that the roof is simply a copy of the top of the mushroom), the shading of the top from the wall is the shadow that the roof does, also based on mushroom pictures, and the chimney came out so weird because the best image I saw the toad house I could not tell if the chimney is round or square.
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03-19-2015, 07:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 07:53 PM by Lovintendo.)
Someone has visited MFGG? If someone has visited, viewed my enemies sprites? Well, I am remaking them and am starting with the dumbest of enemies Goomba. I made two versions, which one prefer to?
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Gunfire! I edited the Bullet Bill and did, too, two versions: for hacks (where the sprite size is unalterable) and common fangames. I also made the Banzai Bill and the Torpedo Ted.
![[Image: Bullets_zpskuyziknq.gif]](http://i1056.photobucket.com/albums/t366/DanielDonatto/Bullets_zpskuyziknq.gif)
Also, I edited the Cheep Cheep too.
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03-22-2015, 04:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2015, 04:39 PM by Jaharl.)
I like how you shade your bullet bills
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03-23-2015, 04:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-23-2015, 06:34 PM by Lovintendo.)
I need references to make the Boss Bass / Big Bertha / Cheep Chomp, but I searched in google and not found. Can anyone help me? Now appreciate!
EDIT: I've got little reference either, but still I need some. Even taking references in 3D, somewhat resembles Paper Mario.
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(02-27-2014, 07:31 PM)Gors Wrote: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR SUCKY ART. I think this needs to go noticed to everyone, because sucking is not failing. Sucking is part of the fun of learning and if you don't suck, then you won't own at pixelart
it's ok to suck, sucking is not bad, just try and aim to always do your best!
Your stuff really reminds me of Omega from years back.
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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I fixed the Toad House.
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With the Pink and Blue Toad houses you'd probably want to make it so the darkest shade for the roof's is a little more darker, otherwise they'd look fine without the shade there.
(03-30-2015, 03:54 PM)Omega Wrote: With the Pink and Blue Toad houses you'd probably want to make it so the darkest shade for the roof's is a little more darker, otherwise they'd look fine without the shade there.
"Nas casas rosa e azul, você poderia fazer a cor mais escura do teto ser ainda mais escura, ou removê-la porque eles ficam bons sem ela."
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