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(05-05-2015, 04:01 PM)Kriven Wrote: Approaching BK and expecting an experience like SM64 is the wrong way to approach the game... It seems like most of the complaints here are about Mario's athleticism, which Banjo lack, but that doesn't make the BK games a watered-down Mario... The characters have different skills (Mario has always been athletic) and the games are tailored to that... Mario is about jumping and climbing and actually precise platforming while Banjo-Kazooie is about exploration.
I never said anything about athleticism (or lack therof). Banjo obviously has his own share of athletic moves he can pull off as well but that has nothing to do with the actual *feel* of the game being off.
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(05-05-2015, 10:00 PM)Vipershark Wrote: I never said anything about athleticism (or lack therof). Banjo obviously has his own share of athletic moves he can pull off as well but that has nothing to do with the actual *feel* of the game being off.
Well, you're right, you didn't say that specifically... but other people did, and I was addressing the concept as introduced generally by multiple people.
What you did talk about was how Banjo was slower and clunkier than Mario, which is absolutely due to Mario being more athletic and the mechanics of his game being built around that athleticism.
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I am not a huge fan of Banjo-Kazooie, but I have to admit that in comparison to Mario 64, the game feels much more like it's tailored to your abilities, not to mention has much more focused level design in general. In Mario a lot of the levels just seem very random and sporadic, like they weren't designed around Mario but rather around what the developers wanted to see if they could get away with. The game really feels like a huge series of test-stages rather than a full fledged game, especially the further you get into it. TO BE FAIR THOUGH; the game WAS all about experimenting with a new medium, so that is kind of to be expected. It's not like a lot of early NES platformers made any lick of sense.
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I don't think most of us understand what you mean by "off" or "watered down" so were assuming you mean the athletics.
By watered down I think they mean 'BK is mostly pointless'. I for one, never liked the sheer amount of collectibles - they actually made the game feel artificial instead of lively, as all variables are sorry excuses for getting more variables.
I guess the same could be said of all other games, but for some reason I can't like Banjo nor DK64. I feel like they went too overboard with this collect-a-thon gimmick for my tastes.
05-06-2015, 09:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 09:48 AM by Kosheh.)
(05-06-2015, 07:44 AM)Gors Wrote: I guess the same could be said of all other games, but for some reason I can't like Banjo nor DK64. I feel like they went too overboard with this collect-a-thon gimmick for my tastes.
Yeah, it's like nowadays when I power it on and sit in front of the TV, I get massively unmotivated to play through it knowing I've got to collect over 3000 items in DK64. I'm doing the forced tutorials in each game and it gets to a point of where I'm like "why am I even bothering anymore"
When I was a kid I was SO EXCITED to get all the collectibles and brag about it to my friends, but now they might as well hand me a laundry list of chores, pat me twice on the shoulder and say "Ok, off you go lad. Watch out for the vegetables with googly eyes"
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05-06-2015, 10:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 11:59 AM by MrYoshbert.)
That reminds me of one particular piece of dialogue from Nuts and Bolts.
Lord of Games Wrote:"Now then, in line with Banjo tradition, your challenge will consist of collecting as many pointless objects as possible."
I'm sure many can agree that this line sums up almost every Rare-developed platformer ever, even some of the 2D ones. Bonus points for the devs taking the piss outta themselves and actually being cognizant of their obsession with having the player collect 2 billion assorted shiny trinkets.
*Bursts in.* "Frumpy old Nin-ten-kids" - Sung by Omegajak.
You're use to the jokes, quirks, and such of BK, DK64, BT. When you're a kid you can see these games as huge adventures in of themselves. It's fun to learn the mechanics it's fun to learn about the dialogue it's fun to learn where you can go and figuring stuff out. Collectathons are giant amusement parks that you have to figure out. Super Mario 64 setting the ground work for Banjo Kazooieand lots of collectathons that were great in their day. The very reason they may seem un-apealing now is because they were so appealing. I would argue you're all going to love the fuck out of Yooka-Laylee figuring stuff out? Asking each other questions on forums? Posting that ish on Twitter? New Secrets? New Mysteries? This game already went gold and it hasn't even been finished yet. It's not me trying to go "this is the best 3D platformer ever made I'm calling it, good now we can all just sit back while this game lives up to that." No, I'm excited that this is even happening, and that not only me but so many other people can be a part of it too, in fact I'm pretty sure you're all probably backing this, if you haven't already.
Think about how much fun were going to have talking about this game and not even just playing it?
They could make different references to different universes and what not. I would love if every platform version made a reference to an iconic vidoe game character in some small obscure way. Like I dunno on the PC version you find a wrench that seems to have been rusted and abandoned near what appears to be a sewer. On the WiiU version it could be the sewer looks like warp pipe and Mario's cap or hammer are lying there. For Playstation they could have it be Nathan Drakes sketchbook! "This old book has a lot of well draw sketches in I sure hope whoever lost it didn't need it or can find it again..." "Why don't we hold on it Laylee? maybe there's a lost and found we can turn it into." *Segway to lost in found in giant iceberg filled with items that have stuff from ages past in it.*
^See that? that's called imagination. That's just something I thought up and shared with all of you only because this game is being developed. Exscuse me for being a Shigesato Itoi and trying to find beauty and meaning in all things, but it makes me happy to share these thoughts with all of you. That's a nice thought I think. I don't think any of you are wrong in feeling or expressing what you're feeling or anything I'm just trying to be positive through it all, bcause I'm genuinly looking forward to the final product. Chroma Squad just came out guys. I backed that and I'm pretty freaking happy.
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DK64 is the world record holder for the most collectible objects in any video game IIRC. So yeah I think I can agree with that much...
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But you don't actually HAVE to collect everything. I think that's the problem nowadays with gamers. Its all about the achievements. Its all about bragging, shit talking, and ultra competitive cock measuring contests.
For me it was never about the goals. It was never about getting 100% or speed running or whatever. It was about the journey! I was on a grand adventure in magical worlds looking for treasure and being free to go wherever I want. Maybe I want to stop and sniff the flowers? These games let you.
There was tons to collect but I liked that. It gave you lots of options and paths to take.
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I miss the days when we used cheat codes, because all it is now is unlocking via points or DLC. Jeez, i'm sounding like an old fart.
Yooka-Laylee does look great though, even i was amazed how fast it got funded. And it's good to see rarely used animals as protagonists.
Chameleons and bats are usually stock enemies and bosses.
05-06-2015, 09:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 09:55 PM by Kosheh.)
(05-06-2015, 06:53 PM)Koopaul Wrote: But you don't actually HAVE to collect everything. I think that's the problem nowadays with gamers. Its all about the achievements. Its all about bragging, shit talking, and ultra competitive cock measuring contests.
For me it was never about the goals. It was never about getting 100% or speed running or whatever. It was about the journey! I was on a grand adventure in magical worlds looking for treasure and being free to go wherever I want. Maybe I want to stop and sniff the flowers? These games let you.
There was tons to collect but I liked that. It gave you lots of options and paths to take.
Uhhhhmmm I'm sorry my friend but I've gotta call you out on this one.
How did you get the true endings in the DK games if this is your viewpoint
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(05-06-2015, 03:51 PM)Helmo Wrote: DK64 is the world record holder for the most collectible objects in any video game IIRC. So yeah I think I can agree with that much...
Every time I read about that I kind of roll my eyes a little. Yeah, there are a lot of things you have to collect. Around 3800 collectables not including unlimited respawning ones like ammo. However, 3500 of those are Bananas. They are always in large quantities, and if I remember correctly some come in bunches. I know that they don't respawn like, say, coins in a Mario game, as when you collect one it STAYS collected, but picture this:
The bananas basically serve the purposes of a key, because having enough bananas allows you to unlock the door to the boss of a level. The difference is that instead of finding a single key, you're finding hundreds of bananas.
Now picture a game where you DO need a key item, but instead of being able to find it, you have to buy it using collectable coins you find. It is basically the same concept, but reversed. By that extent, what stops the other game's coins from being considered as "collectables"? Probably the fact they are infinite rather than finite, but in some games they ARE finite.
At any rate, what I'm getting at is that the record is stupid. Someone could literally make a game with 4000 finite collectables and call the record (if anyone still gave a crap) and it would be arbitrary and stupid.
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DK64's problem was splitting up all the collectables between 5 different Kongs. A real pain.
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youre all just mad cause it didnt have kiddy