I'll make Mario, if you want.
![[Image: 3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif]](http://i.giphy.com/3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif) ![[Image: ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png]](http://orig04.deviantart.net/14a0/f/2009/007/f/b/ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png)
3DS Friend Code: 4098-7082-7654
Add me sometime. I've got Smash, Mario Kart, and a few others!
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I think I've figured out a lot of the animation data, though I'm still not too sure on everything. I've mainly looked at fighter data (a small subset of it), other model types might have additional data that I haven't looked at yet.
char magic[4] - "OMO "
uint16 unknown[2]
uint32 unknown
uint16 unknown
uint16 channelCount
uint16 frameCount
uint16 frameSize
uint32 channelTableOffset
uint32 fixedDataOffset
uint32 frameDataOffset
Channel Table Entries:
uint32 animType
uint32 boneId // matches id in vbn (2 bytes after bone parent index in vbn)
uint32 offsetInFixedData
uint32 offsetInFrame
Fixed data size and frame data size for a channel is determined by it's animType - can be empty
Constant - 1x Vector3f (constant on all frames, no frame data)
Interpolated - 2x Vector3f (frame has interpolation value for each coordinate)
There are others I haven't figured out
Frame Data:
buffer frameData[frameCount][frameSize]
Channel frame data starts at: frameData[frameNum] + frameDataOffset
Seems to be uint16 interpolation values (i.e. 0x0000-0xffff for 0.0 - 1.0)
Eyeballing translation and scale values looks based on this looks sane, I'm not sure about rotation.
animType bit field guesses:
0x04000000 - has scale
0x02000000 - has rotation
0x01000000 - has translation
0x00200000 - translation constant
0x00080000 - translation interpolated
0x00007000 - rotation constant
0x00005000 - rotation interpolated
0x00000200 - scale constant
0x00000080 - scale interpolated
List of all animType fixed and frame data sizes (calculated by doing size = channel[i+i].offset - channel[i].offset):
AnimType: 0x0004a081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x00085081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x01000081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 16
AnimType: 0x01040081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x01045081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x0104a081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x01084081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x01085081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x01089081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x0108a081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x01200081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x01203081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x01205081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x01209081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x0120a081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x0204a081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x02085081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x02086081 FixedSize: 16 FrameSize: 2
AnimType: 0x02087081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x03000081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 32
AnimType: 0x03005081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 22
AnimType: 0x03007081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 16
AnimType: 0x0300a081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 24
AnimType: 0x03040081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 28
AnimType: 0x03045081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 18
AnimType: 0x03046081 FixedSize: 16 FrameSize: 14
AnimType: 0x0304a081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 20
AnimType: 0x03080081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 22
AnimType: 0x03083081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 19
AnimType: 0x03084081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 10
AnimType: 0x03085081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x03086081 FixedSize: 40 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x03087081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x03089081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 13
AnimType: 0x0308a081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 14
AnimType: 0x03200081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 16
AnimType: 0x03205081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x03206081 FixedSize: 28 FrameSize: 2
AnimType: 0x03207081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x03209081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 7
AnimType: 0x0320a081 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x04085081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x04085201 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x05000081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 22
AnimType: 0x05005081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 22
AnimType: 0x05040081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 18
AnimType: 0x05043201 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x05045081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 18
AnimType: 0x0504a081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 18
AnimType: 0x05080081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x05083081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x05085081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x05085201 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x05089201 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x0508a081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x05200081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x05203081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x05205081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x05205201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x05209201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x0520a081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x0520a201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x0604a081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 14
AnimType: 0x0604a201 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x06085081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x06085201 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x06086081 FixedSize: 40 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x06086201 FixedSize: 28 FrameSize: 2
AnimType: 0x06087081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x06087201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x07000201 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 32
AnimType: 0x07005081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 28
AnimType: 0x07007081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 22
AnimType: 0x07007201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 16
AnimType: 0x07040081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 34
AnimType: 0x07040201 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 28
AnimType: 0x07043201 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 25
AnimType: 0x07045081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 24
AnimType: 0x07047081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 18
AnimType: 0x07047201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x0704a081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 26
AnimType: 0x0704a201 FixedSize: 12 FrameSize: 20
AnimType: 0x07080081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 28
AnimType: 0x07083081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 25
AnimType: 0x07085081 FixedSize: 72 FrameSize: 18
AnimType: 0x07085201 FixedSize: 60 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x07086081 FixedSize: 64 FrameSize: 14
AnimType: 0x07086201 FixedSize: 52 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x07087081 FixedSize: 60 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x07087201 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x07089201 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 13
AnimType: 0x0708a081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 20
AnimType: 0x07200081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 22
AnimType: 0x07203081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 19
AnimType: 0x07205081 FixedSize: 60 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x07205201 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x07206081 FixedSize: 52 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x07206201 FixedSize: 40 FrameSize: 2
AnimType: 0x07207081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 6
AnimType: 0x07207201 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 0
AnimType: 0x07209081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 13
AnimType: 0x07209201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 7
AnimType: 0x0720a081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 14
AnimType: 0x0720a201 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 8
AnimType: 0x08085081 FixedSize: 0 FrameSize: 12
AnimType: 0x09085081 FixedSize: 24 FrameSize: 18
AnimType: 0x0b085081 FixedSize: 48 FrameSize: 24
AnimType: 0x0b087081 FixedSize: 36 FrameSize: 18
char magic[4] - "MTA4"
uint32 unknown
uint32 numFrames
uint32 zeroes
uint32 numFramesMinusOne
uint32 frameRate // probably
uint32 matCount
uint32 matOffset
uint32 visCount
uint32 visOffset
Unless otherwise stated, count/offset pairs point to an array of offsets to the actual data:
uint32 offsets[]
MAT entry:
uint32 nameOffset // Material name? Haven't found these anywhere else
uint32 unknown
uint32 blockCount
uint32 blockOffset
uint32 zeroes
uint32 endOffset // of this MTA entry
MAT entry block:
uint32 nameOffset // Material param names
uint32 unknown // 1
uint32 unknown // 4
uint32 dataCount
uint32 unknown // 0, 1
uint32 unknown // 1, 2
uint32 dataOffset
MAT entry block data:
float data[dataCount]
VIS entry:
uint32 nameOffset // Model object name
uint32 zeroes
uint32 dataOffset
VIS data:
uint32 frameCount
uint32 unknown // 1
uint32 keyframeCount
uint32 keyframeOffset // This points directly to keyframe data array
VIS data keyframe (list of transitions to off or on):
uint16 frameNumber
uint8 on
uint8 zeroes
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08-18-2015, 03:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2015, 03:48 AM by Demonslayerx8.)
... nice to see some1 else research the omo format besides me.. even tho i dont understand hex much.. gratz to u!
altho i was looking more into stage animation files... and only falcon
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How do you guys prefer to set up your model textures in 3d studio? I put in specular, diffuse, and normal maps, but is it necessary to use displacement or self illumination maps? Also what kind of lighting do you recommend for rendering textures, like skylights or mental ray lights?
The question I never got the answer to was, how do you EVEN do that? Kinda new to this stuff.
![[Image: 3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif]](http://i.giphy.com/3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif) ![[Image: ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png]](http://orig04.deviantart.net/14a0/f/2009/007/f/b/ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png)
3DS Friend Code: 4098-7082-7654
Add me sometime. I've got Smash, Mario Kart, and a few others!
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(08-18-2015, 04:02 PM)supersmashball Wrote: The question I never got the answer to was, how do you EVEN do that? Kinda new to this stuff.
Are you referring to my question?
Kind of...
All I can do is apply the normals.
![[Image: 3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif]](http://i.giphy.com/3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif) ![[Image: ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png]](http://orig04.deviantart.net/14a0/f/2009/007/f/b/ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png)
3DS Friend Code: 4098-7082-7654
Add me sometime. I've got Smash, Mario Kart, and a few others!
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(08-18-2015, 04:06 PM)supersmashball Wrote: Kind of...
All I can do is apply the normals.
Oh, well i learned everything i know from these videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi467BO_-JY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-e43rUcF8I
Great, saving them for later...
My headphones are gone. I'll watch them at night, maybe.
![[Image: 3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif]](http://i.giphy.com/3oEduVuAsde9E8A716.gif) ![[Image: ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png]](http://orig04.deviantart.net/14a0/f/2009/007/f/b/ness_stamp_by_yukidarkfan.png)
3DS Friend Code: 4098-7082-7654
Add me sometime. I've got Smash, Mario Kart, and a few others!
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(08-18-2015, 03:56 PM)uac9000 Wrote: How do you guys prefer to set up your model textures in 3d studio? I put in specular, diffuse, and normal maps, but is it necessary to use displacement or self illumination maps? Also what kind of lighting do you recommend for rendering textures, like skylights or mental ray lights?
THIS. I'd would like to know the answer too. But wait, does SSB4 use self illumination maps? Because I haven't seen any of them in any fighters' textures...
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I believe they do.. which is built inside their normal maps under the Red and Green channels... Blue channel has pretty much nothing, while the Alpha is the spec map
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08-19-2015, 02:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2015, 02:05 PM by MarioSonicU.)
(08-16-2015, 10:56 PM)Demonslayerx8 Wrote: which trophy do u want from Smash3ds? cause i can get those exported easily.
Well here are the trophies I want from the 3DS version -
- Tanooki Mario and Kitsune Luigi
- Statue Mario
- All of the Fighters' trophies and alts (Except for DLC)
- and Epona
By the way can you also export the actual fighters too?
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(08-19-2015, 02:03 PM)MarioSonicU Wrote: (08-16-2015, 10:56 PM)Demonslayerx8 Wrote: which trophy do u want from Smash3ds? cause i can get those exported easily.
Well here are the trophies I want from the 3DS version -
- Tanooki Mario and Kitsune Luigi
- Statue Mario
- All of the Fighters' trophies and alts (Except for DLC)
- and Epona
By the way can you also export the actual fighters too?
smash3ds fighters (and some stage models) have their objects stored in .mbn files, while the skeleton and textures r in the .bch file, and those I can't get opened with Ohana, so currently, no cant get fighters.
i'll send you the files shortly
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(08-19-2015, 06:35 AM)Demonslayerx8 Wrote: I believe they do.. which is built inside their normal maps under the Red and Green channels... Blue channel has pretty much nothing, while the Alpha is the spec map
OK, I see. But how could I convert those channels into actual self-illumination? I mean...normal maps don't display self-illumination, afaik, so how could I display self-illumination (using the normal maps) in 3DS Max/Blender? Sorry if the question is a bit confusing...