The name's Adrot. Currently from Romania
, my main passion was videogaming since 8. Having a Win 95
and a trashed-and-found NES
working with games (not with me anymore), I grew an interest in the Nintendo community (and I didn't stop there). Started having some rom fun with SNES and GBA roms, from playing in remote places (even as to playing a fully functional GBA emulator to a 2009, 512 mb RAM SymbianS60v5 OS
phone, quite the feat, still using it) to editing with tools (Lunar Magic
, Reggie,Nitro Explorer etc), until adapting to learn some simple hacking techniques for my DSi and other types of roms.
I may not know any special programming laguage (I stick with HTML5, I'm still trying to understand JavaScript), but I am willing to endure (mentally) to get the best experience of a forgotten game transformed and archived for future conservation, (and personal self-achieving, of course). That said, time and college WILL attempt to stop me, but as long as nobody else is doing it...then I will, for the time being. In short, I will rip games that I like, but nobody ripped them when I can. Other hobbies: Music composing/remastering (I don't know the notes but I can recreate them in my brain with synths), video/audio editing, translating RO/SPA/ENG and many more...
The games I currently rip are also noted in my signature, but for the tl;dr:
-Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (Can be done)
-Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (Can be done)
-Salamander 2 (Hard, but possiible)
-Xexex/Salamander Portable (Time-straining, need alternatives for arcade/PSP sprite ripping)
s Audio (Until 2017)
games (Very rare, we barely entered this territory and there is still lacking knowledge for ripping.)
I am very pleased to join this community and I can't wait to see what reserves the future in the Resource.

The name's Adrot. Currently from Romania
![[Image: Romania-Flag-icon.png]](http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/all-country-flag/256/Romania-Flag-icon.png)
![[Image: win31logo.png]](http://www.actsofvolition.com/images/win31logo.png)
![[Image: 8-bit_nes_controller.jpg]](https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/67884/screenshots/485268/8-bit_nes_controller.jpg)
![[Image: Community_CMYK%25255B4%25255D.jpg]](https://lh5.ggpht.com/-UQ7oW5KlgBE/Td_3skXbwwI/AAAAAAAAA0g/9mLcKUKYXWY/w1200-h630-p-nu/Community_CMYK%25255B4%25255D.jpg)
![[Image: Moon.png]](http://www.smwiki.net/images/4/47/Moon.png)
I may not know any special programming laguage (I stick with HTML5, I'm still trying to understand JavaScript), but I am willing to endure (mentally) to get the best experience of a forgotten game transformed and archived for future conservation, (and personal self-achieving, of course). That said, time and college WILL attempt to stop me, but as long as nobody else is doing it...then I will, for the time being. In short, I will rip games that I like, but nobody ripped them when I can. Other hobbies: Music composing/remastering (I don't know the notes but I can recreate them in my brain with synths), video/audio editing, translating RO/SPA/ENG and many more...
The games I currently rip are also noted in my signature, but for the tl;dr:
-Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (Can be done)
-Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (Can be done)
-Salamander 2 (Hard, but possiible)
-Xexex/Salamander Portable (Time-straining, need alternatives for arcade/PSP sprite ripping)
![[Image: 220px-DSi_Ware_Logo.png]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/DSi_Ware_Logo.png/220px-DSi_Ware_Logo.png)
![[Image: 2000px-Nintendo_3DS_(logo).svg.png]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Nintendo_3DS_(logo).svg/2000px-Nintendo_3DS_(logo).svg.png)
I am very pleased to join this community and I can't wait to see what reserves the future in the Resource.
![[Image: ykLjseE-9lD82Akp64s_hWEO8k8hW1h5VOWTNbR_...ize_mode=3]](https://photos-6.dropbox.com/t/2/AACpBrgt6EoJHt_1Xtj8ZzhRJ1xKsCT1GGRfk7lt45tr5A/12/379496841/png/32x32/1/_/1/2/10.png/ELrx-4EDGMWiBSAHKAc/ykLjseE-9lD82Akp64s_hWEO8k8hW1h5VOWTNbR_zpU?size=1024x768&size_mode=3)