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ULTIMATE Marvel vs Capcom 3...!? FUUUUUUUU-
(02-28-2011, 01:07 AM)DrSlouch Wrote:
(02-28-2011, 12:53 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: Alright, am I the only one who hasn't been able to get into ranked matches ALL GOD DAMN DAY?

not for me, maybe you should play on the 360 version B)
yeah, I like not having fun because of the bad controller too

Thanked by: X Gamer 66
I can never ever get into matches.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Someone please confirm: does Deadpool really say "WHERE YO CURLEH MUSTACHE AT?" when he beats Magneto?
[Image: untitledre6.gif]
PJ ~ Devi ~ Sheezy
Thanked by: PrettyNier
ahaha, that's hilarious.
[Image: untitledre6.gif]
PJ ~ Devi ~ Sheezy
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deadpool lines are as ace as
yo devin

sentinel force
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: StarSock64, PrettyNier
hey I beat it after the first time
I love haggar
Thanked by: PrettyNier
Only way I can ever get into online matches is by going into arcade mode an enabling fight request. Typically within 10 to 30 seconds I get into a match. Longest I ever waited was about 2 minutes.
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Still on the fence about my team

Arthur and Trish are going to be staples, though !!! (can't choose Dante b/c my bro's maining him and I don't want to main the same guy as him)

Haggar is pretty fun but he's just not for me : (
so I'm trying Joe now.

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I've been experimenting a lot more lately... but X-23 is still pretty much a staple. I've been using Deadpool a lot more.
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I've definitely found my team in Ryu/Dormammu/Haggar
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Zero/Akuma/Doom or C.Viper interchangably placed here depending on my mood.
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i tend to go with spencer/akuma and i'll leave a third slot open for morrigan, hulk, or chris

i'm still not good at the game ):
skype: bryangtbroyan
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So I'll be getting a PS3 and MvC3 tomorrow. If Iron Man hasn't really changed, I'll still probably use him quite often, but I'm looking forward to trying out Viewtiful Joe (despite the fact that I heard his attacks have shit range), Arthur, and Deadpool.
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