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chespin looks really contrived and it's elements don't mesh well at all
fennekin is nice and simple, but suffers from looking similar to zorua
froakie looks cool and original, but is a little to out there to look natural sitting next to the established pokemon

none of them really have the appeal to me that older characters have because they seem to have lost the natural feel that gen 1 pokemon had
they have no grit and just come off really 2 dimension (ironically)

I don't dislike the two that aren't chespin, but I really find ken's old stuff a lot more appealing and mature
and just because I like the established pokemon more doesn't mean I wanted more of the same with gen 6 (in fact these pokemon's biggest weaknesses are there similarities to old pokemon), I just wish they could expand on the old design aesthetic instead of changing it to the point where it becomes unrecognizable as the same series (besides contrivances arbitrarily attached to some characters)
Thanked by: Baegal, Kriven, recme
holy crap get me a table to flip that was awesome Smile

love the starters as well the names were unexpected too.

still R.I.P its official no more legit 2D Pokemon sprites anymore may you rest in peace Smile
What Rips am i doing next not sure?
[Image: giphy.webp]
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I never thought we'd stop doing the colors theme. If I get this game I'm definitely choosing Froakie. THOSE STARTERS ARE SO CUTE SDHFJF

Although one thing I noticed is that the X legendary (btw I hope their names start with X and Y, there aren't enough of those) looks a lot like Virizion or whatever its name is, but that could be just me.

Honestly I was pretty stoked watching the gameplay. I think the 3D will work well and it'll be a really refreshing new take.

By the way, no one's stopping you guys from making sprites of the 6th Gen. Pokémon, Tongue so I wouldn't feel too down. I think it was time for the change from sprites, myself, even though I would have been okay with it either way. We'll see how it goes. I think this'll be the next best thing.

EDIT: Also Zac I didn't even notice that Fennekin looked like Zorua until you mentioned it... oh well...
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
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(01-08-2013, 11:28 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: That'd be great. So far odd generations have given a whole bunch of new Pokes, evens have added a few new ones and a bunch of evolutions for previous Pokemon. I hope the trend keeps.


As for the starter designs, they're okay, nothing that I like personally. Fennekin does look quite similar to Zorua, though, and it seems like it's just one of those Pokemon put in there to appeal to wolfaboos... though wolfaboos ARE a large part of the fanbase, Pokemon needs to be marketable, etc.

Fennekin also looks like it might get a psychic subtype upon evolution (judging by that one move it used). As someone who designed a Fire/Psychic kitsune fakemon, I'm kind of happy for that, though I'm worried it'd end up just catering to the worst part of the fandom.

The other two are fine, nothing special but I'm not particularly offended or happy with them. The legendaries look pretty kickass, not a fan of legendaries though.

I'll wait to see this gen's Bug-types and weird Garbodor/Vanilluxe/Tangrowth type shit before I judge, because that's the stuff that I like. No use basing my verdict on Gen VI's designs on 5 Pokemon that cater to a totally different type of fan.
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I feel that it's kind of ironic that everyone is going to miss the 2D aspect of pokemon but at the same time I see where everyone is coming from.

I mean how long has everyone been expecting this step up? It kind of seems natural for pokemon to take this step on the 3DS (even though it could have been done on the DS but who am I to say? The DS was pretty much nintendo's N64 for handhelds where as the 3DS is the gamecube of handhelds, and as I remember there weren't a whole lot of 3D games on the N64 ether.)
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
I started shouting the moment I saw the announcement. I'm 21, why.

Like most people, I didn't like Chespin, but the two others are great! Well, yeah they were concepts used before, but if they can pull them off differently, I don't see why not! Fennekin looks cool, but I just adore Froakie...

Also the main character designs look good after the weird ones in B2/W2, so I'm excited!

I think I spyed co-op (!!!) in the trailer, but it could be a regular CPU "partner" part that happens in recent games. But I'm definately excited! It's been like, what, not even 2 years since Black & White? I remember playing it in 2011!

I'm probably taking the one with the red legendary! Which I assume is X. It's Y

By the way, regarding to the cartoony 3D, I love it. It fits the series a lot, why make it "pure" 3D if you can have a better, more fitting approach?
Thanked by: Omegajak
Yesyesyesyes I am so excited!
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Just watched the video (without sound), actually looks really cool. The walking style and realistic-proportioned characters look out-of-place, but in a good way, it's refreshing while not making it a completely new game. The battles also look interesting, the effects and actual Pokemon movements look great, probably even more so on the actual 3DS.
My only concern is that there may not be much new going on in terms of mechanics. I mean Pokemon isn't a series that should change too much, but I always like seeing extra or new features (like the subway and rotational battles in B/W). Then again since this is the first one exclusive to the 3DS there will probably be heaps of amazing stuff with motion control and the camera and all that.

I don't really mind Chespin's design much, I mean it is a bit strange and I can see why people don't really like it but personally I think it's OK. To be honest I'd even choose it as a starter Pokemon (mostly because I like humanoid Pokemon/Pokemon that stand on two legs), I rarely choose Grass types too so it'd be a nice change.
As for the legendary Pokemon I guess they're pretty cool, not really special or exciting for me. The only one I've ever actually caught is Lugia in Silver though so I don't have much experience with others, thus I can't really make a proper opinion on new ones.
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Kinda disappointed the grass starter isn't a reptile to keep with the supposed trend of starter Pokemon, but maybe it was just entirely coincidence. Or maybe they forgot.

I am looking forward to this though.
Thanked by: Baegal
(01-08-2013, 03:44 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: Kinda disappointed the grass starter isn't a reptile to keep with the supposed trend of starter Pokemon, but maybe it was just entirely coincidence. Or maybe they forgot.

I am looking forward to this though.

The fire type isn't a part of the Chinese zodiac either.
Thanked by: Koopaul
It's another firefox.
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

Thanked by: Mag
Yes, but a completely different kind of species of fox. Personally, I enjoy it when they use the same species and type for two different pokemon, but switch the breed as it were. Idk, it gives it an interesting feel.
Thanked by: Garamonde, puggsoy
(01-08-2013, 11:30 AM)Zac Wrote: chespin looks really contrived and it's elements don't mesh well at all
fennekin is nice and simple, but suffers from looking similar to zorua
froakie looks cool and original, but is a little to out there to look natural sitting next to the established pokemon

Well, anything past gen 4 onwards. Maybe their evos would look better, given they are starters. I have a feeling the frog's gonna be the powerhouse, fennekin's the "charmander" of this gen in terms of stats, and chespin the tank. I'm willing to bet they are going to release a film to coincide with these games.

Also, Mega Man X Pokemon jokes galore and Pokemon #666. Brace yourselves.
Thanked by: Omegajak, puggsoy
It's like they want me to pick the water starter in every single pokemon game.

Also finally roller blades. Makes much more sense than running around everywhere. Hopes are high.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
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Am I the only one who finds all three of the starters fucking hard to look at. Especially the grass one on the left, goddamn; it looks like they had no inspiration and slapped a ton of things from everywhere else on it to make it look like some mutated freak. Besides that, the step to 3D is all I've been wishing for for years, though I wish the trainers on the world map stayed in their chibi-style (they look awkward now in the small compact environment around them, especially how they run).
~~LOVE~~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
[Image: mousey.gif]
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