(04-13-2009, 11:54 AM)Oranos Wrote: fire emblem <-- you need this game if you want a srpg
(04-13-2009, 12:09 PM)Lunyka Wrote: If your looking for a tactical rpg then get Disgaea.
both of these games are remakes. if you've played the originals, then there's no need to play these.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon is actually unbelievably crap. It's very boring like the first Fire Emblem and then throws a bunch of useless features in, like the weapon triangle (which didn't exist in the NES one back then - and makes this game easier) and class promotion at any point in the game. Most of the units in the game do their job quite well as-is; they don't need to be promoted. And get a load of this - in order to get the better units in the game, you have to kill off half your troops. That's right, the game rewards you for SUCKING. If you play Advance Wars, getting these good troops will be unbelievably hard because you'll be attached to half of your troops who have decent stats. Then again, you could just sacrifice Jaegan in the beginning of the game and have a moderately difficult play experience.
The only redeeming factor of FE

D is the online multiplayer. Even still that's so-so. You're better off going with Advance Wars: Days of Ruin...which is actually pretty good, because it's almost as good as the first AW because the roster isn't overbloated.
Disgaea I don't know enough about to make a good criticism. It's got big character sprites and it should keep you interested for many hours, into the double digits definitely. If you don't have a Sony console, go with this, otherwise pick up one of the console Disgaea. Disgaea DS' existence can pretty much be justified as "The Disgaea for those with buyer's remorse" :I
there isn't even any online play >:I
I suggest AW: Days of Ruin over any of these other games. It's got netplay, too...actually, that's because FE

D was built off of the DoR devkit.
And I don't work at Gamestop or anything but let me suggest Drone Tactics - which is a lot more like what you're looking for. It's got the same Fire Emblem gist of non-disposable units, but throws some AW mechanics into the mix. It's also got giant bug mechs, an isometric playgrid, pretty nice unit customization [paintjobs included, so you can have a big pink stag beetle mech with an emblem you draw itself on the hull] and 3D battle scenes. It's also got super-generic characters which actually makes the game better as it gives off this whole Saturday-morning-cartoon vibe. I think it even has Wifi, but it's only for trading items with friends. I forget.
However, I wouldn't pay more than $20 for Drone Tactics; though I really wouldn't mind paying the $30 as it's a limited-print Atlus title.