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Fresh new: Sponge Bob The Legend of lost spatula Bloopers!
Wow, this is a shitty game!
How could me do something like that! well i dunno.

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.zip   Sponge bob The Lost Spattula (Size: 125.26 KB / Downloads: 161)
Thanked by: slut, Sonikku
(07-18-2010, 09:21 PM)lu9 Wrote: [img]fail[/img]
oh my god I had this game as a kid too
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(07-18-2010, 09:21 PM)lu9 Wrote: [img]fail[/img]

this is somehow the funniest post ever
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]

[Image: Bear2.png]
[Image: tumblr_ljk17tWfME1qd7kbno1_250.gif]
Thanked by: Rosencrantz
(07-18-2010, 09:21 PM)lu9 Wrote: [img]fail[/img]

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(07-18-2010, 09:21 PM)lu9 Wrote: [img]fart[/img]
Spriter Gors】【Bandcamp】【Twitter】【YouTube】【Tumblr】【Portifolio
If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
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Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B]
im extremely gay luigi
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
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突然间我发现这个衣服可以做成情侣装. 比如一个人穿Delaunay图,上面用箭头指着左边,写着"你是我的Voronoi". 另一个人穿Voronoi,指右边,写"你是我的Delaunay"
后面都写we are dual of each other.

然后我的思想一发不可收拾... 接连想到一个人穿convex hull,一个人穿half line intersection......

OMG,可以开一个店了. 情侣T-shirt for Computational Geometers.
[Image: tumblr_lbmz8gVkvC1qcyzauo1_500.gif]
nonsense.. lol
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lu9 king of groan zone
[Image: detg1h.png]
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B], Gors
6roan zone
Thanked by: Cobalt Blue, Rökkan
6roan hill z0ne
Spriter Gors】【Bandcamp】【Twitter】【YouTube】【Tumblr】【Portifolio
If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
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Groan Zone queen: ZeldaClassicEXPERT
Groan Zone king: lu9
[Image: Bear2.png]
[Image: tumblr_ljk17tWfME1qd7kbno1_250.gif]
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