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Help with Texturing
Hi. I sometimes have some free time to rip models, but I'm terrible at texturing. If I were to rip the models, post them here, would someone be interested in fixing the textures for me?
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that's actually the hard part, as far as i know.
so they wouldn't be texturing the models for you. instead, you'd be ripping the models for them.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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Yeah that sounds about right Murderbeard.

What exactly do you mean by fixing the the textures. If its screwed up UV's or something that could easily be a problem for us whereas if its the textures themselves it could be far less of an issue depending on what it is. Obviously telling us the game you want to rip from and what console its on helps us too.

Edit: Also, this is the wrong forum section. This should be in Model Discussion so I'll move it there for you.
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N64 models are a beast when it comes to textures but other games can be pretty easy. But if your saying your able to get the model but not the textures that would make it a bit difficult to help you.

I guess really we just need more details.
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Ok. After I rip the models, the textures are usually off for example somebody will have four eyes instead of two or something like that. I'm going to post some pics of the problem when I have free time, the game I'm trying to rip from is Pokemon Colloseum. Supposedly there is a program that can extract the models from pokemon xd, which is similar, but I never found it. I tried to take the .fsys files and convert them, and when I do they have the format of .fdat or .unpacked. I don't know how to open them which is why I rip models with 3d ripper dx.
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I think there actually is a converter somewhere for those models, but I've only ever found an unpacker for them. I definitely dug around for it too, but I'd guess its a private converter or that its just been lost in the web. Sucks because it would work with Pokemon Battle Revolution too more than likely.

Anyways, you're problem stems from the way the textures are tiled for the Pokemon games. All the Stadium/Colosseum/whatever Pokemon games have a tendency to use more material tiling functions than most. While most games only generally do tiling with the UV's, these Pokemon games tend to use the tiling and offsetting functions in the materials themselves. This means that to fix the weird eyes and such that you'll have to adjust these material settings to get them to look right and possibly adjust the UV's themselves.

One solution I've frequently used for solving this issue was taking the main texture color(Like how say Pikachu is mostly yellow so you'd use that basic yellow color from his texture) on the edges of the texture and setting the material to that color. Than I'd turn texture tiling off so that the texture doesn't tile, but the color fills in the rest of the untiled area. This doesn't always work, but its been a method I've used to fix this issue before without horribly distorting the the UV's or texture itself.
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Just wait patiently for me and I will have written a full tutorial on ripping N64 models the proper way so they work in all 3D apps or games without extra material settings.
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Here's a picture of the skrewed up textures:
[Image: 96019515.png]
And Here's a problem I have with textures when I import models into Google Sketchup?
[Image: 77905924.png]
Any Ideas here?
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from an artist's point of view, it might be because you have the UV coordinates/maps wrong?
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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No, its definitely not UV coordinates. It looks more like a lack of texture assignments than any thing else on the second one. On the first one it looks like either there's transparency in your material where there shouldn't be, the normals on some of the faces are screwed up or they're just missing altogether. But UV issues shouldn't be causing that since the rest of both those models look perfectly fine. When you don't get UV coordinates on something its usually absent completely from the model.
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As far as your problems with Suicune go I already responded here:

As for Winged Dragon of Ra in Sketchup having errors that I don't know the cause or how to fix it. I can assure you the model and texture themself are just fine but obviously there is some setting or something that needs changed with your Google Sketchup. =/
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what i meant was the coordinates might be wrong.
if it's just normals, recalculate them outside.

if all else fails, just make the faces two-sided.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I was sick for some time. Well, I've tried retexturing the model from stadium 2 and colosseum. THESE ARE NOT SUBMISSIONS. They are just to show my attempt at fixing this model. The one in the folder titled 3d ripper dx is the colosseum model.
Here are some pics of the n64 version that I've been working on:
[Image: 45592220.png]
[Image: 32041239.png]
I can't request models yet, AND IM NOT RIGHT NOW, but I think I'm gonna try ripping some battletanx models before I try this suicune model again.
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Suicune is difficult because of the white spots all over it's body. It is hard to determine what should and shouldn't be there.

This is why I didn't do more with Suicune than I did when I attempted to help you.
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I understand now, thats why I tried the colosseum model because it had a few different textures. And it is also why Im going to try the battletanx models instead. Maybe someday I can give something back.

[Image: 13219564.png]
[Image: 56326914.png]
[Image: 75931885.png]
[Image: 75679638.png]
Oh Yeah! Much better! I expect to submit this soon when I have all the textures correct, but for the most part only two textures are still misaligned.
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