Potentially just failed math for the yeat. Gonna go sit in the corner for the rest of the day
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the poop happens world we live in thread 2XXX
05-23-2012, 05:54 AM
Right this a big rant so hold those turds in your ass before you shit all over yourself in sheer ANGER at what your about to read.
Not too long ago my laptop team had used it's last phoenix down and my HDD ran out of HP and needed to be taken to be cured. Sadly, like the start of so many RPGs - all it's memory was lost. Thankfully I had everything on external HDD #1 - but this decided it didn't like me and thus changed ownership without my consent. But at least external HDD #2 was fine, the one with all my media on to keep my entertained during these rough times. Mr PS3 had other ideas mind. After being repaired for £50 to remove the evil spirit of the YLoD it did it again while external HDD #2 was plugged in and BAM - it died. Pretty shitty right? Well let's get shittier... So I contact WD about HDD #2, it's a simple replacement job. If I open it to recover my data it's warranty is void (and data recovery is like £100+ depending how shit goes down). Having no spare kidneys to trade I sent it off to be replaced. I get one back, before I even open it I can feel it moving around the box. This is the shittiest packaging I have every know. It was in a bag, with some cheap foam holders around which didn't secure it in the box as the box was far too big. So does it work? Well I don't fucking know to be honest. They requested that I sent all cables with it, so I did. The power-plug I got back was some god awful £2 looking car-boot piece of crap which can't even power it up for more than a second. Time to get my ass back on to support and sort this mess out... OH NOES ITZ DWNNNN!!111 Yeah the damn support page is going under maintenance. I can't register on the forums because that's having stuff done to it until the 22nd, now the 23rd and then probably the 24th. The support page claims that because of the changes I need to do "forgot my password" to get a new one. I enter my email, click "I forgot my password" only to be led to an error page saying "That user already exist." Yes I know it fucking exist I'm trying to reset my password! You know, the thing you fucking told me to do! So next time you see someone wearing a WD T-shirt punch him in the nuts. - End Rant
05-23-2012, 12:55 PM
Damn... Pretty unlucky huh?
05-23-2012, 10:56 PM
I'm feeling as if I fucked up my mechanics quiz today
whoops ![]()
05-24-2012, 01:13 AM
My dad usually does my tax return for me. This year he told me to do it myself without explaining anything to me or offering to help me. I did it the best I could and screwed up, so now I'm out a lot of money. Turns out I needed a PIN that he had from my previous returns. Now I can't buy new work shoes (my current ones are full of holes and giving my bad flat foot), I can't pay my roommate (may get kicked out of the apartment), and I can't afford to replace a number of broken electronics that I regularly use.
Not like I was expecting him to do my taxes for me forever, but the fact that he seriously expected me to be able to do that on my own without any help is kinda dumb, especially when he still has all my info (like my PIN) on file and he could have sent it to me.
05-24-2012, 02:08 AM
Dude, if you can, get Turbotax by any means possible.
That shit is MAGIC. You can have your return done in under 30 minutes (or less!!) depending on how much stuff you have to file.
05-24-2012, 12:56 PM
And now my laptop's charger has died! HOHOHOHOHO
05-24-2012, 01:07 PM
Maybe it was because of the time I was walking under a ladder, got spooked by a black cat crossing my path and kicked into the mirror shop?
05-24-2012, 01:14 PM
Oh and he spilled his salt shaker when out at lunch.
Spilled? It smashed everywhere, I still have glass in my fingers and during my panic fell into the umbrella stand causing all the umbrellas to open while a bird flew in through my window which I then chased around with a broom.
Yeah according to google birds flying into through your window and chasing things with a broom brings bad luck - you learn something new every day. Also from the same list... "Smell dandelions, wet the bed" - how the hell is that meant to work or even make sense?
05-24-2012, 01:29 PM
actually in french dandelions are called "pissenlits"
which literally translates to piss-in-bed i dunno why though, probably some pollen that make you get an urge to urinate...
05-24-2012, 01:36 PM
I'm pretty sure dandelions are meant to be a diuretic. But you'd have to eat them for that to happen.
Dandelion salad, it's a thing over here in the states.
Thanked by: ~Axis~
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