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Yeah I don't know whose fancy idea it was to replace standard text emotes (character constellations that may also be used with a non-emote meaning) with icon emotes instead of having special texts like :smile: for
It's always nice to see some fine rips, though!
Hint: you can fix this by adding bold tags or italic tags (doesn't matter) between the two letters that create an emote
would be
and it will fix the problem because the tags aren't bolding or italicizing anything between the colon and 3
you can do this if you plan to use emotes elsewhere in the post since checking the disable smilies box on the bottom gets rid of them all
also on an unrelated note I always think of Devicho when I see Oshare now : P
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Joined: May 2008
Yes, but that's ridiculous. There should at least be a [literal] tag if we want to drive on that track.
yeah well
it's the only solution afaik
it only takes a second to do if you click between the area and click the tag button twice and then preview your post
also gillian told me this way back when and I find it fixes the problem rather effectively
ok i have them saved
btw have you tried dropbox?
and if you install that special folder of theirs on your computer then you can upload things without using your browser and its really nice
i'm asking because file dropper kinda makes you fill in a captcha for each download
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Ever think of trying Sonic Gems Collection?
All in good time, friend.
okie theyre all up 
EDIT: err except the puyo stuff
can someone else get those
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Donkey Konga was such a fun game!
Maybe I can get this stuff tomorrow. If I start now the power might go out here from the hurricane and I may not be able to finish.
I'm sorry to hear that, MJ...  I hope you're okay...
...So, I've been doing more sheets, as always. First, a bunch of Memory Card Data rips from previous games. The thing is, my laptop's broken, as I once mentioned, and I kept forgetting to download the Gamecube BIOS to get to this stuff. But here they are, neatly lined up!
![[Image: donkeykongamemcardicon.png]]( ![[Image: donkeykonga2memcardicon.png]]( ![[Image: donkeykonga3memcardicon.png]]( ![[Image: puyopopfevermemcardicon.png]]( ![[Image: rampagetdmemcardicon.png]](
And furthermore, I have some Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition, Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc, and Shadow the Hedgehog!
( NOTE: The Bonus Disc doesn't have a small icon for Memory Card Data because it doesn't make a block for saving)
![[Image: legendofzeldacollicon.png]](
![[Image: legendofzeldacollmainme.png]](
![[Image: pokemoncolosseum.png]](
![[Image: pokecolobonusdiscicon.png]](
![[Image: shadowthehedgehogicon.png]](
![[Image: shadowthehedgehogmainme.png]](
And yes, the button images for all three console versions of Shadow are within the dumped graphics.
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you even ripped the memory card data? thats charming as hell. These are great!