...introduce myself.
So there's no stickied "introduce yourself" thread here, eh? I don't get out much, so maybe lots of fora do it this way and I just never knew!
Er, anyway! Moniker's Reichu. New to the spriting scene, but I was part of the video game music ripping scene a few years back... for whatever that's worth. (I don't expect any of you to overlap with that particular group -- but, hey, you never know.) I go through a lot of phases and cycling when it comes to hobbies.
In this recent phase of mine, I remembered how much I adored that quirky, notoriously unpolished little PSX RPG from SquareSoft, SaGa Frontier, and I started playing it again. Soon enough, I was looking online for sprites -- and, to my surprise, I could only find the small handful of sheets that were hosted here! So I decided that, while I'm in a Frontier mood, I'd learn a little bit about how sprites are stored in PSX games (
), make some sprite sheets, and get whatever I polish off archived for other fans.
I can't guarantee I'll stick around long enough to evolve into a tSR old-timer, but I hope I'm of some use to the community while I'm here!
So there's no stickied "introduce yourself" thread here, eh? I don't get out much, so maybe lots of fora do it this way and I just never knew!
Er, anyway! Moniker's Reichu. New to the spriting scene, but I was part of the video game music ripping scene a few years back... for whatever that's worth. (I don't expect any of you to overlap with that particular group -- but, hey, you never know.) I go through a lot of phases and cycling when it comes to hobbies.
In this recent phase of mine, I remembered how much I adored that quirky, notoriously unpolished little PSX RPG from SquareSoft, SaGa Frontier, and I started playing it again. Soon enough, I was looking online for sprites -- and, to my surprise, I could only find the small handful of sheets that were hosted here! So I decided that, while I'm in a Frontier mood, I'd learn a little bit about how sprites are stored in PSX games (

I can't guarantee I'll stick around long enough to evolve into a tSR old-timer, but I hope I'm of some use to the community while I'm here!