All good viewpoints everyone. I hope game designers/companies everywhere read these kinds of views when considering how they are going to approach making their games. Any who as promised here is the next game with fictional Achievement awards:
Metroid Prime Trilogy disk for the Wii. Oh before I start I want to thank the people who created their own achievement awards for games; F-Zero, Pilot Wings, etc. Nice job!

Everyone feel free to create your own awards ideas or add to mine. I'm not really listing these in order to any specific game, but all of these will have to deal with the 3 games. A slash between names means I couldn't choose which name I wanted more. So without further ado here we go:
Mission Complete: Collect
all other awards.
Energetic/Tanked: Collect
all Energy Tanks.
This sucks: Survive a Metroid infested room.
Varified: Obtain the Varia Suit.
Brain-Freeze: Defeat Mother Brain.
A-Lore-Ing: Collect
all Chozo Lores.
Seeing the Light: Travel to the Light World once.
Joining the Dark Side: Travel to the Dark World once.
My Other Side: Encounter and defeat Dark Samus for the first time.
There can only be one: Defeat Dark Samus for the third and final time.
Hunter's Log: Complete
all scans in logbook.
Grappler: Obtain the Grapple Beam.
Hidden-Being Corrupted: Successfully complete the hardest mode in
Metroid Coruption.
Hidden-Primed and Ready: Successfully complete the hardest mode in
Metroid Prime.
Morphin' Time: Obtain the Morph Ball.
Swarmed: Defeat the Totem Hive.
Fully Equiped: Complete Samus's final suit with
all upgrades.
Springing into Action: Obtain the Spring Ball.
Wall Crawler: Obtain the Spider Ball.
Completely Screwed: Obtain the Screw Attack.
Marathon Man: Obtain the Speed Booster.
Rocket Man: Obatin
all Missle Expansions.
Blinded by the Light: Obtain the Light Beam.
Gravitational Force: Obtain the Gravity Suit.
Archeologist: Collect
all Chozo artifacts.
Unphazed: Obtain the Phazon Suit.
Cold Reception: Explore
all of Tallon IV.
Making Waves: Obtain the Wave Beam.
Hidden Trophy-She's Waiting: Unlock the best ending in
Metroid Prime.
Fallen Comrads: Collect
all GFT Scans.
Motorhead: Scan
all Vehicles.
Exterminate-Ing: Eradicate all Ing.
Chozo's Judgement: Defeat Ridley for the Final Time.
Simply Dashing: Perform a Light Dash.
I See Through You: Obtain the X-Ray.
Energized: Scan and collect each of the three different health orbs.
Illuminating Experience: Encounter and aid the Luminoth.

Whew! That's all I got for now. Your thoughts?