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Pokémon Model Ripping Project
the file tr1003_00.bin model is invisible when i load the file in ohana3ds
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Thanks for uploading all those models for Pokemon UltraSun/UltraMoon. Great job!

I'm just surprised that still nobody has dumped the 2D graphics for Trainers (I mean like these but for USUM. Most of them will be repeats from SM but there are a bunch of new ones nonetheless). I thought such things are actually easier to dump than 3D models?
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(12-05-2017, 10:03 AM)B. Rodip Wrote: Thanks for uploading all those models for Pokemon UltraSun/UltraMoon. Great job!

I'm just surprised that still nobody has dumped the 2D graphics for Trainers (I mean like these but for USUM. Most of them will be repeats from SM but there are a bunch of new ones nonetheless). I thought such things are actually easier to dump than 3D models?
I plan on updating my previous non-Ultra Sun/Moon sheets with the new stuff soon enough.
Thanked by: B. Rodip, Lilothestitch
I've been lurking for a long time, but now that USUM are out I want to play with the Necrozma models in Source Filmmaker. I was wishing to port them over but to start, it appears that the box art forms use vertex colors. The file formats that are able to rip these models seemingly lose the vertex colors in the process. I also want to know something oddly specific: So the glowing aspects and the prism texture are from within the model, but they're visible from the outside. Is that possible to mimic this in blender and/or Source Filmmaker?

And the normal Necrozma model (and I would assume Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings) have this prism/star symbol on the back, but to make it appear requires an alpha channel. The textures don't look like they have an alpha channel built in (and I may very well be wrong), so that makes it even more difficult.

All of this has confounded me, so any answers would help a lot.
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(12-15-2017, 03:13 PM)LilyValley807 Wrote: I've been lurking for a long time, but now that USUM are out I want to play with the Necrozma models in Source Filmmaker. I was wishing to port them over but to start, it appears that the box art forms use vertex colors. The file formats that are able to rip these models seemingly lose the vertex colors in the process. I also want to know something oddly specific: So the glowing aspects and the prism texture are from within the model, but they're visible from the outside. Is that possible to mimic this in blender and/or Source Filmmaker?

And the normal Necrozma model (and I would assume Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings) have this prism/star symbol on the back, but to make it appear requires an alpha channel. The textures don't look like they have an alpha channel built in (and I may very well be wrong), so that makes it even more difficult.

All of this has confounded me, so any answers would help a lot.

And then you have the hillarious problem that smd doesn't support scaling, and necrozma's final form has most bones scaling up and down
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Hi I was trying to import gastrodon bin files from the XYORAS model files, but the ohana3ds (latest from says access denied no matter where the folders are. Why?
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Greetings I would like to make a request for Dusknoir if possible.
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I've been navigating through the UI elements in USUM and can't find the types. Every archive seems to have only Normal icon. Has anyone been luckier?

(I know the ones from SM are uploaded in the spriters resource, but for what I want to do it's easier for me ripping them than using these)

EDIT: I've been searching everything I could between 0/0/0 and 0/9/9, most UI elements seem to be between 0/6/4 and 0/8/0
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Hi! May I order a model? I need the model of Probopass, so I would like to make this request.

I read that I can request three Pokémon maximum, so if it is possible, I will like to request the model of Nosepass too.

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(11-17-2017, 08:18 PM)magikstar Wrote: Can someone link me the raw files.

I have almost finished the female rig, I just have a problem if you think you can help. The headbands snap onto the hair perfectly, but the pins always go into the neck for some reason. Do I have to manually move it, or is there some bone I am supposed to be using? Also, a person named "TheAdorableOshawott" on DeviantArt has the raw files for the Original SM, I can't log on it for some reason, so that's all the info I can give at the moment. Thanks.  Smile
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Does anybody know where the model for the pinger thing (its shaped like Vikavolt and it calls the Totem Pokemon) in Hokulani Observatory for the trial in USUM is located? I can't find it in the files in a/0/8/3, a/0/8/6, a/1/7/4, or a/2/0/0.
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(09-16-2017, 12:41 PM)KPlaceholder Wrote: I tried to re-import Garchomp and Aggron after downloading the latest version of Spica. Aggron is now working perfectly! Unfortunately, Garchomp wasn't that lucky, as it's still as broken as before.

I suspect that's actually a problem with Blender, otherwise I don't think Unity would be able to get the bones working either. Would anybody with Blender please try to save a Garchomp model in .blend format and see if its animations are working correctly to see if it's just me?

I am curious on how you are exporting pokemon animations, though I have noted this issue report on Git for SPICA.

personal experiences:
(U)S/(U)M scaling is exactly 0.8X larger than XY. You are still scaling it 0.05X larger than a typical model of a proper 1x scale factor. If you plan on using X/Y/OR/AS models, you will want to amend this.
You are importing anims the PITA way. Blender is not necessary at all, and could even be breaking them. Just make a folder (e.g. Animations\PokemonName) and drop the exported anims into there. then you dupe your anim clips, and rename them as desired in the properties that shows when you click on it. General rule of thumb, use a standardized naming scheme, e.g. Idle, Attack1, etc. this will make life MUCH easier if you will be targeting animations (like a pokemon remake for example) where your battle code could have a process like:
(do note this is very much pseudocode).
If the anims ripped properly, you can even ignore the extra data and simply leave the imported data as is, as the overhead in them is small, as the dae really only holds the animation data itself, the rest seems to be "generated" by Unity and use a minuscule amount of additional resources. even a complete project with that extra data shouldn't eat more than 10MB at most at worst case.

(11-12-2017, 12:50 PM)New3DsSuchti Wrote: I don't understand this too[Image: 1f610.png] maybe gamefreak was too lazy to make the other team leaders with the same quality[Image: 1f914.png]

(11-12-2017, 04:53 PM)The Prawn Wrote: Optimization purposes, probably. When you're a game developer, chances are you're gonna make a few shortcuts in order to meet a budget and/or deadline.

(11-14-2017, 07:15 AM)gdkchan Wrote: I believe that those new models are also used on overworld scenes (with other characters and buildings n stuff), so a high poly model would be too much for the old 3ds gpu. They can afford using those high poly models in-battle because they only have a few models there.

(11-14-2017, 02:33 PM)TehSe7en Wrote: But both models have about the same polycount, also the overworld models are not the same, they lack fingers and use lower resolution textures, the only logical reason is that a much younger team was behind the "new" games, they could very well use the x/y model for battle stuff and cinematics, but they didn't for some unknown reason and decided to remake it with much lower quality, same goes for maxie and archie of team magma and aqua, they instead decided to remake the old models instead of reusing the much higher quality ones from oras, they spent more time remaking models than actually making something new for the "new" games

PS: don't take this personally haha just a little grudge I have against these ultra games, they feel like a huge excuse for some quick cash

I can share my understanding of this to some extent. Pardon me being cryptic, as some of this info cannot be expanded on due to NDA. if you want to understand it better, go sign up and start developing for the device.
Gamefreak has 2 main approaches to how they use models:
Overworld models, which have less bones, animation data, and lower res textures, and less ploys (I dare you to prove me wrong here, as more polys are needed for separated appendages such as fingers).
Battle models, which have higher quality textures, sport more bones and separated appendages, and hold more animation data.

I have been working with the 3DS for a while now, and can explain to a degree why they do it this way:
Overworld has the additional load of being modeled as well, whereas battle scenes have simplistic and texture reliant backgrounds. This means they needed less resources in the overworld, and had more room to use more resources in battle, since the focus of the models and textures shift.

Their rendering pipeline is far from optimized, even up to USUM. I am achieving full 3D with 16 Battle models of Bulbasaur (animated), Red (animated), Santalune forest (sporting transparency), and dummy samples of particle effects for additional load. I am achieving 3D, albeit with severe frame drops (thanks a lot 16 bulbasaur). By shrinking this down, I am able to craft a full Viridian forest "clone" with over 60FPS on average. I have the additional bonus that I am not using their version of cel shading, or outlines for now, despite having clearly enough resources to even do that without negative effects.

This prompted me to investigate further. Aside from the bad rendering pipeline, they also attach another model ("low poly") to use as the pokemon's shadows, and even animate that. This is an effective 6 animated models in single battles, 8 models in doubles, and 12 models in battle royal. Sound similar to my mention of 16 bulbasaur PLUS my additional models and resources causing lag? Same effect with more resources to spare on my Unity project. The main difference my project has: I am not using another model for shadows, as I have better control over lighting and generating more convincing shadows without the performance hit, AND I still have resources to spare for 3D at all times. This could change, but ultimately it boils down to the fact GF is literally peaking their asset usage in a poor rendering pipeline that results in them being forced to take shortcuts in the over world as they have a LOT of data being stored in VRAM + whatever overhead their rendering pipeline uses in the background.

Lastly, I cannot reveal exactly how much ram the device has free, but I can definitely say that even in Extended Memory Mode, it is far less than the devices 128MB (O3DS). There is also a good chunk of that being used for the core of the game, so that gives even less to use towards graphics (some ram is used as swap, storing, and preloading models and textures). This causes additional rendering times, albeit on well smaller of a scale to be very noticeable since ram is fast.
Let me point this out though: For all it's coding flaws, (Ultra) S/M Is an amazing technical feat in that it actually runs in the quality it does on the 3DS. The only way they could improve it further would be to fix their rendering pipeline and do further optimizations to the engine itself, and even then it wouldn't guarantee overworld models would be able to be a higher poly count, or that 3D would be an option.

Also gdkchan, the Old and New 3DS GPU are identical. The primary changes was additional ram and a CPU clock boost, as well as the face tracking for 3D. While ti can perform better due to no longer being bottle-necked by the CPU, it still is limited in VRAM. This is also noticeably evident as the N3DS will also lag at times (mainly on the Battle Royal where the CPU boost can't compensate for limited VRAM).
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I'm not good with this stuff..
What exactly is ripping? I use Ohana3DS Rebirth for Pokemon Models, but it's really buggy, and SPICA doesn't support the method I do (which is basically extracting the GARC, then importing like 8 .BINs for each Pokemon). If there was a guide or something, could I have a link?
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Does anyone know where NPC models are for (Ultra) SuMo? I forgot.
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I'm not sure where to put it.

But is it possible to rip the 3DS themes based on the villainous teams (Rocket, Galactic, Skull and the recent Plasma ones)?

They're a piece of good art, it'd be valuable to have them.
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