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redblueyellow's Nintendo rips
LOL soo true AJ (:
good job RBY!!
[Image: SpriteClick.png]
Check it out!!! ↑click↑

Big GrinNaruto RulesBig Grin
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Koffing and Weezing added 2/25:

[Image: koffingandweezingicon.png]
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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can i ask what is the animation of smoke under attacking koffing for? Surprise
[Image: SpriteClick.png]
Check it out!!! ↑click↑

Big GrinNaruto RulesBig Grin
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(02-25-2009, 05:34 PM)hwdphg Wrote: can i ask what is the animation of smoke under attacking koffing for? Surprise

It shows up in the last frame of the normal attack for koffing, so when it hits the last frame the smoke animation starts.

Here is an example of it (at about 4:58):
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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Ohh i get it lol (:
great job!!!
[Image: SpriteClick.png]
Check it out!!! ↑click↑

Big GrinNaruto RulesBig Grin
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Pineco and Forretress added 2/26:

[Image: pinecoandforetressicon.png]
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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Awesome job!!

Also, WW:Touched has an autosave function.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
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(02-26-2009, 09:17 AM)Dazz Wrote: Awesome job!!

Also, WW:Touched has an autosave function.

It does? Whenever I get pretty far in the game it won't save for me.

Spearow and Fearow added 2/27:

[Image: spearowandfearowicon.png]

Growlithe and Arcanine added 2/28:

[Image: growlitheandarcanineicon.png]
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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Great rips as usual~~ Heart
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More awsome rips RBY!!!
avatar and signature custom made by me Smile

My TSR sprite topic
[Image: ZoidsProject.png] last updated on: December-22-09 fixed weapons sheets 1 and 2 and the republic and imperial sheets
[Image: l_b489bf24c48c43a689123b07de56b838.gif]<-----my first sprite I made

[Image: zoid_but_1.png]--- come and visit my zoids sprite site.

I don't care what jerks say/think.Tongue
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Sea Driller edit, Demon Pixie edit, and Insect Rider added 3/2:

[Image: boss1icon.png][Image: boss2icon.png][Image: boss3icon.png]

Just took out some of the unneeded sprites on the first two bosses.
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
Thanked by: Katona, Katona
Wow! Very nice updates!
Pokemon Cobalt Forums_____________________________Overlord Haven Forums
[Image: pokemoncobaltforumsbanner2.png] [Image: overlordhavenforums.png]
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Chalk Full, Drama Clean, Feeling Saucy, Kitchen Timer, and Pet Brine Buddies added 3/7:

[Image: chalkfullicon.png][Image: dramacleanicon.png][Image: feelingsaucyicon.png][Image: kitchentimericon.png][Image: petbrinebuddiesicon.png]

Sorry for the lack of updates for the past week, but I've been extremely busy with homework. I probably won't update that much next week either to catch back up.

Arctic Antics enemies added 3/9:

[Image: arcticanticsenemiesicon.png]
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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Hey it's ok RBY!!! That homework stuff can get ya sometimes. Eithier way you still came out with great rips.
avatar and signature custom made by me Smile

My TSR sprite topic
[Image: ZoidsProject.png] last updated on: December-22-09 fixed weapons sheets 1 and 2 and the republic and imperial sheets
[Image: l_b489bf24c48c43a689123b07de56b838.gif]<-----my first sprite I made

[Image: zoid_but_1.png]--- come and visit my zoids sprite site.

I don't care what jerks say/think.Tongue
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Fire/ Ice Sea Dragon added 3/10:

[Image: boss4icon.png]

My favorite boss in the game (so far). Smile

Greedy Hands, Clacker and Toy Room added 3/13:

[Image: greedyhandsicon.png][Image: clackericon.png][Image: toyroomicon.png]

Game & Watch Flagman added 3/16:

[Image: gamewatchflagmanicon.png]
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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