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redblueyellow's Nintendo rips
Wow. a lot of requests.

You don't have to do that Lotad Family rip if you're to busy.
Still thinking of a new name.
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Shroob2 Wrote:Wow. a lot of requests.

You don't have to do that Lotad Family rip if you're to busy.

I'll try to rip the lotad family as soon as I can, but I'm trying to finish the rips in the order that they were posted.
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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Ok. I just figured since you have all of these requests...

BTW, don't you need to have the Pokemon on your team to capture them? How long have you HAD this game?
Still thinking of a new name.
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Keep it coming
My Sprites at Sprites Inc

[Image: tobiopeningbannergt9.gif]

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Primal Dialga!!!
Great job at ripping these but try ripping normal Dialga please?
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You didn't finished the Shellos family yet. Gastrodon is missing.
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Oh, if I could add just one more request, could you rip the tileset of any one (or more, if you feel) of these dungeons?

Steam Cave
Crystal Cave
Hidden Land
Temporal Tower
Northern Desert
Crevice Cave

I'm only aking you to rip one, but if you would like to rip more than one ar all of them, thank you.

I would also ask for you to rip Treasure Town, but I'm 99.99% sure that that is already a work in progress.
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That nature test looks like it took a long time to put together. Nice rips by the way Smile
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Very Nice rips RedBlueYellow. THANKS I NEED THAT NATURE TEST.Big Grin
[Image: pikachuxa3.jpg]pwns you all
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Twilight Shadow Wrote:Oh, if I could add just one more request, could you rip the tileset of any one (or more, if you feel) of these dungeons?

Steam Cave
Crystal Cave
Hidden Land
Temporal Tower
Northern Desert
Crevice Cave

I'm only aking you to rip one, but if you would like to rip more than one ar all of them, thank you.

I would also ask for you to rip Treasure Town, but I'm 99.99% sure that that is already a work in progress.

Actually, I'm trying to rip treasure town right now. Also, I'll try and rip the tileset of those dungeons, but to tell you the truth I don't really know how. I'll try nad figure it out how soon, though.

Lotos Wrote:That nature test looks like it took a long time to put together. Nice rips by the way Smile

Yeah, it only took me about 3 days but it was about 64 questions and 16 nature possibilities. Thanks.
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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Hi, could you rip the beach where the game began, please (not imediately, but when you want to rip it)? Thanks.
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uxiefan101 Wrote:Hi, could you rip the beach where the game began, please (not imediately, but when you want to rip it)? Thanks.

Yeah, I'll get to it, but I'm trying to rip treasure town right now. Smile
[Image: CvlJ7PI.png]
Currently working on: moving
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You work fast, i like that
[Image: pikachuxa3.jpg]pwns you all
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I think I've made enough requests by now, so I'm just gonna ask this. Can someone tell me where I can get some Absol sprites? If not, can someone tell me where I can get a ROM or whatever it is so I can rip it myself? (O yayz if I get a ROM I could actually submit stuff)
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These rips are sweet o:

I love the Rotom one the most Heart

Keep up the good job.
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