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Klonoa Beach Volleyball Help
Ok, let me reword this so ive been try to rip from the ps1 klonoa games, ive gotten sprites and textures from door to phantomile already but klonoa beach volleyball is giving me multiple issues, for starters i found the bone names and so forth but theres a header before the bone names, its VDMG and theres another one after a bunch of bone and what i presume other types of effect,model animations or sprite files a header saying VMDM or VDMD (i need to check it again) but i haven't figured out how to pull them from the files, at this point in considering just hexdumping a shit ton of data and seeing what comes up with the bms script for scanning hex dumps. I've been able to pull textures from the game but they end up all messed up and wierd colored, i did manage to pull klonoa's textures one by one using the psxvram viewer but it takes a long time to get each part seperatley....but i can try and pull the other textures this way too.

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Also known as Aishi.
I may do stupid things, but i find peace in knowing those stupid things make others happy.
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IDK, but I might as well mention holy crap I did not know this game existed before now. Now that's an obscure spinoff game...
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(05-28-2018, 07:54 PM)titleknown Wrote: IDK, but I might as well mention holy crap I did not know this game existed before now. Now that's an obscure spinoff game...

Ah yes, This is where things get wierd though, the games stage models use tmd or pmd, but using a program called psxprev i was able to find and view and extract all of those, however there are about 13 pmd files that it finds that are garbled up, but coincidentally, there are about 12 playable characters and one npc that serves as a sort of referee or something. So im thinking they're either just not being loaded properly or are just encrypred up the ass. the stages come out fine though, so i can texture and probably get those uploaded here too, i just wish i could rip out my boi guntz, despite how hideous the model looks xD Also i dont have a screenshot but i found another header that reads pBAV. if i dont figure it out i may just possibly request someone to hopefully take a look at it and try to make a script to pull the models or a plugin to view them in the program noesis.
Im thinking this pBAV header is the filetype because it comes only every so often and is usually after the large string of armature names and so forth. so i think i found the model files? or texture or even rig data possibly. if i knew how id make a bms script or something. which i just might give a shot i guess.
Turns out the pBAV header is related to game audio of some sorts.....i guess that narrows it down a bit.
Also known as Aishi.
I may do stupid things, but i find peace in knowing those stupid things make others happy.
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I wanna Put this as a new post, i was able to get ahold of Klonoa's textures via psx-vram but they are seperate images but id at least like to be able to rip his model, and then if possible go from there, could someone please take a look at it? i was going to make a bms script for the games models and textures but i can't figure out how the hell the files work. I Already know the Texture files are present somewhere in the IMAGE.BIN or also in the complete bin file used to run the game KBV.BIN. I would really appreciate it! I've been at this game for awhile now. and if for some reason this is considered necroposting for some reason. the previous comment was originally from the 29th, i just made a small edit to it today, i just got the textures within the hour.
Also known as Aishi.
I may do stupid things, but i find peace in knowing those stupid things make others happy.
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Edit, can someone delete this thread? i made a new thread discussing data i managed to find in the save states i made in expsxe and they contain alot more leads than the actual bin files ever did.
Also known as Aishi.
I may do stupid things, but i find peace in knowing those stupid things make others happy.
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