I have almost all the sound files I need, but I need help on just one more thing for the sound sector.
First, play the following:
Super Mario Bros. Z (both the original and remastered series), Tank Attack, River Raider, and Miniclip's Commando series.
Listen to the sounds; they all share the same "anime-style" sound effects. So I bet the farm they must've come from the same library. But I'm stumped on which library to search for. And since Alvin Earthworm has yet to reply back to me on his X account for two weeks now, I have to try my luck here.
Next, half the libraries listed here https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/Sound_Ideas_Canada_Ltd. are not available here: https://soundideas.sourceaudio.com/albums
So if you can find the remaining sites that are distributing the Sound Ideas libraries from that fandom page that are missing from Source Audio, please do - as I need to know what sound effects they contain and if they sound like any that I heard in the past TV shows or movies I watched or video games I played.
Finally, after browsing the OGG files I got off of Sound Effects Fandom in my sound effects folder in "Details" view, I began to notice clues: Anime, DePatie, DFE, Disney, Elektra Records, Famous Studios, FOX, Star Trek: Original TV Series, Joel Valentine, Hacienda, Hanna Barbera, Horta, Horta Hacienda, Alex Fresno, BBC, Bob Clampett, Harry Bluestone, Nickelodeon, Nelvana, New Warner Bros, NTWK, OMI, Pro Sound Effects, PSEL, Rocky and Bullwinkle, 20th Century Fox, Audio Effects Co., Rich Harrison, Mark Mangini, Richard L. Anderson, Skywalker, Warner Bros, Turner Entertainment, Unknown Sound Effects Library, and Valentino. These could be other sound effect providers like Hollywood Edge and Sound Ideas and I want to see if I can get them all
And they must come from a site like Source Audio these types of sites allow me to listen to every sound file so I know what I'm dealing with.
P.S, bear in mind, it took me 7 years to figure out these sound effects are sorted into libraries for different scenarios (cartoon, ambience, crashes, explosions, guns, etc) and that they come from a major provider. So I'm still learning about these sounds via trial and error.
First, play the following:
Super Mario Bros. Z (both the original and remastered series), Tank Attack, River Raider, and Miniclip's Commando series.
Listen to the sounds; they all share the same "anime-style" sound effects. So I bet the farm they must've come from the same library. But I'm stumped on which library to search for. And since Alvin Earthworm has yet to reply back to me on his X account for two weeks now, I have to try my luck here.
Next, half the libraries listed here https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/Sound_Ideas_Canada_Ltd. are not available here: https://soundideas.sourceaudio.com/albums
So if you can find the remaining sites that are distributing the Sound Ideas libraries from that fandom page that are missing from Source Audio, please do - as I need to know what sound effects they contain and if they sound like any that I heard in the past TV shows or movies I watched or video games I played.
Finally, after browsing the OGG files I got off of Sound Effects Fandom in my sound effects folder in "Details" view, I began to notice clues: Anime, DePatie, DFE, Disney, Elektra Records, Famous Studios, FOX, Star Trek: Original TV Series, Joel Valentine, Hacienda, Hanna Barbera, Horta, Horta Hacienda, Alex Fresno, BBC, Bob Clampett, Harry Bluestone, Nickelodeon, Nelvana, New Warner Bros, NTWK, OMI, Pro Sound Effects, PSEL, Rocky and Bullwinkle, 20th Century Fox, Audio Effects Co., Rich Harrison, Mark Mangini, Richard L. Anderson, Skywalker, Warner Bros, Turner Entertainment, Unknown Sound Effects Library, and Valentino. These could be other sound effect providers like Hollywood Edge and Sound Ideas and I want to see if I can get them all

And they must come from a site like Source Audio these types of sites allow me to listen to every sound file so I know what I'm dealing with.
P.S, bear in mind, it took me 7 years to figure out these sound effects are sorted into libraries for different scenarios (cartoon, ambience, crashes, explosions, guns, etc) and that they come from a major provider. So I'm still learning about these sounds via trial and error.