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Sega Announces new 2D Sonic title
Oh hey look more leaks. This time it's the entire Splash Hill zone (all three acts), including the boss! There is even gameplay of Lost Labyrinth.

Splash Hill <<Act1 <<Act2 <<Act3 <<Boss (including Pinch Mode)

Lost Labyrinth <<Act1 <<Act3 <<Boss (including Pinch Mode)

Watch before they get taken down! Once they're gone, PM me and I'll send you the mp4s. Also, notice that lost labyrinth zone Act 2 isn't listed; it isn't on youtube for some reason. It's in here, though:

LL Act 2 is so... nauseating. Controlling a mine cart level for an entire level? I would have preferred to ride it on small bursts (like Rush Adventure)
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Okay, what the hell

this is called sonic 4, but it's just Sonic 1 reskinned
also it looks like the homing attack will make this way too easy
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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that is quite possibly the worst boss music I've ever heard.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Shadowth117, JarJar
(03-31-2010, 01:42 PM)Vipershark Wrote: Okay, what the hell

this is called sonic 4, but it's just Sonic 1 reskinned
also it looks like the homing attack will make this way too easy

hence what I was saying the last few pages about sonic 4's level design being some what like sonic 1's

at least there's some new gimmicks that will make this interesting.
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i think it looks great, i'm so happy they gave him his cool running animation back
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Ok, the main thing that bugs me about this game is the speed. He goes from standing to full speed in about 2 seconds. It's as if he's wearing the super speed power-up shoes the entire game. I always hated getting that power-up 'cause I'd miss so many things in the level while going that fast.

Also this:
(03-31-2010, 01:42 PM)Vipershark Wrote: it looks like the homing attack will make this way too easy
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i think it looks fantastique.
I'm a bit shaky on the 3d models for Sonic. They look decent, but it would've been so epic if they were sprites.

The game itself looks a lot better than the latest editions of Sonic. =D
XBL: ZRDragoon - PSN: Zubodybop - Steam: XDNESS
[Image: sig.gif]
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they are sprites
edit- they just look terrible
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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This is all looking pretty good!

The gravity-screw level looks interesting; but either the turning triggers are too sensitive, or that guy playing just sucks.
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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(04-02-2010, 03:41 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: This is all looking pretty good!

The gravity-screw level looks interesting; but either the turning triggers are too sensitive, or that guy playing just sucks.

Probably both.

Loving the old school feel. I can tell this game isn't trullyyy done yet though I have a feeling they're on the precipice of throwing in those cheap unexpected ways of losing rings we all know and love.
[Image: VeM0J5C.gif]
[Image: clVthBd.png]
You may also know me as Giraffe
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Casino Street gameplay.
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looks EXACTLY like casino night zone

i know its a CASINO level, but come on, if sega wanted to do a remake they just should have done it.

edit: same fucking boss too
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How to make a classic sonic game the sega way:

1. rehash levels from previous games and reskin them
2. try to pass them off as new levels; fool nobody
3. not actually make a new game at all
4. ?????
5. profit!

I didn't think they'd take "make it like the original games" as far as actually making it the original games.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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The boss thing has Sonic's Sonic 1 sprite running in the beginning, so is this a remake or a new one...?

Also, either the game has problems or this person is just awful at playing because his Act 1 level playthrough was just painful to watch.
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