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Pokemon Prism: The tSR Pokemon Game
(04-07-2010, 08:11 PM)cheesen8r Wrote: well, they made flash a TM, so you could make watergun a TM, like it was in RB.

and i didnt mean gang WARS, i mean, graffiti, maybe some vandalism, stuff like that.

also, in the yellow series of the pokemon special manga, the elite four is evil, or has coinciding motives to the protagonists. i really liked that idea, the elite four could be stronger than you, so you have to get stronger so you can defeat them, they could be a substitution to the evil team, and as you beat gym leaders they can join your team (but probably not do much)

I hated that Flash became a TM. If we do make a new field move, I'd like to see it be more important and have it be learned by a Move Tutor like Headbutt.
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hmm, good idea, but i dont like the idea of it being a hm, because, well, it wouldnt really suit, because, that would make three (four if you use whirlpool) but a move tudor would be a great idea, also, if you are going to use pokemon in the overworld, then maybe you can make learning it the first time a cutscene, where you are taught to clean the graffiti.
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I have a few older Fakemon, as well as some newer ones (and a few ideas too), if you guys want to see, and possibly use some of them, I'll post them
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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I'd love to see them, and I really think we should use the move as a HM. It sucked that they made flash one, because I think field moves are more important than TMs, except the sucky ones like Teleport.
Thanked by: Baegal
Flash was useless in HGSS anyways. You could easily get anywhere without going through Dark Cave. The only time you really need Flash is for Celadon Cave.
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It still felt like a bit of a rip off. In the olden Golden days it was like, a necsessity. I once had a friend who wondered into the Whirl Islands without Flash, and never left. Now it's like, you need Rock Slide to get anywhere.

It's evil.
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but, either way, HM, TM or move tudor, does anyone think watergun should be a field move?

also, i know it's a little bit out there, but, if you do have original pokemon as well as fakemon, do you think you could make slowpoke able to fish with it's tail, and evolve if it catches a shelder?
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I think that might be going a bit out there for one Pokemon's evolution. :/

But it would be nice to have watergun as a field move, but one of the quiter ones like headbut or teleport.
Thanked by: Baegal, Garamonde
true, probably a bit out there, but there are places that evolve individual pokemon, like moss and ice rocks, and mount coronet, and the way to evolve mantyke is a bit out there, and to get shedinja. maybe it can be made a bit more simple or less out there, like slowpoke can ONLY catch shelders, and after beating one it evolves, but that is if we arent just using fakemon.
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If you guys don't mind, I thought I'd start writing a plot up for this, is that okey?
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Well, here are my Fakemon, along with some of my other ideas:

The ones on the left are the originals, and I never got around to remaking some of them...The 'Fossils' are still nameless because I couldn't come up with a good name, and they probably stand out the most, not looking like Pokemon. Raklept looks like crap, but he might still be a decent idea (A Raccoon Thief)...And the Rotom Form was just a dumb idea I had, I'm not even sure how Flash Cannon would fit (Other than, you know, Flashing)
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
Thanked by: Lemon, Garamonde
Woah they're great! I abolutely love the evo of that water starter, and those Rotom forms are really decent Big Grin
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tbh i only like raklept out of those. :V
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Soulloy is awesome, Josh. Nice concepts!
Thanked by: Garamonde
Oh boy... Here comes Koopaul saying why he doesn't like them...

Okay Josh. First off the starters all seem to have the same body type in their first form. Long bodies in a squatting position. I don't know if you're gonna change that when you update them or what.

Next is the dragon shark, similar concept to Gible and his evolved forms.

Though not really a cloud, Altaria could count as a cloud concept Pokemon.

Some of those Pokemon designs seem very unPokemon-like. Lacking a sort of "Pokemon touch" to them.

That's just me. I say we all should work together to get the best possible outcomes.

Thanked by: Baegal

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