(03-09-2009, 09:54 AM)Kosheh Wrote: help me how i rip sprite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I decided to do a little bit more ripping from Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 [DS], but I'm doing it the hard way....through Tahaxan. By writing up my own plugins I was able to use Tahaxan's decompression method to get some things like enemies [by decompressing the file and using a 4bit palette], but it seems like every folder has its own filetype and it's making the whole process really complicated. 
My goal's to rip the battle backgrounds [a_map folder or b_map i believe. there are .n and .m format files there]
and the character sprites (I feel that a lot were missed in the archive)
without having to play through the game to do so
Another problem is that if I go through the game using the same uh, "plugin rules" I'll have files that have loopy sizes with odd-numbered tilecounts and stuff. It's very annoying.
Barubary would be awesome if he stopped by this thread and helped me out here. He bailed me out last time when I was ripping the last of AWDOR's sprites, and he'd be a super brother if he took a shot at this one 
Likewise, if there was a program that decompresses files like Tahaxan does, that would make the process a million times easier. I feel like it's not LZ77-compressed, but something else...
I've tried to tilerip from this game some time ago, and I have to say that i'd
love to be able to tilerip everything from this game. This is because I then would have to have a working decompressor for the 'flag-0x11 files' (which is also the only compression used in MM Starforce 3).
These kind of files are LZ77/LZSS compressed, but use some kind of slightly altered algorithm, rendering the decompression algorithm(s) inside Tahaxan useless for those files. Some of the .t-files inside NPotN2 use this compression, including the character files.
The maps are easy; the .n-file is the palette, the .m file contains the graphics in tiles of 32x32. I'd advise using
TiledGGD, with the tile size set to its proper value
[/plug]. You cannot view these files properly in Tahaxan, since it can only handle tiles of 8x8.
(03-10-2009, 10:37 AM)Ridleymaster Wrote: Does anybody know how to use .bin sprite files?
.bin files can be any format (there're sometimes even different formats within the same game), so you'll have to be more specific than that ;]