Well this is strange.
Want to rip models from Klonoa 2: Unpacked ISO shits out a bunch of strange file types. Only one that matters as of now is .BIN because it's the most reasonable idea of where the models are stored in game. It's a hefty 300 MB and when I looked through it, it was filled with Japanese? symbols with no clear file header. Yikes.
I'd be willing to send you the file itself and other files as Im not completely sure that the KLDATA.BIN holds models or not. This is a type of game where they don't list what's what in the file system
Want to rip models from Klonoa 2: Unpacked ISO shits out a bunch of strange file types. Only one that matters as of now is .BIN because it's the most reasonable idea of where the models are stored in game. It's a hefty 300 MB and when I looked through it, it was filled with Japanese? symbols with no clear file header. Yikes.
I'd be willing to send you the file itself and other files as Im not completely sure that the KLDATA.BIN holds models or not. This is a type of game where they don't list what's what in the file system