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hey guys majora's mask

Pikmin 1 had a time limit.
Majoras Mask does not have a time limit, it has a rotation.
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you're a rotation!

anything that interupts the game in the middle of a bossfight to KILL ME is impeding my progress!
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
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wherever you are.
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so hey how about we stop nerdraging about this I have other things to nerdrage about
[Image: 6WzBw.gif]
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This is the only video game topic that causes me to nerdrage hard.
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I agree, OoT is far better than MM.

*takes off nostalgia goggles*

Oh wait.
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(05-20-2009, 11:20 AM)The Question Wrote: every game with a time limit is sort of ruined

just saying

except dead rising, yes.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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Both games are equal, none is better than the other, you are all extremely distinguished gentlemen for debating over such a simple-minded crap. Nothing is wrong with any of the 2 games, you all have poor opinions over a shit series on a shit system anyways. And if that didn't make you rage, here's the fun part:

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fu jar jar
this is bullshit
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(05-20-2009, 03:10 PM)JarJar Wrote: And if that didn't make you rage, here's the fun part:

Thanked by: Josiah, Josiah
today i realised how Majora Mask is actually the only game since the Original Zelda for the nes thats not a remake of a remake of a remake of a remake.

the sole fact that there is no princess to be rescued at the end nor any of the several clichés of the series poluting the storyline nor even a extremely fixed and predictable ending.

dude, I just realised that almost all zelda games since its NES incarnation are basically the same shit over and over except for Majora's Mask(and maybe Zelda 2)!

oh man, to think that it took me years to figue that out of any fanboy-ism its a shame Very Sad

Still, OOT has the storms song.
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that's technically the same with any series really, halo (you blow up the halo at the end) castlevania (you kill dracula at the end) the reason it's so similar in zelda though is because there are literally no differentations on the large scale of the games. its' the same characters, the same hero, the same everything but a different hyrule.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Calling them re-makes isn't right.
Because most zelda games at least have new puzzles in the dungeons and differently layed out overworlds.
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Yeah. They're definitely a bit formulaic, but they're still mostly very distinct games.
Sticking to a formula isn't a bad thing so long as the formula works and you still change it up enough to keep it interesting.
If you strip any game series down to its bare bones it's going to sound repetitive. The devil's in the detail~
[Image: 6WzBw.gif]
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(05-20-2009, 09:36 PM)DigiTamer Metaru Wrote: today i realised how Majora Mask is actually the only game since the Original Zelda for the nes thats not a remake of a remake of a remake of a remake.

the sole fact that there is no princess to be rescued at the end nor any of the several clichés of the series poluting the storyline nor even a extremely fixed and predictable ending.

dude, I just realised that almost all zelda games since its NES incarnation are basically the same shit over and over except for Majora's Mask(and maybe Zelda 2)!

oh man, to think that it took me years to figure that out of any fanboy-ism its a shame Very Sad

this is another reason why I like Majora's mask

it broke away from the usual plot and still managed to keep it like the others
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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ill try the game out when i get a wii

i think i mightve tried it on brawl for like 5 min. or something
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