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The Kid from Cloud Journey
Oh I getchyea.

And don't worry, I'll finish up Mario sooner or later. I usually start spriting Mario for no reason and times. It'll be done.

[Image: 13738195720-iaza.gif]
Click it btw.
[Image: DffP5jr.png]
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Great concepts, bud =)
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I love this project's Simple Cartoony style, and it looks like it's coming along nicely. Can't wait to see more!
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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Turns out I'm going to need all the help in the world figuring out how to program this. x___x
[Image: DffP5jr.png]
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some of these ideas are great
I can actually see this being really successful if it gets finished (lol wiiware port)
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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(07-30-2009, 08:26 PM)ninspriterx Wrote: Turns out I'm going to need all the help in the world figuring out how to program this. x___x

Not sure what format you want it to be made in(Flash, ect) but I'm quite adept at somethings in game maker if you need help. Genki ^_^ Plus Your sprites are really cute.
At the bottom.

Angry So I'll keep on climbing!Angry
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I guess I'll do all the spriting now and worry about music and programming later.
I expect to release this a year from tomorrow, August 1st, 2010. But don't kill me if I delay haha.

[Image: 13192161256-iaza.gif] "A bit more information:"
As you can see I'm releasing concepts for the first couple levels. I'll probably show you everything there is to know about the first level, but after that it's nothing. I'll keep this topic alive by posting sprites; even from higher levels [like the one above. You'll never guess what a puppy has to do with the journey.]
So yeah, right now I'm struggling making areas and what-not, like grounds and backgrounds.
[Image: DffP5jr.png]
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why do good games always take so long ; o ;
Thanked by: Ninspriterx
because people usually have to work on them by themselves :X
[Image: IGBanner.png]
Thanked by: Ninspriterx
2010? That's pretty ambitious!
If you need some programming help, I can help at least a little bit.

BTW, cute puppy.
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Thanks Sploder :]
I'll in fact need all the help in the world programming this seeing I have absolutely no experience in that field. Though I won't worry about it until spring time.

I'm going to dedicate a whole years worth of my time creating this game. I'll be working on this most of my days, but I'll still try my best to have some-what of a life.

Here's a description of Death. I suppose it's a bit of a spoiler. It explains how the boy got stuck in the realm.

Currently I'm working on the worlds. I figured out all of them out already. There will be 7 main worlds, and a few extra places you don't have to go to.
I'm typing up full descriptions and writing everything you'll experience when you get there. I'm doing a lot of work, but it's absolute pure fun for me. haha

A little heads up on what to expect in the worlds:
- For each world there will be 5-7 main enemies (different every world of course.) Not sure how to work-out reoccurring enemies, but I'm trying.
- Each world is set up like this: Level, mini-mid-boss, more level, end-level big boss. Proportions vary.
[Image: DffP5jr.png]
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Nice. I could help you out in programming the game in Flash and since you will want to start programming like in spring I will have plenty of time to practice my AS programming skills. Love the sprites. Look amazing. Great work ninspriterx.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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I'm using Game Maker to program the game engine.
[Image: DffP5jr.png]
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Oh then I can't help you on that one but if you ever want to do it as a Flash game talk to me.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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It's spelled "scythe", just so you know.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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