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There's no end to esreveR sprite threads...
Hello all, I signed up an absolute age ago but never quite got around to making a, er, sprite thread. So here. I post crap and you guys tell me it is indeed crap, that's basically what it is.

Note that I'm mostly a ripper and not that good a spriter myself, so I'm mostly posting rips here. And it's pretty much casual stuff, so yeah.

If this is in the wrong place tell me...

Now I start.

[Image: fallboss.gif]

My latest 'epic' rip (If you wanna call it that) is this mofo of a boss here, from Metal Slug 7, Mission 4. There's a waterfall and two pillars in the background that he clings to, but I didn't bother ripping those (MS7 backgrounds are a pain, and I usually don't rip backgrounds anyway). I am pretty much done save for the lasers and the little ball things fired from the little guns and turrets, because I kind of slacked off when I got there (Changing palettes tends to make me conk out).

[Image: shoopdawhoop.gif]

I've ripped the huge laser too, believe it or not.

[Image: union02.gif]

Started this ages ago but still nowhere near completion.

[Image: giantmechanicalcrab.gif]


[Image: giantmechanicalcrab2.gif]

[Image: giantmechanicalcrab3.gif]

Also done.

I've also got a couple of other things but they're crap now. I mean...they're ages old and not even finished. Or done correctly. And stuff. I have to get back to them...someday...
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i remember when i though that those animations were so overly complicated and impossible to made, then looking at them more carefully they were so simple...
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(06-08-2009, 11:36 AM)DigiTamer Metaru Wrote: i remember when i though that those animations were so overly complicated and impossible to made, then looking at them more carefully they were so simple...

Indeed. It's all in the tweening.

Nevertheless, I had to put in a lot of effort to be sure the animations were as close as possible to their in-game counterparts. And that was a major pain, I'll say.

In total the animation probably took about fifteen to thirty minutes for the mecha (Or anything with actual sprite locations changing) and then five to ten for anything else. Ripping, on the other hand, took about an entire weekend to do, so that's the important part.

Also, I have the Slug Gigant somewhere but I forgot to upload it. May as well edit it into this post when I have the time.


[Image: erisluggigant.gif]

Okay...well, here's one thing I'm gonna mention to you folks, and it's pretty danged important. I like Eri Kasamoto. No, I love her. Adore her. PRAY TO HER NINE TIMES A DAY, NINE DAYS A WEEK, AND NINE WEEKS A MONTH. Wait.

Well, yeah, that's why I put Eri inside this bad ass of a mech. Because, in my opinion, she deserves it.

Fio sucks by the way. *Dodges brick*

Edit: May as well post these still images simply for the sake of it.

[Image: aircrash.png]

An Eaca-B crashing into the sea. I was dissatisfied with how many Sprite Wars members used Photoshop effects and whatnot for things like this. I came in and said, "I can do better", and they didn't believe me. I made this image and proved I could. They suspended me for a week and later IP banned me. At least someone lifted it.

[Image: metroidhumor.png]

"Why do the Space Pirates always build Morphball-sized ventilation ducts? We may never know." That was the caption to go with this. Gussprint also mentioned the Prime games allow you to navigate the Space Pirates' ship doors, while - Believe it or not - They can't. How awkward for them as well.

Also, in case you're wondering why I pray to Eri nine times a day, nine days a week, and nine weeks a month, and yet have a Samus-themed avatar...well... A. I like Samus because she is practically Eri in a Power Suit anyway, B. This is only one of many themes I have on innumerable message boards, and Eri's in my WLM theme, and C. I HAVE A SLUG GIGANT. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID. THERE.
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(06-08-2009, 04:51 PM)esreveR Wrote: [Image: metroidhumor.png]

"Why do the Space Pirates always build Morphball-sized ventilation ducts? We may never know." That was the caption to go with this. Gussprint also mentioned the Prime games allow you to navigate the Space Pirates' ship doors, while - Believe it or not - They can't. How awkward for them as well.

Forgot to mention, I only heard they couldn't navigate those doors on their own ships. Hopefully someday I can see it for myself(Never played the Prime games as of yet)...

Also, 'sup esreveR.
[Image: gsopcsignaturesf4.png]
Sprite ripper, artist, and STILL a Puffy AmiYumi fan to this very day.
*All sprites in the signature and in the avatar are copyrighted by their respective owners.*
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great rips
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Because we all know posting a topic about the Babylon Project is totally ban-worthy material.

As such I'm bringing this up from the dead and making it my secondary home base (I mean, seriously, RTB's here, why the heck not).

And fortunately, I've got content. Plenty of content, mind you (If you go to MSDB, okay, fine, it's not new content, but please bear with me).

First, Hermit Crab:

[Image: hermitcrab.gif]

Second, more Hermit Crab (Bear with me, this post will not just constitute hermit crab animations):

[Image: hermitcrab2.gif]

Third...well, here's a custom mobile anti-aircraft gun. Copy and paste really works wonders, huh? Wait, no, that was Drag Layers.

[Image: ackack2.gif]

The Keesi's afterburners in effect.

[Image: keesi3.gif]

Really big asplosion (Only used by Jupiter King, mind you).

[Image: explosionmushroomlarge.gif]

Take some old animations and switch stuff around a little!

[Image: crabtankwalking.gif]

[Image: rocketcanisters.gif]

[Image: slugarmorwalking.gif]

[Image: walkerwalking.gif]

This is what I think the Orca should've been, judging from its concept art.

[Image: therealorca.gif]

8-bit recolors.

[Image: eri.gif][Image: margaret.gif][Image: redeye.gif][Image: rumi.gif][Image: rebellooking.gif][Image: whitemartian.gif]

Need epic moonspeak translators.


Blame Atma.

[Image: whathassciencedone.gif]




[Image: killitwithfire.gif]

[Image: killitwithfire2.gif]

Mmm, napalm.

[Image: itneedsmorenapalm.gif]

AnimGet is your friend. Taken from an MS0 developer's blog's video's animation's whatever's whatever.

[Image: rebel3d.gif][Image: rebel3d2.gif][Image: rebel3d3.gif]

R-Type? Maybe?

[Image: psybitsandshields.gif]

Go blame...um...that Miyamoto guy or whatever.

[Image: bluealloyericosplay.gif]

You know how Paul Robertson (MAJOR NSFW/EXPLICIT WARNING) likes to make those images with pretty much everything possible in it? I tried the same.

[Image: noexplanation.png]

Mine carts.

[Image: bombcart.gif][Image: minecart.gif][Image: missilecart.gif]

Epic old material.

[Image: apc.gif]

[Image: bigshiee.gif]

[Image: bullchan.gif]

These two were attempts at making Raiden Fighters Jet-esque enemies.

[Image: chinesenightfighter2.gif]

[Image: chinesenightfighter3.gif]

Actually tile-ripped Cynthia from MS7.

[Image: cynthia.gif]

You've seen Fall before, but have you seen him battle-damaged?

[Image: fallboss2.gif]

Epic firing animations.

[Image: firefirefire.gif]

[Image: youresofuckingfucked.gif]

Iron Iso.

[Image: ironisogray.gif]

Not actually the original Keesi (That appeared in Metal Slug: 2nd Mission), but I like to think it is.

[Image: keesi.gif]

The Keesi II.

[Image: keesiii.gif]

The Keesi III.

[Image: keesiiii.gif]


[Image: rocketstages1.gif]

Rebels doing things other than fighting.

[Image: rebelsbyfire.gif][Image: laughandlecture2.gif][Image: loungingrebels.gif]

Interesting palette swap on that last one.

[Image: hmmm.gif]


[Image: rebellaunch.gif]

Slug Flyer Missile hit.

[Image: sidewindermissileexplosion.gif]

Ripped teh jeep from MS7.

[Image: jeep1.gif]

And where it came from.

[Image: mv280b.gif]

I requested that...thing...from Random Talking Bush, who is currently one of my heroes. For this.

[Image: thanksrtb.gif]

Ever played S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

[Image: snork1.gif]

Oh Jesus, here's a lot of Eri stuffs (Me being an Eri fan at all. Did I mention someone told me this thread was one of the first things to come up when googling her? I can't replicate the feat, but once I can, I'll show you...)

[Image: eriaa.gif][Image: eriarmstired.gif][Image: eribubblegum.gif][Image: ericold.gif][Image: eridbno.gif][Image: erihot.gif][Image: erikick.gif][Image: erilever.gif][Image: erilv.gif][Image: erimoled.gif][Image: erireload.gif][Image: eriturret.gif][Image: erivictory.gif][Image: eriwarp.gif][Image: eriwobble.gif][Image: erizantetsu.gif]

...And one recolor (The real things have some eye editing but meh)

[Image: greenerivictory.gif]

And I'm making a new post because this is already way too big.
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Man, all that stuff is really good.
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[Image: gethslash.gif]


[Image: bluealloyshot.gif]


[Image: trust3.gif][Image: trust4.gif]

Not Drudge. Well, okay, maybe.

[Image: newcrabinsanity.gif]

Watch Gran Torino.

[Image: clinteastwoodslighter.gif][Image: clinteastwoodslighter3.gif][Image: clinteastwoodslighter4.gif]

SOUPAH GRENHADE (And yes, I attained Super Devil status in MSX for the PlayStation)

[Image: erisuperdevil.gif]

I don't know what the heck this is doing in MSX and MS3, but it sure is funny.

[Image: metalslugcannon.gif]

Badly Nerfed (AKA not completely cheap) DMG, Hive Cannon, Sol Dae Rokker's gold beam, Mummy Gun, and rather un-original Bazooka.

[Image: mydmg.gif][Image: erihivecannon.gif][Image: erigoldbeam.gif][Image: erimummygun.gif][Image: eribazooka.gif]

More un-original Bazooka.

[Image: rebelbazooka.gif]

Eri cooling off under a waterfall. Waterfall is custom, effects are not.

[Image: eriwaterfall.gif]

Not exactly safe for work, just be careful. If you know MSDB's admin, enomosiki, well, you'll find the reference fairly quickly.

[Image: locustraep.gif]

I'm a sucker for spambots. Cry

[Image: darkbullchan.gif][Image: darktanioh.gif]

Giant Ivy plant from MS7.

[Image: giantivy.gif]

Now here's some real gold. The original Metal Slug's special image gallery!


And Metal Slug X (In GIF form, request individual pieces if you want)

[Image: msxartgallery.gif]


[Image: interestinginfiltration.gif]

I don't know.

[Image: awkwardlaughter.gif]

BOMBS BOMBS BOMBS (Credit goes to The Mad Soldier, Ragey [in a way, though I made the snowman item myself], and me [well that was obvious])

[Image: thankstms.gif][Image: thanksragey.gif][Image: thanksesrever.gif]

Worst shadows/reflections ever.

[Image: shadowtest3.gif][Image: reflectiontest3.gif]

I have way too much time on my hands.

[Image: firevulcan.gif][Image: metalslug.gif][Image: aegissidelarge.gif][Image: aegiscannonfire2.gif][Image: chaser2000.gif][Image: elevatoractionedie.gif][Image: p38cannonfire.gif][Image: battlebakraid.gif]

This was a NOT SAFE FOR WORK joint effort between an individual calling himself Admiral Awesome and I (Mostly Admiral Awesome). I have therefore watermarked the image to prevent someone from just walking off (or clicking off, whatever) with it.

[Image: ThanksAA7ee.gif]

And safe-for-work version.

[Image: erierieri.gif]

Majick...majic...ma...MAGIC (Damn I use Maj too much) lamp.

[Image: magiclamp.gif]

Don't ask. I don't know myself.

[Image: heyimgold.gif]

AND THAT ENDS IT THUS FAR (Rather amazingly, because it felt like it never would).
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that's awsome

and the NSFW Eri Wink

also this SpriteWars thing looks really cool, what exactly is it?
[Image: 472_gliscor_1_m.png]
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(08-30-2009, 02:59 AM)ZeroTwo Wrote: also this SpriteWars thing looks really cool, what exactly is it?

Oh lordy.

Well, it's a board where people make (crap) sprites and role-play with them in supposedly epic battles and such, but honestly I just ripped sprites for people there and stuff.

'Course, I happen to be a major supporter of freedom and the like, and I'm a sprite purist, so it happens that I'm really, really opinionated on a lot of subjects (And all too often against the social norm), so the staff decided to make me a scapegoat and now I'm currently perma-banned (With the excuse of my topic on the Babylon Project, which has been deleted anyway). As such you're not going to see anything there you haven't seen here, except maybe on the first few pages, but all that stuff is crap regardless.

Edit: Oh, I don't think I posted this yet. It's the Contra 4 image gallery.

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Well regardless, your stuff is awesome.

I just thought the idea of an organized game using Metal Slug sprites to play a war with would be fun, but if it's as bad as you say it is, maybe I won't bother.
[Image: 472_gliscor_1_m.png]
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(08-30-2009, 08:46 PM)ZeroTwo Wrote: Well regardless, your stuff is awesome.

I just thought the idea of an organized game using Metal Slug sprites to play a war with would be fun, but if it's as bad as you say it is, maybe I won't bother.

In all honesty, I say go ahead and join if you want. However, there's a crapload of drama there going on at all times, and steer wide clear of the staff. If they get interested in you, you are gonna have a whole lot of trouble coming your way.

Also, CONGLATURATIONS you're the first forum besides SW to recieve delicious CONTENT before MSDB. So give yourselves a pat on the back. Or something else, if that feels too awkward.

First, here's the Miclus from Raiden DX.

[Image: themiclus.gif]

Some parts are estimates (Due to bad resizing), and the frame times are too, but 99.99% of it should be right.

Energy Crystal, from the same game. Unfortunately, I couldn't rip the other two animations because some of the colors were shared with the background.

[Image: energycrystal2.gif]

It's not actually as epic a rip as you may imagine, sadly. I haven't ripped the flaps that go up when you take off, either. I can imagine it would be simple, though.

[Image: flyingcarrier.png]

I tried and tried and tried to come up with a legitimate name for her, but I raged inside because none of them described her correctly. As such its name is nothing but commentary.

[Image: jewelsdynamiteandwhatnot.gif]

Alternate idea for naked Eri?

[Image: EriNekkid2919.gif]

SFW version.

[Image: erierierieri.gif]
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Still lovin' the naked Eris.
[Image: 472_gliscor_1_m.png]
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I love Metal Slug's graphics.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Is that a rocket or an aircraft carrier?

Btw, very nice animations =D
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
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