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lots of unfinished work woah
even if i were to do something small there's a 999% chance that i would get pissy with my inability to fix a problem that doesnt even matter/isnt noticeable and stop working on it
Thanked by: PrettyNier
(10-18-2009, 04:14 PM)a vagina like elephant ears Wrote: i have no attention span and lose interest with my work very quick, im a perfectionist and spend so much time with one little problem on any given piece that i get pissed and give up, im way too ambitious with my work and always fall flat on my face when i try to work on it, i multitask too much and completely forget about things, i constantly delete work instead of saving it to a wip folder because i'm too mad at my inability to fix a very simple problem that i dont want to look at it again

that's why i cant finish anything
pick your favorite

This so much. This happens to me all the time
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
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Maybe what you need is a fan base to cheer you on. Huzza to great spriters!

I like all your sprites, but let's start simple. #8. Work on completing one eye. I'll be back Friday 23 to cheer you on. If I am not back, then I will have failed you.

Sagely Advice: #1)Sometimes you just have to let things go to move on.
#2)Take one step. Forwards. Backwards. It does not matter, just keep moving along.
#3)Light your soul on fire with music.
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(10-19-2009, 07:21 PM)MagikSage Wrote: Maybe what you need is a fan base to cheer you on. Huzza to great spriters!

I like all your sprites, but let's start simple. #8. Work on completing one eye. I'll be back Friday 23 to cheer you on. If I am not back, then I will have failed you.

Sagely Advice: #1)Sometimes you just have to let things go to move on.
#2)Take one step. Forwards. Backwards. It does not matter, just keep moving along.
#3)Light your soul on fire with music.
i do 1 all the time
i move on by deleting work :V
i have music on almost all day

the problem is that time after time
[Image: chartofthings.png]

i stop at the 'think again' stage
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i'm like this for the most part but replace perfectionist rage with boredom
Thanked by: Zac
I go that image from Pixelopolis.

1up I wish I had your style. ok
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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(10-20-2009, 02:36 AM)Number Six Wrote: i'm like this for the most part but replace perfectionist rage with boredom

[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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I don't want you to finish #8 sprite by Friday. I'm asking you to complete one eyeball. Do no more, but please do no less.
I think I understand your chart...but in a vague and general way.

1)When your doubts hit, ignore them.

2)Setbacks cause reality checks (unless you plan for reality) When setbacks are perceived or occur, study sprites made in days past; maybe they have the answer.

3)Reality hits: I don't know which reality hits you... When you think you have to face reality, take a day break. During this rest, reflect on what is wrong and possible solutions. Try to envision what you wish to accomplish. Once you return to your work, only create a draft of what you wish to do. Your first goal isn't to do well, but to finish. The word "finish" comes first in "finish well."
Create rough drafts until the sequence is complete. Even though you may think your work is crappy, don't delete the draft. It is only a draft for you to build on.

4)This is when you begin to rework your sprite. Submit your draft and say "I finished it." Take any good advise work on improving one point at a time. After you make some more progress (a few frames or a couple of details) submit again. Feel free to take a day to rest and reflect.

Phew...that was long winded...
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you're wasting your energy anyways

when i threw them all together into this image i decided i wasnt going to finish any of them ever
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I wouldn't be able to make animations, because I stink at that.
*starts making charactor* *only makes one pose, the standing pose*
EDIT: I just noticed joined a year before me!
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Wasting time? Smile No I am not wasting time. I may not get the results I was expecting, but that is alright. I'm am giving you advice. There could be more effective ways to try and help you, but I do not regret my time spent.

Well, cheerio,
I'll see you around the corner.
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These are all rad

at least finish the '09 shit okay

I mean fuck
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