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Costumes (Will reopen later- NO NEW COSTUME IDEAS FOR NOW)
That's not really the same thing. People would be expecting Dry Bowser to be different.

Wario is a simple change of clothes not a change of character. If Wario's alt was Vampire Wario then I'd understand your point.

I just think Alternate Costumes shouldn't be alternate states of being. Just an outfit change.

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Koopaul's argument makes sense.
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So do you think Doc and Mr. L should be nixed too? Cause I think you're splitting hairs.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Well, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound like a bad idea to keep Dry Bowser as the alternate costume.

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you guys are seriously making this so much more complex than it needs to be. brawl had one alt we don't need to pull a shitload of rules out of that when there's no room for consistency to begin with
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Dry Bowser IS Bowser, just ... dryer. Seriously though, it's not that far of a stretch. Sure, he'd be a lot more difficult to sprite when compared to other, simpler costume changes, but it'd just make him look that much more awesome.

As for him having some different moves, I say just use creative liscense. Just because Dry Bowser never used his fire breath in his featured games doesn't mean he can't use it at all, it really just seemed like an asthetic change to make him a different kind of fight than regular Bowser. As for his immunity to fire, regular Bowser is immune to ice, but he can still get frozen in Smash games. Furthermore, in many situations, regular Bowser is immune to lava!

You see, one can go on and on. However, that's not to say one has to like him, go ahead and say "I hate him" if that's what you feel. But your argument is a bit lacking if you keep going on this route. It's like saying Dr. Mario shouldn't be in it because he's never jumped in his games and therefore can't jump in Smash... I do admit that the Dr. Mario example is a bit shakey because he was a featured character in Melee, whereas Dry Bowser was never a genuine Nintendo character, but in the end, it's still knit-picking.
Thanked by: Ton
But with alt. costumes, like Dry Bowser, would Kirbys Inhale/Hats abiltiy have to change because of his costume?
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Sonic does deserve a costume he has been in games were he wears a costume that doesn't change his whole appearance.

Sonic Riders for one.
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Yeah but Dr. Mario is a simple costume change. Dry Bowser isn't.
He has no skin his limbs aren't meaty anymore they're thin bones. His actual model changes. With clothes the model does not change its only an outer change.

Also I have no problem with Dry Bowser, I don't hate him. (I plan on making a card for him) Its just that I feel Dry Bowser would be taking alts to a level far beyond any other alt. Compare Dr. Mario to Dry Bowser. Its a huge difference between the level of change.

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why is that a problem? it would be a bit harder to edit, oh no
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I don't think Dry Bowser is that far of a stretch. Nor other characters, its a matter of editing sprites, a change of clothes/hair. Bowser has no clothes, so we change his skin and flesh. It's be a matter of recoloring his shell and head, then editing his body and limbs to be skeletal. His size and proportions would stay the exact same. Too far of a stretch would be using something like Young Link as Link's costume. That would involve changing his entire physique. Dry Bowser doesn't involve changing any of that, and therefore works in my eyes.

For example, the first post lists Ocarina Ganondorf as Ganondorf's costume. Ocarina ganondorf has a different body type than TP Ganondorf. OoT was taller and more in-shape, while TP (and Brawl) gave him a stockier, stouter feel. This would be more taking alts to a farther level than Dry Bowser would.
Thanked by: Ekoi
(12-27-2009, 04:24 PM)Krampus Wrote: With clothes the model does not change its only an outer change.

Er, I'm pretty sure both Dr. Mario and WarioWare Wario require different models anyway.

Dr. Mario has a coat and no hat, and WarioWare Wario has a biker helmet and a jacket that doesn't hug his body.

Those aren't things a simple change of textures can do.
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with warios warioware costume, you would only really need to edit a couple of lines where his flab sticks out to get the hug effect.

but I can see why Dr Mario would be hard to edit, and the coat would have to flow for lots of reasons, like running or taking damage.
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I took a stab at Ordon Link. Once again, it's a first shot and I can't make the sheild worth crap, so you do that part. As for Doctor Mario, I'l try that, too.
.bmp   Ordon Link First Version by Airicy.bmp (Size: 57.26 KB / Downloads: 236)
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(12-27-2009, 01:44 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: But with alt. costumes, like Dry Bowser, would Kirbys Inhale/Hats abiltiy have to change because of his costume?

No matter which Wario Kirby inhales he always takes the biker helmet.
[Image: ioncesawyouholleringint.jpg]
Thanked by: Shadowth117

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