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Ultimecia's Submissions
Hello there. You guys may not remember me. Who would remember a girl who submitted a single sheet and then disappeared, even was deleted by inactivity?
Well, I've updated that forementioned sheet (it's Superboy from Death and Return of Superman, mind you) and have another sheet submission and a question.


Very well, decided to list the sheets at the front page. Just to be easier to check ;p


[Image: iconbbeginsgameso1.png]
Batman Begins (Mobile)

[Image: batmanreturns.png]
Batman Returns (SNes)

[Image: BloodOmenGame.png]
Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain (PSx)
[Image: BOFontIcon.png][Image: BOArmourWeaponIcon.png][Image: BOHUDIcon.png][Image: BOStuffIcon.png][Image: BOPubsIcon.png][Image: BOPillarsIcon.png][Image: BOCityIcon.png][Image: BOButcherBrothelsIcon.png][Image: BOArmourBlackSmithsIcon.png][Image: BOMapIcon.png]

[Image: cv2.PNG]
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)

[Image: iconcastlevaniapirategauz8.png]
Castlevania - Pirate (Mobile)

[Image: CastlevaniaOoSGame.png]
Castlevania: Order of Shadows (mobile)

[Image: iconcrystalgamexx8.png]
Crystal of Life (Mobile)

[Image: DeadRisingGameIcon.png]
Dead Rising (mobile)

[Image: icongamedmcny9.png]
Devil May Cry (Mobile)

[Image: icongamedisneyprincessjj1.png]
Disney's Princess (GBA)

[Image: ffquest.png]
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNes)
[Image: iconkaeliju6.png][Image: iconmysticquesttristannz1.png][Image: iconphoebeiz4.png]

[Image: fforigins1.png]
Final Fantasy I - Origins (PS1)
[Image: FFIMonstersIcon.png][Image: FFIEffectsIcon.png][Image: FFIEffectsb.png]

[Image: GameFFIIOriginsIcon.png]
Final Fantasy II - Origins (PS1)
[Image: FFIIEffectsIconb.png][Image: FFIIEffectsIcon.png]

[Image: GameFFVAnthologiesIcon.png]
Final Fantasy V (PS1)
[Image: FFVPSCloudSephirothIcon.png]

[Image: GameFFVIAnthologiesIcon.png]
Final Fantasy VI (PS1)
[Image: FFVISquallIcon.png][Image: FFVIOnionIcon.png]

[Image: ff8.png]
Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
[Image: FFVIIISquallIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIZellTextureIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIQuistisIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIIrvineIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISelphieIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIRinoaIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISeiferIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIEdeaIcon.png][Image: FFVIIILagunaIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIKirosIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIWardIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIAdelIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIMatronIcon.png][Image: FFVIIITonberryIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISquallGardenIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISquallSeeDIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIFujinIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIRaijinIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISquallChildIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIZellChildIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISelphieChildIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIQuistisChildIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIIrvineChildIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISeiferChildIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIWardUniformIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIWardOlderIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIKirosUniformIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIKirosOlderIcon.png][Image: FFVIIILagunaUniformIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIQuistisSeeDIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIRinoaPartyIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISeiferSorceressIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISorceressAIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISorceressBIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISorceressCIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISquallWoundedIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIZellGardenIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIZellSeeDIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISelphieGardenIcon.png][Image: FFVIIISelphieSeeDIcon.png][Image: FFVIIILagunaKnightIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIPresidentDelingIcon.png][Image: FFVIIICactuarJumboCactuarIcon.png][Image: FFVIIITiamatIcon.png][Image: FFVIIITonberryKingIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFQuezacotlIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFShivaIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFIfritIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFSirenIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFBrothersIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFDiablosIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFPandemonaIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFCerberusIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFDoomtrainIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFBahamutIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFOdinIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFGilgameshIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFPhoenixIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFFatChocoboIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGFMogIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIUltimeciaIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIGrieverIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIUltimeciaGrieverIcon.png][Image: FFVIIITrueUltimeciaIcon.png]

[Image: FFIXGameIcon.png]
Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
[Image: FFIXZidaneIcon.png][Image: FFIXViviIcon.png][Image: FFIXSteinerIcon.png][Image: FFIXAmarantIcon.png][Image: FFIXBakuIcon.png][Image: FFIXBeGeZeNeroIcon.png][Image: FFIXBeatrixIcon.png][Image: FFIXBlankIcon.png][Image: FFIXCinnaIcon.png][Image: FFIXDaggerIcon.png][Image: FFIXEikoIcon.png][Image: FFIXFreyaIcon.png][Image: FFIXMarcusIcon.png][Image: FFIXQuinaIcon.png][Image: FFIXKujaIcon.png][Image: FFIXGarlandIcon.png][Image: FFIXLaniIcon.png][Image: FFIXNecronIcon.png][Image: FFIXTranceKujaIcon.png][Image: FFIXTranceZidaneIcon.png][Image: FFIXTranceDaggerIcon.png][Image: FFIXTranceEikoIcon.png][Image: FFIXTonberryIcon.png][Image: FFIXBlackWaltzN01Icon.png][Image: FFIXBlackWaltzN02Icon.png][Image: FFIXBlackWaltzN03Icon.png][Image: FFIXBlackWaltzN03-2Icon.png][Image: FFIXBlackMageAIcon.png][Image: FFIXBlackMageBIcon.png][Image: FFIXBlackMageCIcon.png]

[Image: jlhtficontt3.png]
Justice League Heroes - The Flash (GBA)

[Image: iconlegobatmangamekh7.png]
Lego Batman - The Mobile Game (Mobile)

[Image: MonkeyIsland1Icon.png]
The Secret of Monkey Island (PC)
[Image: ElaineMI1Icon.png][Image: VoodooLadyMI1Icon.png][Image: Three-HeadedMonkeyIcon.png]

[Image: MonkeyIsland2Icon.png]
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (PC)
[Image: ElaineMI2Icon.png]

[Image: MonsterHunterGameIcon.png]
Monster Hunter (mobile)

[Image: icongamepscollectionhh9.png]
Phantasy Star Collection (GBA)

[Image: iconpsirh6.png]
Phantasy Star I

[Image: iconpsiizu1.png]
Phantasy Star II

[Image: iconpsiiiou5.png]
Phantasy Star III

[Image: icongamePitfallglacier.png]
Pitfall Glacier (Mobile)

[Image: icongamePitfalljungle.png]
Pitfall Jungle (Mobile)

[Image: iconpociiigamepu2.png]
Pirates of the Caribbean III (mobile)

[Image: IconResidentEvil1.png]
Resident Evil Director's Cut (PS1)
[Image: ResidentEvilDirectorsCutChrisIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvilDirectorsCutJillIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvilDirectorsCutBarryIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvilDirectorsCutRebeccaIcon.png]

[Image: IconResidentEvil2.png]
Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
[Image: ResidentEvil2ClaireRedfieldIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2LeonKennedyIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2AdaWongIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2SherryBirkinIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2HunkIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2ChrisRedfieldIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2ClaireAlternativeIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2LeonAlternativeAIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil2LeonAlternativeBIcon.png]

[Image: IconResidentEvil3.png]
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PS1)
[Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisJillIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisJillIconb.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisCarlosIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisCarlosIconb.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisNemesisIcon.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisJillAlternat-9.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisJillAlternat-7.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisJillAlternat-5.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisJillAlternat-3.png][Image: ResidentEvil3NemesisJillAlternat-1.png]

[Image: residentevildegeneratiogo5.png]
Resident Evil Degeneration (mobile)

[Image: SnoopyFlyingAceIcon.png]
Snoopy the Flying Ace (mobile)

[Image: SoulReaverGame.png]
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (PS1)
[Image: SR1RazielIcon.png][Image: SR1KainIcon.png][Image: SR1ArielIcon.png][Image: SR1MelchiahIcon.png][Image: SR1ZephonIcon.png][Image: SR1RahabIcon.png][Image: SR1TombIcon.png][Image: SR1MorlockIcon.png][Image: SR1DumahIcon.png][Image: SR1Moebius.png][Image: SRMainMenuIcon.png][Image: SRFontIcon.png]

[Image: SoulReaver2Game.png]
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 (PS2)
[Image: SoulReaver2fontIcon.png][Image: SR2RazielIcon.png][Image: SR2ArielIcon.png][Image: SR2KainIcon.png][Image: SR2MoebiusIcon.png][Image: SR2VoradorIcon.png][Image: SR2JanosIcon.png][Image: SR2MalekIcon.png][Image: SR2DumahIcon.png][Image: SR2MelchiahIcon.png][Image: SR2RahabIcon.png][Image: SR2TurelIcon.png][Image: SR2ZephonIcon.png][Image: SR2RazielSarafanIcon.png][Image: SR2WallIcon.png]

[Image: DefianceGameIcon.png]
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (PS2)
[Image: DefianceKainIcon.png][Image: DefianceRazielIcon.png][Image: DefianceArielIcon.png][Image: DefianceArielPureIcon.png][Image: DefianceJanosIcon.png][Image: DefianceMoebiusIcon.png][Image: DefianceMortaniusIcon.png][Image: DefianceTurelIcon.png][Image: DefianceVoradorIcon.png][Image: DefianceJanosPossessedIcon.png][Image: DefianceKainLoadingDeathIcon.png][Image: DefianceRazielLoadingDeathIcon.png][Image: DefianceNeutralLoadingIcon.png][Image: DefianceKainMausoleumIcon.png]

[Image: SuperBatIconGame.png]
Superman Batman - Heroes United (mobile)
[Image: superbathusupermaniconqc1.png][Image: SuperBatHUBatmanIcon.png]

[Image: iconbnrgenesisdh4.png]
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Genesis)

[Image: batmanrobin.png]
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNes)

[Image: iconnarniachessgameib7.png]
The Chronicles of Narnia Chess (mobile)

[Image: deathsuperman.png]
The Death and Return of Superman (SNes)

[Image: GameVagrantIcon.png]
Vagrant Story (PS1)
[Image: PS1VagrantAshleyIcon.png][Image: PS1VagrantSidneyIcon.png]

[Image: icongameyodastoriesuk1.png]
Yoda Stories (PC)

Accepted but un-announcied

[Image: indydesktop.PNG]
Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures (PC)
[Image: iconindyhw9.png]


[Image: megamanzeroiconcs7.png] [Image: ffviiset1jr4.png][Image: iconwc3fd7.png][Image: iconffivsetsd2.png]


[Image: MonkeyIsland1Icon.png]
The Secret of Monkey Island (PC)
[Image: IconGuybrush.png]

[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Pretty great for a first post. Can't wait for more.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:
Rm2k-Charsets? xD

I like Barret, but Rhinoa is a little bit weird. Compared with the side view, in the front view the hair is a kind of "too much". Poses are nice, rest is ok.
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
Thanked by:
When you copy and paste these sheets into paint, the background gets all black. Plus, Jasmine's eyes in her mugshot look a bit cut off.
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
Thanked by:
Yup, that's right, Davias. I used to be into RPGMaker years ago.

And it's not Rinoa, she's from FFVIII XD It's Tifa. I got Rinoa here (one of my future submissions. 3 sheets and a update is a good number to start, IMO XD)

All those sprites got a transparency channel, A.J. Nitro. You can save then and open it and you'll find color backgrounds (Superboy's white, Jasmine's green, so go on). I tried to find different saving methods but I always find the same issue. But thanks for pointing the error, I just corrected the colors (my image editor saved all the WHITE stuff as BLACK stuff on this sole sheet. Go figure). Sorry about that :/

[Image: jasminedisneyprincess1fa8.png]
[Image: jasmineiconyw7.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Ok... Just finished those!

It's The Flash and Zoom from Justice League Heroes - The Flash (GBA)
Yeah, Zoom is a palette swap, so I decided to include him too XD He's the second-to-last boss.

[Image: jlhtheflashflashsheetvx0.png]
[Image: iconflashzoomec8.png]

The game icon, if needed
[Image: jlhtficontt3.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Good job! I've saved the section tag icon but editted it a little to fit the full name in Smile
I look forward to seeing more of you!
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Thanked by:
I decided to rip this one before traveling XD

Superman from Justice League Heroes - The Flash (GBA)

[Image: jlhtheflashsupermansheeez0.png]

[Image: iconjlhtfsupermangs9.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Very cool!
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Thanked by:
Okay, my last one before traveling ;p

Catwoman from Batman Returns (SNes)

[Image: catwomansheetja8.png]
[Image: iconcatwomangu4.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:
Nice! Big Grin
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Thanked by:
From The Death and Return of Superman (SNes)...The creature which killed Superman! Doomsday!

[Image: doomsdaysheetnv3.png]
[Image: doomsdayiconmz5.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Very nice!
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:

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