09-12-2010, 11:52 PM
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It ain't exactly Lavender Town, but... (Majora's Mask creepypasta)
09-13-2010, 09:08 AM
Thanked by: Maxpphire
09-13-2010, 09:54 AM
Pretty cheesy, but I liked the hidden Elegy Link in the first few parts.
Thanked by: DioShiba, Shadowth117
09-13-2010, 01:41 PM
The dad killed Ben by drowning him. Ben wants Matt (who is jadusable) to find his dad, who got away with it.
Hence, the "you can't run". That part with the reaper and the blue fog was a nice touch, though. Thanked by: Ton, Shadowth117, Maxpphire
09-13-2010, 02:23 PM
I had a freakin' nightmare about the EoE statue the night after I watched that video.....
excuse me while I go shit myself.... Thanked by: Ton
09-13-2010, 07:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2010, 07:07 PM by Joseph Styling.)
Earlier today i was playing Zelda MM just for nostalgia and right around the part in where Skull Kid turns Linkinto a Goron the screen blacked out and the music went backwards at x10 speed and i could hear a voice saying "you cannot escape EoE"
Suddenly, a huge black snake head with retarded-looking eyes materialized in front of me, and in a loud booming hiss, asked "Have you read your SICP today?" And everything turned black When I woke up, I found myself sitting in a lecture hall at MIT, amonst several dozen other students. "Welcome to 6.001" was written on the board. Professor Gerald Jay Sussman walked into the room, wearing his robe and wizard hat. "Is this a hack?" he asked as he glanced around and saw the strangely-dressed me, shocked and staring back at him. "What...?" I managed to say, all of them confused and unable to understand what had just happened. "Nevermind, let's start the lecture." The Sussman said softly. "I'd like to welcome you to this course on computer science. ... Actually, it's a terrible way to start. Computer science is a terrible name for this business. First of all it's not a science." The Sussman lectured while the students sat and listened attentively. "What's going on?" I asked myself. "I have no idea. But this is getting interesting." A young kid with a cap reading "Ben" sitting next to me said "Or we'll actually see that computer... so-called science actually has a lot in common with magic." The Sussman continued. "So procedures are the spells if you like that control these magical spirits that are the processes." The Sussman produced a wand and waved it in the air, muttering to himself. A bright flash of light filled the room, and a stream of glowing parentheses shot out the end of the wand, dissappearing into the air. The students applauded loudly. "But... how can he do that? He's only a human, right?" I whispered. The Sussman, who up until now had paid no attention to me, turned and stared at me with an astonished expression. "What did you just say?" he asked, pointing his wand at me. "And... well I guess you know everyone needs a magical language and sorcerers, right, real sorcerers use ancient Arcadian, or Sumerian, or Babylonian or whatever. We're gonna control our spirits in a magical language called LISP, which is a language designed for talking about... for casting the spells that are procedures to direct the processes," the Sussman continued, moving his hands in a series of complex movements as he spoke. "What a disappointment. I thought he was going to teach us magic," I muttered almost inaudibly. Once again, the Sussman quickly turned and stared at me, retrieving his wand and pointing at me with it. "Excuse me?" he asked, "What did you say again?" "Nothing," I replied, trying to avoid attention. "No, I'm pretty sure you said something. Please repeat it for us, so as not to miss a fine learning opportunity." I said, 'What a disappointment. I thought he was going to teach us magic" At the sound of those words the Sussman's face turned a bright red. "HOW DARE YOU DOUBT ME!!" The Sussman shouted angrily. "By the power of the Y combinator I send thee to the land of Java!" "Now perish!" The Sussman shouted, conjuring a huge pair of parentheses from his wand, which surrounded me and enveloped me in a closure. "What do I do now?!?!" I thought "I don't know!" I shouted angrily in reply as I hammered as hard as they could against the invisible, unyielding walls of the closure. "I hope you learned your lesson, freak!" The Sussman exclaimed, as the closure rose up towards the ceiling with me trapped inside, exploding into a shower of white parentheses as it hit the top. The Sussman returned the wand to his pocket and continued lecturing. ... "Where...am I?" I whispered as I opened her eyes to find Ben lying next to me. "I think that guy said something about the 'land of Java'" Ben said in a low voice as we both sat up to find ourselves in an empty office cubicle. The sound of mouse clicks and typing could be heard coming from around us. We cautiously walked towards the opening of the cubicle, which lead to a long, brightly lit hallway that seemed to go on forever. "Let's find a way out of this place," Ben said. We walked into the cubicle beside the one they respawned in, but it wasn't empty; there was a desk, a computer, and an expressionless, bald man with startingly white skin sat there, staring into the monitor and pressing the keys frantically. They could see he was playing Majora's Mask. "Umm... excuse me? Could you ---" I began. The man remained focused on the game. "Hello?!?!" Matt screamed at him while waving her arms across his eyes. The man remained undisturbed, and continued to run around town with astonishing accuracy. Even when he covered his eyes completely he did not fall at all. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" I exclaimed, kicking him and then the monitor; but nothing refused to move --- it was as if there was a barrier surrounding him. Seeing that nothing in the cubicle would respond to our attempts at moving or destroying it, we gave up and walked out into the hallway. "This place sure is wierd," Ben commented sadly, "let's see what's in the other ones." We visited several more cubicles, but the situation was the same; in each one was a man playing one of the Zelda series, and none of them could be disturbed by anything they did. After a while, it became apparent that almost every one of the cubicles was identical, and the hallway seemed to go on forever in either direction. We continued to walk in silence, looking into the cubicles on either side for any sign of escape. One of them seemed to be empty except for a single purple book lying exactly in the middle, and aligned perfectly with the four walls. "This one's different! But... what can we do?" Ben said as we entered it. I reached for the book, and to our surprise it moved with my touch. I picked it up and turned it over. On the cover was a picture of a wizard and the words "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs". "Structure and Inter--- wait, is this the SICP that snake mentioned before we ---" I exclaimed. "I think I remember now!" I shouted excitedly. "It said something about reading SICP!" I opened it and turned to the first chapter. They started reading the first chapter, and just as they finished the first section, the lights of the cubicle flickered and the two of them were once again immersed in darkness. "What now?" Matt asked, "didn't we read it?" A deep rumbling sound was heard, and the floor began to shake. We held onto each other as they felt themselves falling through it, then fainting. I woke up my chest. "You have read your SICP today", the head hissed before disappearing into the air. Thanked by: Maxpphire
09-13-2010, 08:05 PM
suigin's story was more believavble
09-13-2010, 10:14 PM
anything is more credible than this baby story.
09-14-2010, 10:05 AM
You shouldn't have done that.
Thanked by: ThePortalGuru, Maxpphire, DioShiba
09-14-2010, 06:19 PM
Thanked by: Maxpphire
09-14-2010, 06:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-14-2010, 06:48 PM by ThePortalGuru.)
![]() THE VOICES, OH GOD GET THE VOICES OUT OF MY HEAD Thanked by: StarSock64, Maxpphire, Ton, Shadowth117, DioShiba, S-Cpu
09-15-2010, 02:45 PM
Yes, mess with BEN's head.
09-16-2010, 12:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-16-2010, 12:48 AM by Vipershark.)
Oh, and check Jadusable's youtube channel after reading that. Look at his profile picture, and then watch the newest video. Thanked by: Maxpphire
09-16-2010, 01:27 AM
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