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Videogames you love, videogames you hate thread
Here's a thread I decided to make after watching a few episodes of the Angry Video Game Nerd. Here, you list what you think are the 10 worst video games in gaming history and why you think so. It can be any system, any generation. Here's my Top 10:

10. Kinnikuman: Dirty Challenger. The controls are broken. You take forever to break out of a submission hold, while it doesn't even take the computer one second to break free.
9. Kamen Rider Club: Some games are good with super-deformed characters. Kamen Rider Club isn't one of them. Your head gets smashed if you hit it on a ceiling, the battle system is pathetic, and the game is sadistically hard.
8. Guardians of the 'Hood: Trying to mix Pit-Fighter with Final Fight? Bad idea! The game is slow, and bosses can drain your health like nothing, while you slowly chip away at their health like water on a rock.
7. Mortal Kombat Advance: Sometimes, it' just better to not port a successful fighter to a handheld system. The game seems perpetually stuck on the hardest difficulty system no matter what difficulty you set it to, you can't seem to use any specials, and the "victory" post-match sequence is painfully slow.
6. Back to the Future trilogy for NES: Actually two games, 2&3 were fitted on the same cartridge. But neither of the games had anything to do with their respective movies. But, they were made by LJN; what else can you expect?
5. Mario Is Missing!: Educational games are NOT fun, not even if it's given a Mario theme! The game is slow paced, and one is usually left wandering the streets looking for Koopas to stomp so they can get some landmark and continue on. The only good thing is that the internet got a meme out of the PC version. I'm sure you know who that is.
4. Sword of Sodan (Genesis version): This is a shitty port of a good Amiga game. Sure, there was more gore than you could shake a spinal column at, but the controls were bad, the sound was horrible even by Genesis standards, and the animation was an eyesore; I've seen much better animation on the Genesis!
3. The Smurfs: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle: Atari 2600 game about a random Smurf who has to save Smurfette from Gargamel. Okay, I know it's an Atari game, but still, it sucks! You die if you simply graze the side of a jump! And the Atari Smurfs theme kinda gets on one's nerves after a while.
2. Superman 64: I'm sure you saw this coming. The controls are broken, and all I saw of the game before snapping and deciding to shoot it up with my shotgun was making Superman fly through rings, and having him carry and throw cars. I never saw anything else!
1. Deadly Towers: Yep. A headache-inducing eyesore of a game. The character looks nothing like he does on the cover, he moves about twice as fast as a snail, and he THROWS HIS SWORD AS AN ATTACK! Deadly Towers sucks!

Okay, tSR members, let me see your Top 10 Worst Video Games lists.
Thanked by: ZaeTelapo!
10) Final fantasy 2: while having a rather interesting level up system, the game suffered from easily abusing it, boring ass areas, terrible music(which is weird), stupidly easy, and the most boring storyline besides ff1.

9) Legend of Zelda Twilight princess: really ugly game, especially compared with wind waker. Usual crappy battle system, terrible dungeon design, stupidly easy bosses, midna being annoying, even worse storyline then usual, dungeons and the game in general also dragged on forever as well. Not to mention the first parts of the game are generally the most eye gouging moments ive ever seen in a video game.

8)Star Ocean 4: Being plagued with constant and uninteresting cutscenes, while boasting terrible characters and designs, and retarded story. Only good thing was the battle system, sadly that did not save it from everything else.

7) Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time: This game certainly did not live up to hype. Having some of the most retardedly easy bosses ive ever seen in any game ever, patheticly uninteresting dungeons(especially the water temple), having no real challenge at all, and enemies being really REALLY dumb, it was a downpour of dissapointment and sure didn't feel that great compared to gems like lttp, oracle games, and wind waker.

6) Super Smash Brothers Brawl: another issue of disappointment. Being utterly slow and floaty, nerfing many characters, having really flat and boring stages, terrible character choices, and stage editor being a total snore, not to mention ssbm just felt more strategic and more fun in general.. Yeah this game sucks.

5) Tales of Symphonia 2: again, more disappointment. Still having the same design, introducing many new characters that were horribly written and way too annoying, being even easier then the first game, shit side content, horrible final boss, retarded storyline, and having the unsatisfying dungeons ive ever laid eyes upon, not to mention battle system is even slower then tos, and less to do with it. Only good things were skits and visuals.

4) Super Mario Galaxy: Woah more disappointment! Changing from the nice open 3d mario games, sm64 and sms, it became horribly linear and wasn't very impressive to look at all. Having by far one of the most boring boss battles ive ever witnessed and overall difficulty was pathetic, looking quite bleh too. Luigi mode was also crap due to only thing changing was the model of the player. Only good thing is ost.

3) Final Fantasy 1: Usually id give these types of new games a chance, but I can't this time. FF1 had a very dumb story, poor directions as well, often confusing the player, battle system was so simple it was utterly boring. Very ugly even for a nes game. Only good part was ost.

2) Tales of Phantasia: playing eternia and symponia first really kept me away from enjoying this one. The encounter rate is horrible to the core, 5 steps = battle. Story was also very dumb and just plotted on revenge and a retared plot twist at the very end of it. Battle system had little control and just wasn't that good or fun.

1) Pong: I don't care what your excuse is this is literally the most boring game ever. Ive had more fun looking at the wall for 10 minutes.

and for all you people that don't know me well, I don't troll.
[Image: megartron.jpg]
Very unlikely Optimus, as I am infused with their very MIGHT!
tales of symphonia

my friend lent me this and

i just cant even CARE anymore its so frustrating. 2 discs?? how much absolute bullshit do you NEED to cram into a single fucking jrpg. why does this exist why

basically all of my hate, with this game how can i even remember getting bored or frustrated with anything else

except maybe drawn to life 2 for the plot

and eternal sonata for the above reasons combined
Thanked by: megaMasquerain
Without any ranking, I'm also judging only the ones I've played:

Mischief Makers (N64):
Grabbing enemies, no punching or shooting + tedious stages and frustrating bosses (the lava crocodile). Maybe some other people like it, I just hated it.

Persona 3 (PS2):
Dating-Sim-Something with horrible dungeon design, uninteresting setting and a drunk camera, but the medicore kombat system finished the game off.

Athena (NES):
Shitty graphics, fast deaths, what do you want more from such a game? At least the title screen was promising.

Final Fantasy Anthologies - FF5 (PSX):

Nearly every character you meet dies, it also doesn't matter if you defeat Ex-Death one or two times, he comes back with no explanation why he survived, takes you down and destroys nearly the whole world. Besides this melodramatic shit story, the gameplay is boring as hell. The random encounters are annoying and in some areas you have so many different enemies on the screen that you don't know which attack you should choose. Moreover, some of the regular enemies are so strong that you can only flee, but that's mainly due to your chosen job classes and weapons. Wrong choices always make your life harder, but how should you know which choice is the best against enemy xyz? FF IV, X & XII are much better than this abomination and far better balanced.

Ys 1 & 2 (NES):
nope, you have no sword. The only thing you can do is touching the enemy and... that's it. I've died countless times before I realized this, but nevertheless the kombat system just sucks ass.

Sunset Riders (SNES):
First stage was a good one, but the second stage was impossible.

Bomberman 64 (N64):
Confusing level design, frustrating in general and never liked it as much as Bomberman Hero.

Top Gear Rally (N64):
What a boring piece of shit.

Starshot (N64):
Big areas, no idea what to do and the gameplay also sucked. I sold it.

Glover (N64):
Mediocre and annoying, I sold it together with Starshot.

I can't remember every awful game I've played, but these ones are stuck in my head

ZaeTelapo Wrote:9) Legend of Zelda Twilight princess: really ugly game, especially compared with wind waker. Usual crappy battle system, terrible dungeon design, stupidly easy bosses, midna being annoying, even worse storyline then usual, dungeons and the game in general also dragged on forever as well. Not to mention the first parts of the game are generally the most eye gouging moments ive ever seen in a video game.
Forgot this one, but I liked the battle system and the dungeons + bosses (they're even better than in OoT).

What it killed for me was the segmented overworld with is ultra-annoying flying enemies, their remake of Kakariko which looks like a common western town and these annoying light effects.

And while I'm talking about flying enemies:
Starfox Adventures:
Fast-respawning monsters (especially the flying ones, I've always got a hit when I tried to kill them), dumb story, pathetic arwing gameplay and so on, I couldn't bear it.

[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B]
(07-20-2011, 01:00 PM)Arkinea Wrote: tales of symphonia

and eternal sonata

(07-20-2011, 01:24 PM)Davy Jones Wrote: Mischief Makers (N64):
Grabbing enemies, no punching or shooting + tedious stages and frustrating bosses (the lava crocodile). Maybe some other people like it, I just hated it.

Final Fantasy Anthologies - FF5 (PSX):[/b]

stop not liking what i like......................................
(07-20-2011, 01:24 PM)Davy Jones Wrote: waa waa i get killed a lot game is hard WORST GAME EVER MADE PEOPLE DIES ALL OVER IT ITS SO CONFUSING

just to contributt

Lugaru HD is not even a game. its just someone's midnight wank for rabbits on 3D, being sold for charity.
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how the hell is ff5 hard? Only difficult things in that game were side bosses(hi omega and shinryu).

Although agreed on story and x-death, dumb as crap. Although mainy characters dying doesn't really, seem like a flaw. Since its quite the opposite in most jrpgs.

also ff5 had like the best class system in the series next to fft. Idk man that's just wack.
[Image: megartron.jpg]
Very unlikely Optimus, as I am infused with their very MIGHT!
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(07-20-2011, 01:31 PM)CO2 Wrote: *parodic elements
I have nothing against dying people like in Grandia 2 or Lufia 2, but FF5 exaggerates way too much. Your father dies, your mother dies, your father's friends (which are your allies) are dieing, Hydra dies, Galuf dies, your pet dragon dies, etc... and everything you do and achieve is for nothing, Ex-Death knows everything in advance, is invincible, laughs at everything you do and makes you wonder why you're playing this game.

I played until World 3 and got my ass kicked by enemies and bosses from the N-Zone and stopped because I have no more patience with this game. All my wins in this area were lucky shots, just like the fight against Atomos and this thing which kills your dragon.

For the confusing parts, just play Bomberman 64 (the volcano) and you will know what I mean.

[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
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I've never played a game I didn't at least somewhat like. Very few of them are "perfect," but none of them were horrible.
10. No
9. MM
8. Legends
7. 3
6. Fuck
5. Capcom's
3. Business
2. Model.

...1 Oh and Anything sega makes named sonic.

(07-20-2011, 01:55 PM)Davy Jones Wrote:
(07-20-2011, 01:31 PM)CO2 Wrote: *parodic elements
I have nothing against dying people like in Grandia 2 or Lufia 2, but FF5 exaggerates way too much. Your father dies, your mother dies, your father's friends (which are your allies) are dieing, Hydra dies, Galuf dies, your pet dragon dies, etc... and everything you do and achieve is for nothing, Ex-Death knows everything in advance, is invincible, laughs at everything you do and makes you wonder why you're playing this game.

I played until World 3 and got my ass kicked by enemies and bosses from the N-Zone and stopped because I have no more patience with this game. All my wins in this area were lucky shots, just like the fight against Atomos and this thing which kills your dragon.

For the confusing parts, just play Bomberman 64 (the volcano) and you will know what I mean.
in FF6 the entire world is aniquilated. kefka laughts at everything.
as for bomberman 64, you mean that maze thats suposed to be a maze?
Thanked by: Garamonde
In no order what so ever out of the ones that I played and hopefully won't play again. It's hard to remember the bad games when you have the good games.

The Flintstones (Master System) - It is a really terrible game that came out on home computers but the Master System version is the worst one due to that it was handled by Tiertex. Your first stage is paint a wall, that's right paint a wall. While doing it in real life might not be so bad if you add your own touch, here you have a timer, Wilma nagging at you and Pebbles making your life worse. The second stage is the easiest in the game where you drive but there's even a chance you might lose the stage due to a bug. The 3rd stage is playing Bowling that should be reasonable but here Barney cheats and you're lucky to even get a Strike. The last stage is a platforming stage. There are only two music tracks that are just the Flintstones theme, the controls are horrible where if you can complete the game you should get a medal, graphics could be better, glitchy collision detection is awful and will mess up the 2nd and the last stage. It can even make the happiest person in the world turn sucidal. Luckily most people didn't play it.

Batman: Revenge of the Joker (Genesis) - The NES version actually showed at least some power of the console and is quite decent, the Genesis version is opposite. The graphics are horrible, the sound is a bit weak for the console (using the GEMS sound engine, one of the worst sounds of the console that was used in lots of games due to American musicians were too lazy to use any better), the game is hard even with cheats to the point of complete unfairness sometimes, the controls even seem a touch off resulting in deaths and that's it really.

OutRun (Amiga/Atari ST) - OutRun is a good game and most of the ports are good to decent but not the Amiga/Atari ST version. While the intro is fantastic over the top dramatic, the developers spent more effort on that than the rest of the game. The graphics are ugly even though OutRun is meant to look pretty, there's even a sign of laziness where the driver and the girl swap places when you turn. The game has a poor frame rate that is barely playable and the controls could be better. The music even doesn't sound right with Passing Breeze being unfinished (there was a reason why the tape versions of OutRun included the arcade soundtrack on tape) and is missing the OutRun touches such as the Music Select, the crowd with the flagman and other things. It even has to wait 20 seconds to load into the next stage after each checkpoint (to fair though it was hard to load the entire game in one go on them machines). This game also caused people to avoid the Probe name altogether even though it was one of their earliest games.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [the one published by US Gold, not the LucasArts one] - Another Tiertex effort, both console versions are bad. The controls and hit/platform detection are very poor with silly things that can kill you like the jumping to the top, shallow water and even grass in the 4th stage in the Genesis version. The timer is lethal in both versions, sometimes lucky to complete the stage with 1 second left. Hard games are not bad games (I do enjoy Contra), just when they are hard due to glitches and unfairness on your side. The only redeming thing is that the music isn't bad in the Genesis version, just unfitting for Indiana Jones.

To be honest that's all that I can of right now (unless I could include some more Tiertex ports like Strider and Turbo OutRun), I'm sure there's another 6 games to add but even some so called bad games I just find them medicore depending on the game. Also pirated games don't really count due to that they were made with their own tools with no help from the console companies.

Actually I'm not sure to include Sonic Heroes as well due to the amount of glitches (this is the Gamecube version supposably the best one out of the 3) and caused to be put off future Sonic games (except a couple of the 2D ones) but there were a few good things as well. Hmm...
Thanked by: Rökkan
(07-20-2011, 02:30 PM)CO2 Wrote: in FF6 the entire world is aniquilated. kefka laughts at everything.
as for bomberman 64, you mean that maze thats suposed to be a maze?
Never played VI, only IV, V, X and XII, so I can't say anything about it.

For Bomberman 64: I played it when I was little and never passed this area. I ran through the whole level and couldn't solve it.
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
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I was never really a hardcore gamer when NES or anything like that was around. I was, like, 5, and wouldn't be able to tell an awful game from a brilliant game because I was too young to notice.

But now that I am more of a hardcore gamer, I still dont really have any 'that game was absolutely appalling' suggestions. I mean, it's not like I get a new game on a weekly basis or whatever the hell you guys do.

Anyway, Ill give it a shot
Naruto Shippuden Ninja Storm 2. I only played the demo, and found the controls to be really clunky and hard to adjust to. I mean, harder than Dragon Ball: Raging Blast or SSBB. Also, the camera was never consistent, and at one point, I found myself following the guy I was actually fightiong against as if I was controlling him.

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2. Again, I only played the demo, and have to say it is no-way near as good as it's predessesor. The graphics, first of all, ruined the anime feel of the first, and the controls, by becoming simpler than the first, became more complex. Play the demo of each game, you'll understand what I mean.

Drawn to Life. It could just be my bad drawing skills. But the plot was thin, the game was easy, I just didn't like it very much

That's all I can think of
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I kinda hate super mario 64
its boring and ugly and aged horribly, and not to mention annoying
the game is hard in all the wrong ways and easy when it should be challenging- you're more likely to die by standing on a slightly slanted edge and sliding off into infinity then to die by a boss
I think worse of all though is the music, which unlike many of the other flaws can't be summed up to technological limitations of the time
the slide theme has to be my least favorite song ever in a video game, and it somehow makes its way into every level and is played constantly on the 2 most frustrating and time consuming levels of the game
the whole thing might have 2 good songs, but even that's a stretch

the remake is fun though
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B], Sengir

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