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So let's get this straight.
I took this semester off for various reasons, the main one being that I was unable to see my advisor during the registration period.
I have to go through my advisor in order to get back in next semester, but the way the appointment system works, I can't get an appointment once the registration period begins because the advisors will be too busy. (this is policy)
My advisor had surgery in august and has been out since Fall '11 registration began, and will be out until monday.
Registration starts monday.
I'm required to go through this particular advisor because once the process starts, you can't switch advisors until it's done.
Long story short, there's a chance I'm gonna be fucked out of getting back into school /again/.
11-09-2011, 10:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2011, 10:30 PM by Gwen.)
So I waited an hour and a half for the interview at Target, finally got it. Hopefully works to my advantage if they feel sorry for making me wait so long. But the real reason I'm posting is:
I'm at home because of the interview, meaning I could drive back now, and maybe go to class tomorrow, since we have Friday off, or stay home and drive back in the morning. My mom wants me to stay, and I told her if I stay "Can you just let me sleep in?" to which she said no, because I need to go to class tomorrow. But the thing is I really don't NEED to. I have two classes that go from 9  0 to 12; programming and intro to computers. In programming, the dean will be there to watch her teach but other than that, we're continuing on with prototyping which is pretty easy, and she puts all of her lessons online. Intro to computers, we're continuing on Microsoft Access, and needless to say, I don't need to be there for that as it's sooooo easy.
Lastly I can still miss class for both without a penalty to my grade, so I really just don't want to go, as my computer's almost dead anyways and I'd need to charge it for both classes, both of which have basically no plug ins ironically.
EDIT: Basically all I need to go back up for is my phone charger, and clothes for laundry and clothes for my weekend trip to Chicago.
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Yelling louder and making cuss-chains longer does not make you more right. Now everybody shut up so I can sleep.
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(11-10-2011, 08:59 AM)Kriven Wrote: Yelling louder and making cuss-chains longer does not make you more right. Now everybody shut up so I can sleep.
are you like
living next door to me or something
because this fairly accurately describes my family :c
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My favorite shirt is ruined forever
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I wish that it didn't sound like my stepdad is berating or yelling at me literally every time he says anything to me ever. Even if it isn't supposed to be that way his tone of voice and general assholishness sure makes it sound like someone shit in his Cheerios that morning.
Get a couple thorns in my bike tire despite riding just on pavement causing it to deflate? "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXT TIME" because you know its easy to see little thorns on the ground and avoid them just like that when you're going quickly on a bike.
Accidentally dip a corner of a towel into a sink full of water as I dry off a bowl I just washed? "YOU'RE GETTING IT WET THAT TOWELS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR DRYING THINGS OFF" since I was totally trying my hardest to get the towel wet instead of whoops didn't mean for that to happen.
Fuck off already I'm not even doing anything wrong.
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11-12-2011, 03:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2011, 08:04 AM by Kriven.)
Hi there, random insecurities. How the fuck are you doing?
Edit: Hohohooo~ Guess I'm nocturnal again! Oddly, I seem to get work done this way.
Still unhappy thread because sleeping while everyone is busy having a life kind of blows.
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Today is not a good day
It would be really great to just like
stop existing
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So earlier this year in March my nana's doctor told her he predicted that she probably had around a year left to live
My nana decided not to tell my mom about the timeframe, which I was kind of uncomfortable with, but didn't say anything
Today in a conversation with my mom my nana told her that when she was at her yearly eye doctor check-up she said "I won't be coming back next year because I'll be dead"
the fuck
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(11-12-2011, 04:19 PM)Vipershark Wrote: Today is not a good day
It would be really great to just like
stop existing
I'm so horrendously behind on my work.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
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So registration at the community college I plan to attend is starting soon. As much as I'd like to get in ASAP (Even though I'm afraid that in the long run it won't matter.), I don't seem to qualify as a "resident" of New Mexico according to the site's requirements seeing as I've only been here for about half a year, which means I'd be charged roughly six times as much as a "resident".
Might have to wait until fall.
They're everywhere
Go away
Stop trying to move in here...!
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why does it constantly feel like nobody wants to talk to me
Thinking of you,
wherever you are.