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DS Vania Rip Project
First off: don't worry. 8-bit Game Project is still going (in fact, it'll be updated soon - I have a few sheets finished already and in WIP mode).

With the release of Eclessia, there are now 3 DS Castlevania titles. Unlike Kate's and my 8bit project: this one is open to the public.
This project is for people to rip from all thee games completely. This includes backgrounds as well. I've already gotten the first two started (Dawn and Portrait).

Raccoon Sam C, Barubary, and I have worked to crack the palette thread within the first two games and, since Eclessia happens to follow the same routines, it won't be long before Eclessia's thread is blown wide open as well. (So until then, we'll have to rely on taking colors from the actual emulator).

I'll be posting up the link to the palette archives for both Dawn and Portrait shortly so that others can join in ripping these games.

The tiles can be left as is found in the data files. There's no need to assemble unless for an example. This is because this is mainly for those who would make fan games. If we left the sprites whole, then it'd put a strain on their programming system to incorporate complex collision detection parameters.

If anyone DOES want to assemble any tiles previously ripped, feel free to, but only if the tiles sheet is up as well.

HOW TOrip from these games:
Naturally- you'll needrom images of these three games. since that is going to get us in trouble if we post links, you're best left to scour the interwebs on your lonesome for them or note someone via instant messenger. Optionally - you'll need the latest version of no$gba the only near perfect ds emulator in existence (thus far). We can use this if it is hard for us to determine what colors to use. Especially for miscellaneous objects found throughout the game. DS Lazy and/or Tahaxan to dump the .dat files found throughout the roms. And GGD and/or Tile Molester.
GGD will be used to view sprites that are below 256 color images and is more practical that way. Tile Molester should mostly be left to 256 color sprites and backgrounds as GGD has difficulty reading those.

Now, to rip DS Vania titles via GGVery Sad
1) Unpack your rom of choice and open GGD. Open a .dat file.
2) Hit 'B' then press the right arrow key until the picture becomes clear.
3) Drag and drop a .cvpal file into your GGD tool's palette window.
4) IF the palette ou've dragged and dropped into the open palette window is correct.
THEN Success! PrintScreen and load it up onto a paint program in .png format and show it off.
Keep dragging and dropping palettes into the palette window. Something good should show up sooner or later.

The link to all the .cvpal files for both Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin is here:

The link to an english translated version of GGD (via Dazz) is here:
It also has a handy tutorial on how to use the tool.

Borrowing a qeue from Dr. Schnaps:
Blank = Not done.
Big Grin = Being worked on.
Cute = Completed.
Cool = Completed AND assembled.

Remember: request, work on it, show it off.

So a check list:

NOTICE I'm currently updating the list to a new format. This change will be gradual so don't be surprised if the list looks odd for a while as there's a lot of ground to cover. NOTICE
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

No$GBA Palette Address: 0xF8798

Table Key:
Progress :: Subject :: Where Found :: What's Needed :: DS .dat File Location :: :: Contributor
-Playable Characters-
Cool :: Soma Cruz :: Hero :: - :: f_soma :: Paddy
Cool :: Julius Belmont :: Hero :: - :: f_djuli & f_juli :: Paddy
Cool :: Yoko Belnades :: Hero :: - :: f_dyoko & f_yoko :: Paddy
Cool :: Alucard :: Hero :: - :: t_aru & t_daru :: Paddy


Cute :: Celia Fortner :: Intro, Wizardy Lab, Clock Tower, The Abyss :: Assembly :: f_seri & f_niku :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Hammer :: Lost Village :: Assembly :: f_dhammer_00 :: SmithyGCN
Cool :: Mina Hakuba :: Intro, Garden of Madness :: - :: f_dmina :: Paddy
Cool :: Genya Arikado :: Intro, Demon Guest House, Tower of Execution, The Abyss :: - :: f_darikado :: Paddy


:Cool: :: Balore :: Wizardry Lab :: - :: f_baro_ :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Flying Armor :: Lost Village :: Assembly :: f_fly :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Dario Bossi :: Wizardry Lab, Silenced Ruin, Garden of Madness, The Pinnacle :: Assembly :: f_dari & f_ddari :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Dimitrii Blinov :: Wizardry Lab, Dark Chapel, The Abyss :: Assembly :: f_ddomi & f_domi :: SmithyGCN
Cool :: Puppet Master :: Demon Guest House :: - :: f_puppet :: SmithyGCN
Blank :: Malphas :: Dark Chapel :: Rip and Assembly :: f_karaot :: open
Blank :: Menace :: The Abyss :: Rip :: f_last :: open
Cool :: Rahab :: Subterranean Hell :: - :: f_lahab :: SmithyGCN
Cool :: Paranoia :: Demon guest House :: - :: f_mirror :: Deathbringer & SmithyGCN
Cool :: Evil Soma :: The Abyss :: - :: f_urasom :: SmithyGCN
Cool :: Soma's Final Form :: The Abyss :: - :: f_urasox :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Abaddon :: The Abyss :: Assembly :: f_abad :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Aguni :: The Pinnacle :: Assembly (near impossible until further notice) :: f_aguni :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Death :: Mines of Judgment :: Assembly :: f_sini :: SmithyGCN
Cute :: Zephyr :: Clock Tower :: Assembly :: f_edward :: SmithyGCN
Cool :: Bat Company :: Silenced Ruins :: - :: f_fake :: King Metroid
Cool :: Gergoth :: Tower of Execution :: - :: f_fafnir

-Enemies- (most are ripped by Paddy, but most still need assembly):

Cool :: Alastor :: The Pinnacle :: - :: f_alast :: Deathbringer
Cute :: Amalaric Sniper :: Dark Chapel :: Assembly :: t_amala :: SmithyGCN
Blank :: Alura Une :: ??? :: Rip and Assembly :: t_arlau :: open

(below is what's left to update to the new formatting)
CuteArcdemon :: SmithyGCN
CuteAxe Armor and Great Axe Armor :: SMithyGCN
CuteBomber Armor :: SmithyGCN
CoolCatoblepas and Gorgon :: SmithyGCN
CuteGhost Dancers :: SmithyGCN
CuteDead Mate :: SmithyGCN
CuteDisc Armor :: SmithyGCN
CuteKiller Clown :: SmithyGCN
CuteMothman :: SmithyGCN
CuteNeedle :: SmithyGCN
CuteProcel :: SmithyGCN
CuteFrozen Shade :: SmithyGCN
CuteHomunculus :: SmithyGCN
CuteMud Demon :: SmithyGCN
CoolQuetzlcoatl :: SmithyGCN
CuteWak Wak Tree :: SmithyGCN
CoolWhite Dragon :: SmithyGCN
CuteSkeleton Farmer :: SmithyGCN
CuteGhost :: SmithyGCN
CoolGolem :: SmithyGCN
CuteTombstone :: SmithyGCN
CutePersephone :: SmithyGCN
CuteUne & Corpseweed :: SmithyGCN
CuteZombie & Ghoul :: SmithyGCN
CuteBone Ark :: SmithyGCN
CoolFinal Guard :: SmithyGCN
CuteGaibon :: SmithyGCN
CuteGuillotiner :: SmithyGCN
CoolBat :: King Metroid
CoolGreat Armor :: King Metroid
CoolIron Golem :: King Metroid
CoolMimic :: King Metroid
CoolOuija Table :: King Metroid
CoolLarva :: King Metroid
CoolSkeleton & Yorick :: Paddy
CoolPeeping Eye & Bugbear :: Paddy
CuteSkull Archer :: Paddy
CuteWarg:: Paddy
CuteSpin Devil :: Paddy
CuteArmor Knight :: Paddy
CoolStudent Witch :: Paddy
CuteSlaughterer :: Paddy
CoolSlime & Tanjelly :: Paddy
CuteSkeleton Ape :: Paddy
CuteManticore & Mushussu :: Paddy
CoolMollusca & Giant Slug :: SmithyGCN
CuteRycuda :: Paddy
CuteMandragora :: Paddy
CoolThe Creature :: SmithyGCN
CoolYeti :: Paddy
CoolFlying Humanoid :: SmithyGCN
CoolMini Devil :: Paddy
CoolTreant :: Paddy
CuteValkyrie & Erinys :: Paddy
CuteKiller Doll :: Paddy
CuteWaiter Skeleton :: Paddy
CuteWitch :: Paddy
CuteBuer :: Paddy
CuteLilith & Succubus :: Paddy
CuteSkelerang :: Paddy
CoolFlea Man & Ripper :: Deathbringer
CuteDevil :: Paddy
CuteDraghignazzo, Barbariccia, and Malacoda :: Paddy
CuteHell Boar :: Paddy
CuteBone Pillar :: Paddy
CoolImp :: Paddy
CuteHarpy :: Paddy
Blank Barbariccia
Blank Malachi
CoolCave Troll :: King Metroid
Blank Heart Eater
Blank Merman
Blank Fish Head
CoolMedusa Head :: Deathbringer
Blank Ukoback
CuteKiller Fish :: Gemini
CoolDead Pirate :: Paddy & SmithyGCN (joint effort)
CoolDecarabia :: Ridureyu
CuteDead Crusader :: Paddy
Blank Dead Warrior
Blank Erinys
Blank Succubus
Blank Black Panther
CoolWerewolf :: Paddy
CuteFlame Demon :: SmithyGCN
CuteSlogra :: Paddy
CuteStolas :: SmithyGCN
Blank Malacoda

(This part of the list is subject to change as we find more miscellaneous objects in the rom)
CoolArea Titles :: SmithyGCN
CoolEvil Seal :: SmithyGCN
CoolSoul Barriers :: SmithyGCN
CuteSoul Set A :: SmithyGCN
CoolCharacter Portraits :: SmithyGCN
CuteChronomage Pillar & Cannon :: SmithyGCN
CoolGame Over Screen :: SmithyGCN
CoolHaunted Portrait :: SmithyGCN
CuteSoul Set B :: SmithyGCN
CoolHUD :: King Metroid
CoolWeapon Icons :: King Metroid

CoolThe Lost Village :: Geckosan

Unlike Dawn of Sorrow, the palette files are far more disorganized and chaotic in Portrait of Ruin, so palettes are harder to find.
This is just a forewarning.

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin-

Playable Characters:

Blank Jonathon Morris
Blank Charlotte Aulin
CuteRichter Belmont :: King Metroid
Blank Maria Renard
CuteLoretta :: SmithyGCN
CuteStella :: SmithyGCN
Blank Old Axe Armor


CuteVincent Dorin :: SmithyGCN
CuteWind :: SmithyGCN


CoolBehemth :: SmithyGCN
CuteDullahan :: SmithyGCN
CoolKeremet :: SmithyGCN
Blank Astarte
Blank Legion
Blank Dagon
CoolDeath :: SmithyGCN
Blank The Creature
Blank Werewolf
Blank Medusa
Blank Mummy Man
CuteBrauner :: SmithyGCN
CuteAbaddon :: SmithyGCN
CuteAguni :: SmithyGCN
CuteBalore :: SmithyGCN
CuteGergoth :: SmithyGCN
CuteZephyr :: SmithyGCN
CoolFake Trevor :: Deathbringer
Blank Fake Grant
CoolFake Sypha :: Deathbringer
CoolCount Dracula :: SmithyGCN
Blank True Dracula
(Don't worry about the Doppelganger - it uses the same sprites as the playable characters)


CoolDeath Mask :: SmithyGCN
CoolDemon Head :: SmithyGCN
CuteGlasya Labolas :: SmithyGCN
CuteVapula :: SmithyGCN
CoolGreat Armor :: King Metroid
CoolGhost :: King Metroid
CoolCave Troll :: King Metroid
Blank Zombie & Wight
CoolBat :: King Metroid
CuteSpin Devil :: Paddy
CoolSkeleton & Yorick :: Paddy
Blank Axe Armor
Blank Zacchino
CoolStudent Witch :: Paddy
Blank Slinger
Blank Mini Devil
Blank Mud Man
Blank Merman
CoolMedusa Head :: Deathbringer
CuteUne & Corpseweed :: SmithyGCN
CuteSkull Archer :: Paddy
Blank Ukoback
Blank Forneus
Blank Peeping Eye (texture)
Blank Skull Bartender
CuteFrozen Shade :: SmithyGCN
Blank Andras
Blank Invisible Man
Blank Golem
Blank Persephone
CoolMimic :: King Metroid
Blank Larva
Blank Lerajie
Blank Spittle Bone
CoolBlood Skeleton :: Gemini
CuteArmor Knight :: Paddy
Blank Ectoplasm
Blank Bone Pillar
CoolFlea Man :: Deathbringer
CoolCatoblepas and Gorgon :: SmithyGCN
Blank Slime
Blank Mummy
Blank Dragon Zombie
CuteKiller Clown :: SmithyGCN
Blank Coppelia
Blank Hanged Bones
Blank Flying Skull
Blank Sand Worm
CoolWhite Dragon :: SmithyGCN
Blank Amphisbaena
Blank Elgiza
Blank Great Ghost
CoolRuler Sword :: Gemini
CoolSkull Bartender :: Deathbringer
CoolHeavy Armor :: Deathbringer
CoolNyx :: Maxim

Miscellaneous Objects:

CoolPlatforms :: SmithyGCN
CuteSave Statue :: SmithyGCN
CuteWarp Stone :: SmithyGCN
CuteArea Titles :: SmithyGCN
CoolFace Portraits :: SmithyGCN
CoolWait Cube Statue :: King Metroid
CoolBuried Chamber Misc. :: SmithyGCN
CoolEntrance Misc. :: SmithyGCN
CoolGallery :: SmithyGCN
CoolGame Over Screens :: SmithyGCN
CoolPrologue Screens :: SmithyGCN
CoolTitle Screen :: SmithyGCN
CoolItems :: SmithyGCN
CoolCharlotte's Magic :: SmithyGCN
CoolCharlotte's Weapons :: SmithyGCN


CoolStudio Portrait :: SmithyGCN
Blank Master's Keep
Blank Entrance
Blank Throne Room
Blank City of Haze
Blank Sandy Grave
Blank Nation of Fools
Blank 13th Street
Blank Dark Academy
Blank Forest of Doom
Blank Burnt Paradise
Blank Nest of Evil
Blank Forgotten City
Blank Ending Scene

Castlevania: Order of Eclessia

Playable Characters:

CoolShanoa :: SmithyGCN


CuteVillagers :: SmithyGCN


Blank Giant Skeleton
CuteArthroverta :: Ridureyu
Blank Brachyura
CuteManeater :: Ridureyu
Blank Rusalka
CoolGoliath :: SmithyGCN
Blank Gravedorcus
Big Grin Albus :: SmithyGCN
Blank Barlowe
CuteWall Man :: Ridureyu
CuteBlackmore :: SmithyGCN
CoolEligor :: SmithyGCN
CuteDeath :: SmithyGCN
CoolCount Dracula :: SmithyGCN
CoolJiang Shi :: SmithyGCN


CoolZombie and Ghoul :: SmithyGCN
CoolGhost :: SmithyGCN
CoolSkeleton & Yorick :: Paddy
Blank Bone Scimitar
CuteSea Stinger :: Gemini
Blank Axe Knight
Blank Merman & ... Merman (two types)
CuteSkull Archer :: Paddy
CuteArmor Knight aka Spear Guard :: Paddy
Blank Invisible Man
CoolGelso :: Ridureyu
Blank Needles
Blank Demon
Blank Fishhead
CuteDark Octopus :: Gemini
Blank Killer Fish
Blank Forneus
CoolThe Creature :: SmithyGCN
CoolBlack Crow :: Deathbringer
CuteSkull Spider :: Ridureyu
Blank Scarecrow
CuteSea Demon :: Ridureyu
CoolWinged Guard & Flying Skeleton :: Deathbringer
CoolNightmare :: Ridureyu
Blank Rock Knight
Blank Fire Demon
Blank Bitterfly
CuteSpecter :: SmithyGCN
CuteGrave Digger :: Ridureyu
CuteWerebat :: Gemini
CoolBlack Fomor :: Deathbringer
Blank Enkidu
CuteBone Pillar :: Deathbringer
CoolSkeleton Frisky :: Deathbringer
CuteSkeleton Hero :: Deathbringer
CuteDullahan :: Deathbringer
CoolSkeleton Rex :: Ridureyu
CuteSt. Elmo :: Ridureyu
CuteLorelai :: Ridureyu
CuteEdimmu :: Ridureyu
CoolDecarabia :: Ridureyu
CoolEvil Force :: Deathbringer
CoolWhite Dragon :: Deathbringer
CuteUne & Corpseweed :: SmithyGCN
CoolCave Troll :: King Metroid
CoolBat :: King Metroid
Blank Skeleton Beast
CoolEctoplasm :: Deathbringer
Blank Automaton ZX26
CuteMiss Murder :: Ridureyu
Blank Curse Diva
CuteLizardman & Lizardman Blade :: SmithyGCN
CoolOwl :: Deathbringer
CuteAltair :: Gemini
Blank Thunder Demon
CoolArachne :: SmithyGCN
CuteBalloon Pod :: Deathbringer
Blank Werewolf
CuteMimic :: Gemini
CoolFlea Man :: Deathbringer
CoolStone Rose :: Deathbringer
CuteLady Cat & Black Panther :: Gemini
CoolYeti :: Paddy
Blank Armored Beast
CuteJersey Devil :: Ridureyu
CuteNOT Chosen Une :: Gemini
CuteOwl Knight :: Gemini
CoolWhite Fomor :: Deathbringer
CuteMad Butcher :: Gemini
CuteMad Snatcher :: Gemini
CuteNominon & Polkir :: SmithyGCN
CuteNecromancer :: SmithyGCN
CutePeeping Eye & Bugbear :: SmithyGCN
CoolBlood Skeleton :: Gemini
Blank Gargoyle
CuteDraculina :: SmithyGCN
CuteNova Skeleton :: Gemini
Blank Blade Master
Blank Gashida
Blank Ghurka Master
Blank Double Hammer & Hammer Shaker
Blank Red Smasher
CoolImp :: Deathbringer
Blank Automaton ZX27
CoolSpectral Sword :: Gemini
CoolMedusa Head & Gorgon Head :: Deathbringer
Blank Rebuild
CoolGreat Knight :: Gemini
CoolKing Skeleton :: Gemini
CoolFinal Knight :: Gemini
CuteLilith :: Gemini
Blank Demon Lord
Blank Weapon Master


CuteBarrel & Door :: SmithyGCN
CoolTreasure Chests :: SmithyGCN
CoolGlyphs :: SmithyGCN
Blank Blue Glyph Powers
CuteRed Glyph Powers :: SmithyGCN
CoolEcclesia Ingame Map :: SmithyGCN
CoolMini Map :: SmithyGCN
CoolMonastary Ingame Map :: SmithyGCN
Blank Ruvas Forest Ingame Map
Blank Kalidus Channel Ingame Map
Blank Somnus Reef Ingame Map
Blank Minera Prison Island Ingame Map
Blank Lighthouse Ingame Map
Blank Tymeo Mountains Ingame Map
Blank Misty Forest Road Ingame Map
Blank Skeleton Cave Ingame Map
Blank Giant's Dwelling Ingame Map
Blank Wygol Village Ingame Map
Blank Oblivion Ridge Ingame Map
Blank Agila Swamp Ingame map
Blank Mystery Manor Ingame Map
CoolDracula's Castle Ingame Map :: SmithyGCN
Blank Training Hall Ingame Map
Blank Large Cavern Ingame Map
Blank Training Hall: Spinning Platforms
Blank Pillar of Fire
CoolOverworld Map & Icons :: SmithyGCN
CoolSave Point Statue :: SmithyGCN
Blank Heart Generator
CoolDominus Statue + Scene :: SmithyGCN & Ridureyu (collaborative effort)
Blank Labyrinth: Pushable Stone Block
Blank Mechanical Tower: Clock
Blank Mechanical Tower: Gear
CoolGlyph Statue :: SmithyGCN
CoolCerberus Statue :: Ridureyu
Blank Destructible Objects
Blank Cerberus Door
CoolCharacter Portraits :: Barubary
CoolItems :: SmithyGCN
CoolArea Title Headers :: SmithyGCN
CuteCats :: for Shiraku
CoolStained-Glass Opening :: SmithyGCN
CoolSteel Traps :: SmithyGCN
CuteIron Maiden :: Ridureyu


Blank Ecclesia
Blank Monastery
Blank Ruvas Forest
Blank Kalidus Channel
Blank Somnus Reef
Blank Minera Prison Island
Blank Lighthouse
Blank Tymeo Mountains
Blank Misty Forest Road
Blank Skeleton Cave
Blank Giant's Dwelling
CoolWygol Village :: Geckosama
CoolWygol Village -Inside- :: SmithyGCN
Blank Oblivion Ridge
Blank Agila Swamp
Blank Mystery Manor
Blank Library - Bloody Tomes -
Blank Castle Entrance - Nightmare Gate -
Blank Forsaken Cloister - Gazing Toward Heaven -
Blank Underground Labyrinth - Flirting with Shadows -
Blank Training Hall
Blank Large Cavern
Blank Barracks - Distant Memory -
Blank Mechanical Tower - Styx Passage -
Blank Arms Depot - Cry in the Night -
Blank Final Approach - Dust to Dust -
CoolBoss Rush Mode :: SmithyGCN
CoolDracula's Castle - Entrance Tileset 01 :: SmithyGCN
CoolArea Connection Room :: SmithyGCN

All of Ecclesia's lists are under construction.

This list is being constructed upon. Please wait as I try to fix things due to the post a thread function is slower than molasses running uphill. Blank


Unlike Dawn and Portrait, you don't use GGD for this title as it doesn't use the same palette variables as the palettes can only be retrieved from the save states.

Get this Tile Molester file and replace the old one in the program's main folder:

This will enable you to read the save states directly.

Next, you will need to strip your rom bare. This means going to the end of the file in a Hex Editor and deleting ALL of the FF variables you see at the end (may take a while as there are quite a few).
Save it.


Download THIS file to the same folder as your No$Gba emulator.

This file decompresses the save state files (.SNA) so they can be read by Tile Molester for palettes. This DOES however add on about 3 megs to the files so be careful.

Play the game until you reach the subject of what you want to rip and save a state.

Next, load up Tile Molester and Tahaxan. Load the rom itself into tile molester. Choose 4bpp linear, reverse order and 2D mode in your view options. Hit Navigate => Go and a window will pop up asking for an offset. Go to Tahaxan and select the .dat file of the sprites you want to rip and check the left hand side of Tahaxan to check the offset number of that file (it's in a box window showing the file's statistics). Input the offset into Tile Molester and it'll take you to the beginning of that specific collection of sprites.
Go to palettes and import a file. The file being the save state you made. Voila. You can now cycle through all of the available palettes currently loaded in the room you saved your state in.


If you want to rip a sprite - first RESERVE it (up to 5 at a time), then RIP it, and then SHOW it off.

NEW NOTICE: Also, I'd like to point out that those people who have ripped sheets, while perfectly capable of putting these sheets on their own site as they should, should also submit sheets they ripped for this project in the submission forums as that this is for in the first place. This is so that most of these sheets don't go to waste.
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
Thanked by:
Lovely job Smile
Any plans for Order of Ecclesia?
I think it just came out yesterday.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
Thanked by:
Yes, in fact, haven't played through entirely, so there's no list... yet.

Anyway, feel free to join in.
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
Thanked by:
I'm looking forward to helping with Ecclesia when I have some time.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
Thanked by:
I would jump right in and completely help with all three of these titles if I knew how to work tile molester and tahaxan, the best I can use is animget. I'm a massive Castlevania fan and have all three of the DS titles, so this seems like the perfect opportunity that I just can't jump into. D':
Thanked by:
(10-22-2008, 11:14 PM)Shiraku Wrote: I would jump right in and completely help with all three of these titles if I knew how to work tile molester and tahaxan, the best I can use is animget. I'm a massive Castlevania fan and have all three of the DS titles, so this seems like the perfect opportunity that I just can't jump into. D':

You don't necesarrily need those tools: GGD is a simpler program you can run and DS Lazy is ideal for dumping the whole rom easily instead of just one file at a time. Smile
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
Thanked by:
(10-22-2008, 11:52 PM)SmithyGCN Wrote: You don't necesarrily need those tools: GGD is a simpler program you can run and DS Lazy is ideal for dumping the whole rom easily instead of just one file at a time. Smile

GGD? Can you be more specific? All I find when I search for that are random companies and the Goo Goo Dolls.
Thanked by:
It's in his first post, just click the link.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
Thanked by:
Wow, you've done a lot already. I'm sursprised that so many bosses/enemies are recycled. =/
Thanked by:
Albus is a playable character as well (via Albus mode), should you add him to the playable character list of Order of Ecclesia? Also, thanks for pointing out my blindness. =( I'll try to figure out this GGD thing and start working on Order of Ecclesia's sprites.
Thanked by:
Iga has a bad habit of okaying recycled material regardless of how much the styles clash, GM. :/
It's one of the various reasons why I don't really like the guy too awful much.

Anyway, the Ecclesia list is being updated as I play through the game.
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
Thanked by:
Wallman was/is awesome.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:
Updated up til Training Hall. Blackmore doesn't joke around as you are kept backed into a corner the whole fight. Ouch!
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
Thanked by:
The Ecclesia is pretty much finished. Smile There're probably a few things missing from the miscellaneous section like the ending scenes and particular special cut scene graphics, but all is go.
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
Thanked by:
To celebrate the completion (or illusion thereof) of the Ecclesia lists:


In case you are wondering: no, we didn't find the palette thread for Ecclesia as it doesn't use the same palette conventions the previous titles do.
I'm finding it easier to rip this game than the other two. O_O

I'll explain in the first post in a bit on how to rip this title, but for now, here's a new sheet, the optional boss of the game:

Jiang Shi
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
Thanked by:

Forum Jump: