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the poop happens world we live in thread 2XXX
08-18-2012, 01:55 PM
I woke up at 2am last night after a bad dream, and didn't fall asleep again for another 2 hours or so. I woke up again at about 7, and couldn't get back to sleep even though I felt really, really tired. Already today I've nearly passed out twice, first when I got out of bed, then later when I was in the kitchen. As usual I'm feeling really stressed about a bunch of things, to the point where I can physically feel the stress building up inside of me. The headaches are pretty much constant at the moment, and I'm finding it really hard to think. Even the strongest headache pills we have in the house are doing absolutely nothing for me.
Edit: Okay, so I went upstairs a while ago to lie down since I was feeling too tired and stressed to even move properly. I managed to -slowly- climb up the stairs without trouble but by the time I got to my room I was having heart pains. Seconds after lying down on the bed, I just let myself pass out without resisting it like I had earlier. Anyway, some time later my friend woke me up. I felt really woozy for a few minutes (I couldn't focus properly on what she was saying at first, and my vision was blurry.) But now I just feel strange. On the one hand, I'm more relaxed physically but I also feel like I could just burst into tears at any moment...
08-19-2012, 08:34 PM
I took a shower just a few minutes ago
When I was finished, I turned off the water, as one usually does The hot handle turned fine, as did the cold, with one minor exception The cold handle broke off of the faucet in such a manner that repair is impossible, Requiring me to gut my shower wall to replace the entire faucet assembly Oh well, at least it broke after I turned it off
08-20-2012, 05:50 AM
Nope alcohol and depression don't mix.
08-20-2012, 10:57 AM
Missed a few hours of sleep again. Woo.
My headaches are becoming milder and less frequent now, but I'm barely feeling any better overall. I'm still tired/having trouble concentrating.
08-20-2012, 01:44 PM
so as it turns out, the one cat i spent nearly $400 on about 3 months ago is sick again. this time its $500 + medication which is probably another $100 and we simply can't afford that much right now
on top of this, my college classes start today and i can't concentrate on them due to this i fucking hate my life and want to die soon
"Welcome to hell current population: Toomany to count."
Anyway The world's too freaken expensive as Soniku pointed out. The governments need to solve their money issues since it's running the place to the ground(The World, not TSR) Eddit: Found out that a big Wasp's nest is hanging outside my neighbors back door, so the escape route in which I would've used when a certain person came over to his house while I was beating him in some bloody knuckles, is noexistant at the moment.(I don't need a face of wasps) Not good, near got smoothered, and had no way to escape undetected. Edit 2: Just finished off the last decent canned food I had, and now I'm going to be stuck eating crappy canned chili for the next 3 & 1/2 weeks. I'm going to die in a ditch before I finish all of that chili... If I survive the next 3 weeks, I'm never going to eat chili ever again.
08-20-2012, 10:33 PM
First day of college tomorrow. I have all my suppli........wait where the fuck is my math book? What do you mean my used copy never came in? Wait what, I now owe 200 bucks for a fucking book? Oh and I can only get it 10 minutes before class tomorrow? FUCKING AWESOME
08-21-2012, 04:10 AM
I hardly slept at all last night. Also, one of the neighbours had like 10 cellphone calls during the night, so I kept having to hear her god-awful ringtone which was so loud I could hear it from my side of the wall.
08-21-2012, 07:00 AM
I don't even know what I'm doing any more, I really really don't.
08-21-2012, 12:53 PM
i was dropped from my anthropology class for not entering the online course yesterday when i fuckin did
fuck my life
The food tastes crappy, now I'm definately sure I'm half dead.
And I'm going to school tomarrow with no schedual, hell I don't even know what homeroom I have, or even the building number for my homeroom either. They haven't notified me of my classes that were accepted either. I'm pissed. Bullshit, it's all fucking bullshit. adsdsghfsgdsfdgsfdagdfasgdfagdfgsadfasd :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :tableflip:
08-21-2012, 02:50 PM
And the lesson of this thread?
Schools, college and lesser, are literally Businesses of Bull Shit.
08-21-2012, 03:02 PM
Exactly. ~de arimasu.
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