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First day of NYCC, I'm at the (mediocre) Street Fighter 25th anniversary panel when Ono (yes, the producer of SF4) paraded through the audience, shouting in English "Hey, hey! I have one more news!!" and I shit you not, in full Chun-Li cosplay as he made his way up to the stage.

During his announcement, he mentioned something brief about SFxT and showing a screenshot from EVO (?) stating DARKSTALKERS ARE NOT DEAD
The crowd gets excited. He then reveals that there's something he'd like to show us.

Cue a graveyard. The crowd goes insane, because we all knew where this is going. It was a really fricken nice trailer featuring Raptor and Dmitri, with the words at the end reading

Now we're all hyped as fuck. He then takes this time with his interpreter to introduce Darkstalkers Ressurection, a port for PS3 and XBOX360 similar to that of 3rd Strike Online and Marvel VS Capcom Origins.
It ports Night Warriors and Darkstalkers 3 - according to Capcom staff, it's due to the fact that there's such a difference in the engine and mechanics of the two that most players debate on which one is better, so why not include both in one $15 package?
It's got mostly all the features of MVCO, but there's a combo challenge mode that also explains why the combo is practical in advanced play (hello, skullgirls)

Given the way it was worded, this could go one of two ways:

1) If there's enough financial success on XBLA/PSN with this title, it'll go towards the funding of AN ACTUAL MODERN DARKSTALKERS GAME

2) Given they actually put the time, money and resources into making a decent trailer for the game, this is "the first step in increasing awareness of the Darkstalkers franchise" - as in they're planning to go a route with Darkstalkers similar to that of Street Fighter II HD Remix (aka "fuck money who gives a shit? we're making a new darkstalkers")

[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
Thanked by: Marth
A possible new Darkstalkers game... Big Grin


Quote:If there's enough financial success on XBLA/PSN with this title, it'll go towards the funding of AN ACTUAL MODERN DARKSTALKERS GAME

Color me intrested, but I'll approach with caution. I don't want another Legends 3, as that was DISASTEROUS with IP relations. Also, I'd perfer a modern Darkstalkers game with no on-disc DLC...please?
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They did a good job of choosing the tamest of Jedah's blood pump moves there at the end. Lilith's would have been... an odd choice.

But uhhhhhh, was there ever a version that included every character that appeared throughout the various versions of Vampire Savior? If so, then they really should use that version. If not, then they need to make it.

Eh, I honestly probably won't get this (just 'cause I tend to not buy digital games anyway because I can't throw physical money at the screen and I have no online payment methods) but I will be totally pumped if they ever make a modern one. Though, if it's 3D? I will be kiiiiiiinda pissed. Just a little. (actually I'll be really mad)
Thanked by: Gaia
werent we throwing jars of piss at capcom and burning in our hearts a huge "fuck you we're not buying your shit ever again after legends 3 getting cancelled"
Thanked by: Ton, Gaia, Thumbtacks, recme
as long as there's more felicia i'm okay with it
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Called it. Go me.

I just hope that we get all the characters in Darkstalkers 3 (I think they were available in the Saturn release) being that Vampire Hunter 2 and Vampire Savior 2 don't seem to get a mention.
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I for one, am going to grab this once it comes out. This series deserves as much recognition as Street Fighter.
When your most popular characters are a leotard-wearing succubus and a naked catgirl. You know its an eye-catcher.

They way they're funding a new sequel with this has me interested.
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yeah, those gamers protesting agaisnt capcom and their shenanigans surely flopped their shits at a port that has been delayed for the last 10 years.

its like its worth to even care about their opinions ever again.
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Gamers are utterly crap at boycotts and everything of the like.
With this it's more like Ono Vs Capcom and Ono winning than Capcom being good anyway.
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pff, its more of "lets launch a budget-safe port with no graphical enhacements to please a bunch of nerds and only if they care enough we will even remotely consider milking this franchise again."
Thanked by: Gaia

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